Remember when Obama said we would save money on health insurance

After Obamacare became "mandatory" the redhead and I decided to go without Health "insurance". We are both exceptionally healthy and lead healthy lifestyles. Neither of us are overweight, we don't smoke, we do not take any prescription medications, and we exercise religiously. We also have a substantial nest egg, so for us , it was a calculated, and I believe very prudent, risk.

Instead of spending $16,000 a year (isn't that fucking outrageous!?) buying a shitty insurance product - we used the money to improve our health by taking some great vacations (Cabo 2x, Costa Rica 1x, and Belize 1x), getting regular massages and other wellness treatments at the Four Season Spa (at least 2x a month or more!) , and by eating an unbelievably healthy diet. The redhead visited the DR once in 2015 for a routine "female" thing. When she told the DR she was a cash patient the DR only charged her $35.00 for the office visit and gave her "free samples" of the medication she needed.

As a bonus- we will not be paying the Obamacare penalty/tax. We own our own business so we were able to under-withhold -so we will be writing a small check to the IRS. They cannot collect from us unless and until we are owed a refund...and that is NEVER going to happen.

Next year, instead of paying for a product we never use, we are planning to visit Peru, Columbia, Brazil, and Argentina........Thanks Obamacare!!


Here's another trick:

I had a balance with my clinic for past services. Instead of paying the $2,000 bill, I decided to pay them $50.00 per month. As long as I have an outstanding medical bill(s), I qualify for an exemption from Commie Care fines.

Sure, I could have paid the bill in full within a few months, but why should I? I would rather use it as an excuse to get the exemption. It's perfectly legal and I'm still paying on that bill.

Good to know. Hopefully the entire clusterfuck will collapse or be repealed, but until it is, I will use every trick I can to avoid paying that silly tax. :thup:
After Obamacare became "mandatory" the redhead and I decided to go without Health "insurance". We are both exceptionally healthy and lead healthy lifestyles. Neither of us are overweight, we don't smoke, we do not take any prescription medications, and we exercise religiously. We also have a substantial nest egg, so for us , it was a calculated, and I believe very prudent, risk.

Instead of spending $16,000 a year (isn't that fucking outrageous!?) buying a shitty insurance product - we used the money to improve our health by taking some great vacations (Cabo 2x, Costa Rica 1x, and Belize 1x), getting regular massages and other wellness treatments at the Four Season Spa (at least 2x a month or more!) , and by eating an unbelievably healthy diet. The redhead visited the DR once in 2015 for a routine "female" thing. When she told the DR she was a cash patient the DR only charged her $35.00 for the office visit and gave her "free samples" of the medication she needed.

As a bonus- we will not be paying the Obamacare penalty/tax. We own our own business so we were able to under-withhold -so we will be writing a small check to the IRS. They cannot collect from us unless and until we are owed a refund...and that is NEVER going to happen.

Next year, instead of paying for a product we never use, we are planning to visit Peru, Columbia, Brazil, and Argentina........Thanks Obamacare!!


Here's another trick:

I had a balance with my clinic for past services. Instead of paying the $2,000 bill, I decided to pay them $50.00 per month. As long as I have an outstanding medical bill(s), I qualify for an exemption from Commie Care fines.

Sure, I could have paid the bill in full within a few months, but why should I? I would rather use it as an excuse to get the exemption. It's perfectly legal and I'm still paying on that bill.

Good to know. Hopefully the entire clusterfuck will collapse or be repealed, but until it is, I will use every trick I can to avoid paying that silly tax. :thup:

When battling criminals, sometimes you have to think like a criminal yourself.
Obama promised $2,500 savings. There's a special place in Hell for him

Right next to the dipsomaniac Teddy Kennedy.

Yes lying for Obama and Hildebeast comes as naturally as abandoning Americans under fire.
Remember when the GOP had no better ideas?
So just not fucking things up for the majority of American voters isn't a better idea???

What planet are you from???

Tens of thousands of Americans have gotten affordable healthcare from the ACA.
And millions lost the insurance and/or Doctor they wanted, Brownshirter.
The ACA didn't cancel a single policy.

That was all the insurance companies who chose to cancel, rather than modify, their policies.
will you get your head out of Obama's ass for one minute and see that he lied to America.. Just admit it !!

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