Remember When Liberals Thought The War On Terror Meant Killing Bin Laden And That Was It?

Yes, liberals insisted that if and when bin laden was killed, that the war on terror would be over.

Hence, the reason why the democrats need to make up terror group names instead of calling them al qaeda. Really, I think they thought if we killed bin laden and al qaeda was on the run that the war on terror would be over.

The reality is the war on terror will never be over, and it really does not matter what the name is. Al qaeda, khorasan, hamas, muslim brothergood, ISIS, ISIL, hezbollah, it does not matter one bit.

Anyone thinking that this was ever going to be a thump and run after 911, then you are very naive about the nature of fighting fanatics. Especially these fanatics.

Let me clue you in. It will never end. Not if we did what all liberals want and abandon our ally Israel. Not if we did not import one more drop of oil from the ME (what hypocrites liberals are who then protest a pipeline or any drilling here, as though none of them take part in relying on oil).

It is a lot more vast and extensive than that. What is the answer? Well, here is the hint. Japan, once worshiped their emperor as a god. They were once as fanatical as any army we have faced. Kamikaze ring a bell? Well, through OUR influence, Japan slowly and distinctly recovered and they are a strong ally to us today. Tell that to an average American on Dec 8th 1941, and they would have never believed you.

The point is this is in no way some pie in the sky wishful thinking that we have just one quick answer. Unfortunately, in this democrat, liberal, politically correct, ignorant, peacenik world we live in where everything is America's fault, it will never happen.

If we have not learned the extent of the problem after what they pulled on 911, then it will never happen. The liberals to this day are truthers, they think terrorism is a myth, and there is not much we can do to educate them, since they think anyone like me a knuckle dragging, mouth breathing, rightwing tea party loon. Killing OBL was never the End All and Be All.....but at least it was an Accomplishment. Or don't you think so?
Yes, liberals insisted that if and when bin laden was killed, that the war on terror would be over.


No, I don't remember that either.

And -- who's this guy? He comes to the door, says he's "with the OP"....

That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

Let me tell ya what we're gunna do about that terrorism

We will invade their countries and give them DEMOCRACY. They will treat us a liberators and build statues of George Bush. It will only take a few months and that will end terrorism

We were welcomed as liberators.

Those people are being murdered by al qaeda today.

I guess abandoning them to their own devices was not so wise. Then again, you only pretend to care for those tortured people.

Only when America water boards five terrorists, then we hear from you and your feigned hypocritical disgust.

You ignorant fuck.

6000 dead Americans were being treated as liberators?

Imagine if they were pissed that we were there?

Yeah, we were treated as the liberators we were. You admitting you wish saddam was alive and still torturing?
You would be the first.

I mean if you admitted that, at least you would not a such a hypocrite. Then again, you are an asshole and will always be a hypocrite.

Still pissed hillary voted for war and claimed there were wmds before Bush took office? You seem to be in denial, on top of being a demented, ignorant fuck.

Saddam was a total will get very few to disagree with that. But can you say that Iraq and the world are better places with him gone and what had filled that power vacuum?
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?

If the crew completing its mission was such a big deal......Why didn't Bush even mention it in his "Mission Accomplished" speech?

Revisionist History 101
Imagine how different the world would be if President Clinton had pulled the trigger on bin Laden in 1998. There would have been no 9/11, says Michael Scheuer, and probably no Iraq war. “I worked hard to try to kill him,” Clinton insisted in the Wallace interview. “I authorized a finding for the CIA to kill him. We contracted with people to kill him. I got closer to killing him than anybody has gotten since.” But when he could have, he didn’t. Even if it truly was out of concern for Kandahari civilians, this question posed rhetorically by Scheuer cuts to the heart of the matter: “Who was he elected to protect, Kandaharis or Americans?”

Clinton Admits He Passed on Killing Bin Laden FrontPage Magazine

Those darn liberals
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?
Then how nice to hold them an extra day off the coast of San Diego for a presidential photo op, eh?
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?

If the crew completing its mission was such a big deal......Why didn't Bush even mention it in his "Mission Accomplished" speech?

Revisionist History 101
Mission Accomplished speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why did Bush regret the sign too....if it was only to indicate the end of the deployment......

Why don't all carriers have such signs when they return?
Oh goody. The liberals, in their classic double talk are trying to have it both ways. Then again they have it both ways all of the time, don;t they?

Saddam was an evil but.....
I am glad Saddam is gone but.....

But what? There is only one reason he is gone and his torture chambers were closed down and that is Bush, along with the good democrats that agreed he needed to be taken out.

He did not say it in his speech due to the over all pathetic political fall out by the media who did not know or understand what logistics of war are.

Stupid, ignorant, moronic liberals.

Talk about revisionist history. Don't make me post Clinton signing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs.
Oh goody. The liberals, in their classic double talk are trying to have it both ways. Then again they have it both ways all of the time, don;t they?

Saddam was an evil but.....
I am glad Saddam is gone but.....

But what? There is only one reason he is gone and his torture chambers were closed down and that is Bush, along with the good democrats that agreed he needed to be taken out.

He did not say it in his speech due to the over all pathetic political fall out by the media who did not know or understand what logistics of war are.

Stupid, ignorant, moronic liberals.

Talk about revisionist history. Don't make me post Clinton signing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs. you think Iraq and the world are better places now with Saddam gone?
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?

If the crew completing its mission was such a big deal......Why didn't Bush even mention it in his "Mission Accomplished" speech?

Revisionist History 101
Mission Accomplished speech - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia

Why did Bush regret the sign too....if it was only to indicate the end of the deployment......

Why don't all carriers have such signs when they return?

You would think that if George Bush flew all the way out there, made a spectacular carrier landing all to recognize a carrier completing its mission.....that he would have at least mentioned it in his speech
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?

I love revisionist history
Whats not true in my post?
Oh goody. The liberals, in their classic double talk are trying to have it both ways. Then again they have it both ways all of the time, don;t they?

Saddam was an evil but.....
I am glad Saddam is gone but.....

But what? There is only one reason he is gone and his torture chambers were closed down and that is Bush, along with the good democrats that agreed he needed to be taken out.

He did not say it in his speech due to the over all pathetic political fall out by the media who did not know or understand what logistics of war are.

Stupid, ignorant, moronic liberals.

Talk about revisionist history. Don't make me post Clinton signing the Iraq Liberation Act for WMDs. you think Iraq and the world are better places now with Saddam gone?

At least you admit you wish saddam was still alive torturing people. Then again, I always knew you pretend to care about tortured people.

I always knew every one of you are pieces of shit.

There is only one reason why the ME is falling apart.

That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?
Then how nice to hold them an extra day off the coast of San Diego for a presidential photo op, eh?
If Obama did the same thing, you would be saying the soldiers would love to see the president.
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?

I love revisionist history
Whats not true in my post?

GWB himself didnt give that as a reason. He actually regretted it.
I can name one liberal some of you may have heard of who DIDN"T say that:

"Yet his death does not mark the end of our effort. There’s no doubt that al Qaeda will continue to pursue attacks against us. We must –- and we will -- remain vigilant at home and abroad."

I wonder if the author of this thread can guess which liberal said the above?
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?
Then how nice to hold them an extra day off the coast of San Diego for a presidential photo op, eh?
If Obama did the same thing, you would be saying the soldiers would love to see the president.

If you had wings you'd be a 747
Yes, liberals insisted that if and when bin laden was killed, that the war on terror would be over.

Name ten liberals who said that.
Obama said after killing
That actual mission was accomplished, why do you hate our great soldiers. In Obama's war, when will you start counting the deaths again?

What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?
Then how nice to hold them an extra day off the coast of San Diego for a presidential photo op, eh?
If Obama did the same thing, you would be saying the soldiers would love to see the president.

If you had wings you'd be a 747
If you had a brain, you'd be a conservative.
Obama: 'Global War on Terror' Is Over

Obama Global War on Terror Is Over - US News

The "Global War on Terror" is over, President Barack Obama announced Thursday, saying the military and intelligence agencies will not wage war against a tactic but will instead focus on a specific group of networks determined to destroy the U.S.

This shift in rhetoric accompanies new or updated efforts to defeat al-Qaida and its affiliates, the president said in a speech at the National Defense University within Washington, DC's Fort McNair. Al-Qaida in Pakistan and Afghanistan is on a "path to defeat," he said, so the U.S. must focus instead on al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula -- "the most active" in plotting against the U.S. -- homegrown violent extremism and unrest in the Arab world that leads to attacks like the assault on the Benghazi diplomatic post.


Does that count?
Yes, liberals insisted that if and when bin laden was killed, that the war on terror would be over.

Name ten liberals who said that.
Obama said after killing
What mission?
The crews 10 month mission the crew preformed, the longest such mission since the Vietnam war. The crew requested the banner. Of course liberals will deprive our great soldiers satisfaction, if they can use it to make political points. Like I said, in obama's war, when will you start counting casualties? You won't, you can't gain political points in doing so. Can I say hypocrite?
Then how nice to hold them an extra day off the coast of San Diego for a presidential photo op, eh?
If Obama did the same thing, you would be saying the soldiers would love to see the president.

If you had wings you'd be a 747
If you had a brain, you'd be a conservative.

lol, if you had a brain you'd be two conservatives.

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