Remember When Liberals Thought The War On Terror Meant Killing Bin Laden And That Was It?


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
Yes, liberals insisted that if and when bin laden was killed, that the war on terror would be over.

Hence, the reason why the democrats need to make up terror group names instead of calling them al qaeda. Really, I think they thought if we killed bin laden and al qaeda was on the run that the war on terror would be over.

The reality is the war on terror will never be over, and it really does not matter what the name is. Al qaeda, khorasan, hamas, muslim brothergood, ISIS, ISIL, hezbollah, it does not matter one bit.

Anyone thinking that this was ever going to be a thump and run after 911, then you are very naive about the nature of fighting fanatics. Especially these fanatics.

Let me clue you in. It will never end. Not if we did what all liberals want and abandon our ally Israel. Not if we did not import one more drop of oil from the ME (what hypocrites liberals are who then protest a pipeline or any drilling here, as though none of them take part in relying on oil).

It is a lot more vast and extensive than that. What is the answer? Well, here is the hint. Japan, once worshiped their emperor as a god. They were once as fanatical as any army we have faced. Kamikaze ring a bell? Well, through OUR influence, Japan slowly and distinctly recovered and they are a strong ally to us today. Tell that to an average American on Dec 8th 1941, and they would have never believed you.

The point is this is in no way some pie in the sky wishful thinking that we have just one quick answer. Unfortunately, in this democrat, liberal, politically correct, ignorant, peacenik world we live in where everything is America's fault, it will never happen.

If we have not learned the extent of the problem after what they pulled on 911, then it will never happen. The liberals to this day are truthers, they think terrorism is a myth, and there is not much we can do to educate them, since they think anyone like me a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, rightwing tea party loon.
The empty seats here at the usmb are like the empty seats at the UN for Bibi's speech. They don't want to hear it...they want to reach out to the radical muslims and negotiate their own demise. They will not fight...they will surrender. Or as in Obabble's case they will defend with words.
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

Let me tell ya what we're gunna do about that terrorism

We will invade their countries and give them DEMOCRACY. They will treat us a liberators and build statues of George Bush. It will only take a few months and that will end terrorism
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

Exactly, to moron liberals, they did not know that the mission of taking out saddam was accomplished. Then again, I am talking about a bunch of hypocrites who claim they care so much about people being tortured, but wish saddam was still alive torturing.

Yes, they do.

To them deposing a leader and capturing a capital is not accomplishing a mission. No, it was accomplished. The rebuilding mission has not been accomplished.

It is necessary to rebuild too, and we are seeing why.

Too bad for rightwinger, I will remind him day and night that hillary said there were WMDs there before Bush took office, and voted for the war.

Then again, the level of stupidity and level of hypocrisy of an asshole like rightwinger makes it pointless for me to communicate with him.
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

Let me tell ya what we're gunna do about that terrorism

We will invade their countries and give them DEMOCRACY. They will treat us a liberators and build statues of George Bush. It will only take a few months and that will end terrorism

We were welcomed as liberators.

Those people are being murdered by al qaeda today.

I guess abandoning them to their own devices was not so wise. Then again, you only pretend to care for those tortured people.

Only when America water boards five terrorists, then we hear from you and your feigned hypocritical disgust.

You ignorant fuck.
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

Let me tell ya what we're gunna do about that terrorism

We will invade their countries and give them DEMOCRACY. They will treat us a liberators and build statues of George Bush. It will only take a few months and that will end terrorism

We were welcomed as liberators.

Those people are being murdered by al qaeda today.

I guess abandoning them to their own devices was not so wise. Then again, you only pretend to care for those tortured people.

Only when America water boards five terrorists, then we hear from you and your feigned hypocritical disgust.

You ignorant fuck.

6000 dead Americans were being treated as liberators?

Imagine if they were pissed that we were there?
The problem that Liberal/Socialists face is not making Islamic terrorism look bad, but making Democrat politics look good in the face of their ignorant disregard for reality.

It is not radical Islamic terrorism, if we don't call it radical Islamic terrorism. We can call it work place violence, and still claim there have been no terrorist attacks on Obama's watch.

It is not Al Quada, if we call it the Korasan group. That keeps the Bin Laden is dead, and Al Quada is on the run slogan viable and less of an outright lie.

If we pretend these Islamic religious fanatics have nothing to do with the Islamic religion, then we can claim we are not at war with islamics. Besides, the fact that we are not at war with anyone, we are just assisting allies by bombing our enemies.

Words have meaning, but if we can properly twist the meanings, we can make them mean anything we want them to mean. It is not a lie, if it is just a misstatement of the truth.
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

Let me tell ya what we're gunna do about that terrorism

We will invade their countries and give them DEMOCRACY. They will treat us a liberators and build statues of George Bush. It will only take a few months and that will end terrorism

We were welcomed as liberators.

Those people are being murdered by al qaeda today.

I guess abandoning them to their own devices was not so wise. Then again, you only pretend to care for those tortured people.

Only when America water boards five terrorists, then we hear from you and your feigned hypocritical disgust.

You ignorant fuck.

6000 dead Americans were being treated as liberators?

Imagine if they were pissed that we were there?

Yeah, we were treated as the liberators we were. You admitting you wish saddam was alive and still torturing?

You would be the first.

I mean if you admitted that, at least you would not a such a hypocrite. Then again, you are an asshole and will always be a hypocrite.

Still pissed hillary voted for war and claimed there were wmds before Bush took office? You seem to be in denial, on top of being a demented, ignorant fuck.
I do remember plenty of RWnuts though saying that Clinton could have prevented 9/11 by killing or capturing Bin Laden when supposedly he had the chance.

I also remember Republicans accusing Clinton of trying to draw attention away from their blowjob investigation by attacking terrorists

Wag that dog!
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?

I love revisionist history

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