Remember when Obama claimed credit for the US oil boom

Stop making stupid claims like "Obama deserves credit for increased US oil production" when every sentient American knows he tried to reduce oil production.
I gave you specific ways Obama's policies contributed to expanded oil production.

On the other side I've yet to hear anyone even so much as attempt to explain what Trump did, while giving him full credit for expanded oil production.

So take your "someone knows" and shove it you know where, that's not an actual response.
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I gave you specific ways Obama's policies contributed to expanded oil production.

On the other side I've yet to hear anyone even so much as attempt to explain what Trump did, while giving him full credit for expanded oil production.

So take your "someone knows" and shove it you know where, that's not an actual response.

I gave you specific ways Obama's policies contributed to expanded oil production.

The only specific I saw from you was, in December 2015, after huge production gains had already been made, with no help from him, he allowed oil exports.

And oh, yeah, he increased demand. LOL!

I don't ever remember him saying we should consume more oil.

Do you? Link?

On the other side I've yet to hear anyone even so much as attempt to explain what Trump did, while giving him full credit for expanded oil production.

Well, he did stop Obama's endless attempts to add more regulations on oil.
And on CO2 as pollution. What a joke that was.
He approved Keystone XL, after Obama spent 7 years hemming and hawing.
Not true, but again what did Trump do for him to get all the credit for growth during Obama's term and his own?
What did he do?

Trump only gets credit for growth the occured during his administration.
I gave you specific ways Obama's policies contributed to expanded oil production.
You gave us ways that don't expand oil production.

On the other side I've yet to hear anyone even so much as attempt to explain what Trump did, while giving him full credit for expanded oil production.

He eliminated regulations on fracking, he opened ANWAR to drilling, he reduced regulations in general.
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From your link:

Obama did, however, lift a longstanding ban on crude-oil exports in 2015

And for some reason you are not asking causality questions of Trump, you just give him full credit, which sure seems to indicate one sided bias of your thought process.
I give credit to Presidents who pursue policies towards lowering energy costs. Any President would do himself a disservice to himself if he didn’t lift export bans when production is up. Obama knows how not to fuck up something like that.
Biden lost his case in court over restricting leasing, and has in fact been forced to issue leases on public lands anyway, in fact more leases than under Trump. In any case, its most about fraud and selling leases to private companies at far less than their market value, always has been.

How taxpayers are scammed out of billions on leases.

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OIl is still dirt cheap historically relative to inflation, and as always it's better to burn up everybody else's instead of our own while the prices remain dirt cheap, regardless of who is President, always has been better to do so. According to Freepers and Town Squallers. if you can't afford something it's because you're lazy and have no skills, and you should just get two more jobs and work 140 hours a week and stuff.
Regarding the oil use from other nations, that was more important in another era. Oil fluctuates too much on political agendas as we see.
I gave you specific ways Obama's policies contributed to expanded oil production.

The only specific I saw from you was, in December 2015, after huge production gains had already been made, with no help from him, he allowed oil exports.

And oh, yeah, he increased demand. LOL!

I don't ever remember him saying we should consume more oil.

Do you? Link?

On the other side I've yet to hear anyone even so much as attempt to explain what Trump did, while giving him full credit for expanded oil production.

Well, he did stop Obama's endless attempts to add more regulations on oil.
And on CO2 as pollution. What a joke that was.
He approved Keystone XL, after Obama spent 7 years hemming and hawing.
Did you just seriously say that?

Keystone XL would not transfer even a drop of oil until 2024 and you think it had something to do with oil production in 2019? Seriously dummy?

Why don't put togather a few big boy words and actually say which specific policy by Trump added American oil to market in 2019.

And when you are done with that explain why Trump should get full credit for continious drop in American oil trade balance since 2007.

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Keystone XL would not transfer even a drop of oil until 2024 and you think it had something to do with oil production in 2019? Seriously dummy?

When you've got a twat in the White House who hems and haws for 7 years and then rejects a pipeline, you know that companies are going to be more reluctant to invest.
Well, you don't understand that, but intelligent people do.

You probably didn't realize that it was also going to transport US oil, because you're ignorant.


And when you are done with that explain why Trump should get full credit for continious drop in American oil trade balance since 2007.

Full credit? Where did I say that?
I just said Obama did NOTHING to increase domestic production and, in fact, tried to reduce it.
He eliminated regulations on fracking, he opened ANWAR to drilling, he reduced regulations in general.

Well except of course ANWAR drilling didn't really justify market prices and certainly would not produce any oil for years and years even if pursued.

Here is what Forbes article trying to quantify Trump policy effects on oil states:

The U.S. withdrawal from the Iran nuclear deal is expected to raise oil prices. Goldman Sachs has been quoted as estimating the increase to be between $3.50 and $7 per barrel. This may be more important than any other measure the administration has taken.

Can't drill our way to lower prices, eh?
Of course you can, just stop blowing smoke up people's asses that it happens overnight.

There are reasonable cause and effects, but that's not what you politico fools are peddling.
Biden lost his case in court over restricting leasing, and has in fact been forced to issue leases on public lands anyway, in fact more leases than under Trump. In any case, its most about fraud and selling leases to private companies at far less than their market value, always has been.

How taxpayers are scammed out of billions on leases.

Liberals Are Unconscious Agents of the Right Wing They Were Born In

The petrocrats also fund the Trustfundie Treehuggers, who are their sons. Artificial shortages caused by nature-worship restrictions increase the profit margin of those who own the rest of the oil.

Another example of the Donkephant: Why would Statists hire the most incompetent, rude, and lazy government workers if they wanted government to look just the opposite of the way it is? Because nothing is the way it is; it's all the way it's made to be by the bipartisan hereditary oligarchy.
I gave you specific ways Obama's policies contributed to expanded oil production.

On the other side I've yet to hear anyone even so much as attempt to explain what Trump did, while giving him full credit for expanded oil production.

So take your "someone knows" and shove it you know where, that's not an actual response.
Obama shutting off shore drilling so SOROS could profit off Petrobas does not count as oil expansion, not for we consumers anyways. It counts for graft and corruption.

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