Remember when MSM was so outraged about Pres.Trump’s withdrawal from Syria

As general media policy was to tongue-bathe Trump for whatever he did, I don't remember any of them criticizing Trump for any foreign poliicy decisions.

And liberals generally supported Trump's decision in Afghanstan, just as we supported Biden continuing it. It's a consistency thing, so conservatives won't be able to understand.
I remember only what I caught on the car's radio and I don't drive too much. From what I do remember the media's complaint was about how we sold out the Kurds, wasn't it?
They've known for a year and a half we were leaving. They have no right to expect people's children and parents to sacrifice their lives because they chose to risk staying. They can hope diplomacy works or that things stabilize enough for them to get out. hsb
I have to agree, people have to take some responsility for their own safety. The number one rule in life is do not depend on the government for anything

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