Remember when Republicans said Obama didn't have any experience?


Gold Member
May 8, 2017
No experience. They were afraid because Obama had no experience.

Remember when Obama went to the GOP retreat?

Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions

I remember the worst things said about Obama was that someone yelled out liar at a congressional speech.
That his was born in Kenya.
That Republicans prayed for his death.
Called him a tar baby and uppity.

And now?

Trump not only has no experience, he has no knowledge.

We are watching the unraveling of a presidency. A thin skinned narcissist who sued someone for suggesting his father was an orangutan.
He has isolated the United States and now, even Republicans are suggesting he needs daycare.

That's the reality. That's who our president is. Republicans have trashed Democrats for decades and now, look at what we have.

The question is, "Will the country manage to keep the damage to a minimum?"
God, I hope not!

I hired him to blow up the leftist regime in Washington, to close down the elitist political class, and give voice to the American people.

He's doing just fine .... sorry, you don't like it.
God, I hope not!

I hired him to blow up the leftist regime in Washington, to close down the elitist political class, and give voice to the American people.

He's doing just fine .... sorry, you don't like it.
He's giving voice to the American people? Which ones? The Nazi's?
God, I hope not!

I hired him to blow up the leftist regime in Washington, to close down the elitist political class, and give voice to the American people.

He's doing just fine .... sorry, you don't like it.
He's giving voice to the American people? Which ones? The Nazi's?

I don't expect you to recognize the majority of Americans .... you hide from them, you take great delight in criticizing them. the left has been deaf to mainstream America for the last 50 years. How's that election thing working out for you? You know ---- the one you lost.
God, I hope not!

I hired him to blow up the leftist regime in Washington, to close down the elitist political class, and give voice to the American people.

He's doing just fine .... sorry, you don't like it.
He's giving voice to the American people? Which ones? The Nazi's?

I don't expect you to recognize the majority of Americans .... you hide from them, you take great delight in criticizing them. the left has been deaf to mainstream America for the last 50 years. How's that election thing working out for you? You know ---- the one you lost.

To idiots like deantard, Americans that respect their own flag and stand during the national anthem are “Nazis”. But masked thugs that intimidate those that don’t agree with them, burn US flags at protests, kneel during the anthem, and support Islamic fascism are considered to be “patriotic”.
No experience. They were afraid because Obama had no experience.

Remember when Obama went to the GOP retreat?

Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions

I remember the worst things said about Obama was that someone yelled out liar at a congressional speech.
That his was born in Kenya.
That Republicans prayed for his death.
Called him a tar baby and uppity.

And now?

Trump not only has no experience, he has no knowledge.

We are watching the unraveling of a presidency. A thin skinned narcissist who sued someone for suggesting his father was an orangutan.
He has isolated the United States and now, even Republicans are suggesting he needs daycare.

That's the reality. That's who our president is. Republicans have trashed Democrats for decades and now, look at what we have.

The question is, "Will the country manage to keep the damage to a minimum?"

Remember when Republicans said Obama didn't have any experience?

I remember they were correct.

Obama Goes To GOP Lions’ Den — And Mauls The Lions

The voters were impressed. So impressed that 277 days later, they gave the Republican 63 new House seats.
God, I hope not!

I hired him to blow up the leftist regime in Washington, to close down the elitist political class, and give voice to the American people.

He's doing just fine .... sorry, you don't like it.
He's giving voice to the American people? Which ones? The Nazi's?

I don't expect you to recognize the majority of Americans .... you hide from them, you take great delight in criticizing them. the left has been deaf to mainstream America for the last 50 years. How's that election thing working out for you? You know ---- the one you lost.
You are so wrong.
Under Obama and the Democrats, millions of Americans got healthcare that never had it before.
Women, who are in the majority, got equal pay for equal work.
Credit card reform was passed.
Student loans were taken away from banks who were making 6 billion a year off of it and that money was freed up for students.
The Democrats worked to make education available for people who lost their jobs when 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.
The list goes on and on.

Republicans want to end healthcare and take that money and give tax breaks to billionaires.

We know these things as facts. Republicans have done a good job playing on race and fear. But it's the Republicans America has to be scared of and Trump proves it.

Feel so sad for the millions of Americans in Puerto Rico.
God, I hope not!

I hired him to blow up the leftist regime in Washington, to close down the elitist political class, and give voice to the American people.

He's doing just fine .... sorry, you don't like it.
What would America look like if Trump did managed to do all that? What would be different? Serious question.
God, I hope not!

I hired him to blow up the leftist regime in Washington, to close down the elitist political class, and give voice to the American people.

He's doing just fine .... sorry, you don't like it.
He's giving voice to the American people? Which ones? The Nazi's?

I don't expect you to recognize the majority of Americans .... you hide from them, you take great delight in criticizing them. the left has been deaf to mainstream America for the last 50 years. How's that election thing working out for you? You know ---- the one you lost.
You are so wrong.
Under Obama and the Democrats, millions of Americans got healthcare that never had it before.
Women, who are in the majority, got equal pay for equal work.
Credit card reform was passed.
Student loans were taken away from banks who were making 6 billion a year off of it and that money was freed up for students.
The Democrats worked to make education available for people who lost their jobs when 87% of lost manufacturing jobs were automated.
The list goes on and on.

Republicans want to end healthcare and take that money and give tax breaks to billionaires.

We know these things as facts. Republicans have done a good job playing on race and fear. But it's the Republicans America has to be scared of and Trump proves it.

Feel so sad for the millions of Americans in Puerto Rico.

Women, who are in the majority, got equal pay for equal work.

When did Obama do that? How?
God, I hope not!

I hired him to blow up the leftist regime in Washington, to close down the elitist political class, and give voice to the American people.

He's doing just fine .... sorry, you don't like it.
What would America look like if Trump did managed to do all that? What would be different? Serious question.

What would be different?

Big money would no longer control the government, because the government would be controlled by the citizenry (pretty hard to buy off 350 million people). Duplication and redundancy would be greatly reduced. The people would be back in charge - no longer would issues be decided by a select few (most unelected) who act in their own selfish interests, rather than the best interests, as defined by the American people.

Those actions delineated in the Constitution as being the province of the Federal government would be centralized. All others would be devolved to the States. There would no longer be larger constituencies ramming their standards and methodologies down the throat of those who don't believe in them. There, by necessity, would be a much stricter compliance with the content, and intent, of the Constitution.

There would be a loosening of the death grip the Federal government exerts on your daily life - instead, that power would devolve back to where it was originally intended - the States. Funding for the federal bureaucracy would also be devolved back to the States. Instead of having 1 massive government entity trying to solve issues, we would have 50 creative incubators. Fifty states would be defining healthcare plans the way THEIR citizens want it defined, rather than some one-size-fits-all band-aid decided by someone who is not invested in the answer (other than to satisfy big donors).

States would make laws that THEIR citizens want. Want to ban guns in Connecticut? Go ahead - just don't mess with guns in New Mexico. Want to eliminate high capacity clips in California? Do it - just don't mess with guns in Texas. Want to legalize marijuana in Massachusetts? Right on - just don't try to bring that garbage into Montana. Ready for this one? Want centralized health care in Oregon? Sign it up - just don't mess with healthcare in Louisiana. Let 50 states try their best - let them look at what the other 49 are doing. Pick the best, reject the rest.

Schools would be more responsive to the people paying for them - and would be more in line with local attitudes. The list goes on and on ---- the federal government has been on a 75 year power grab. This may be the last chance to limit the power of centralized government.

Return the federal government to its assigned functions - let the judiciary protect the rights of all people (they are the check and balance on the states). Let the rest of the government do their job - deliver the mail and provide for the common defense.

That's what would happen - A significantly weakened centralization of power in the federal government, increased control and responsibility at the state and local level, greatly increased citizen influence on their governments, and a citizenry given their Creator-endowed rights to self determination, self reliance, and self improvement.
Did Barry Hussein Obama ever have a freaking job that wasn't paid by taxpayers or endowment fund skimming with his friend and mentor and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers? Harvard educated Hussein Sotoro couldn't even hold a job as a lawyer. His last known job was handing $20's on street corners for votes for democrats. How can you compare that kind of experience to a self made billionaire who met a payroll and actually created things and employed workers?
Not only does Trump have no experience, he has no desire to learn from those who do
Did Barry Hussein Obama ever have a freaking job that wasn't paid by taxpayers or endowment fund skimming with his friend and mentor and former domestic terrorist Bill Ayers? Harvard educated Hussein Sotoro couldn't even hold a job as a lawyer. His last known job was handing $20's on street corners for votes for democrats. How can you compare that kind of experience to a self made billionaire who met a payroll and actually created things and employed workers?
The Great Obama was eminently more qualified than a reality TV host
Obama had experience at writing two books about himself. That was the extent of his experience, and the American people suffered as a result of his ineptitude. Now, libtards, get back down on your knees and suck Bathhouse Barry's knob even harder!
Obama had experience at writing two books about himself. That was the extent of his experience, and the American people suffered as a result of his ineptitude. Now, libtards, get back down on your knees and suck Bathhouse Barry's knob even harder!
Trump paid someone to write Art of the Deal for him

He never even read it
Who was the only president since the depression to never realize an annual GDP of 3%? That's right - the community agitator! Don't forget to swallow!
Obama had experience at writing two books about himself. That was the extent of his experience, and the American people suffered as a result of his ineptitude. Now, libtards, get back down on your knees and suck Bathhouse Barry's knob even harder!
Trump paid someone to write Art of the Deal for him

He never even read it

Trump is a self-made BILLIONAIRE. To compare Bathhouse Barry to Trump is a fucking JOKE. Don't forget to work Barry's balls while you're blowing him.
No experience. They were afraid because Obama had no experience.

Remember when Obama went to the GOP retreat?

Obama Goes To GOP Lions' Den -- And Mauls The Lions

I remember the worst things said about Obama was that someone yelled out liar at a congressional speech.
That his was born in Kenya.
That Republicans prayed for his death.
Called him a tar baby and uppity.

And now?

Trump not only has no experience, he has no knowledge.

We are watching the unraveling of a presidency. A thin skinned narcissist who sued someone for suggesting his father was an orangutan.
He has isolated the United States and now, even Republicans are suggesting he needs daycare.

That's the reality. That's who our president is. Republicans have trashed Democrats for decades and now, look at what we have.

The question is, "Will the country manage to keep the damage to a minimum?"

No one has any experience being President until they are one. Your point cry baby?
Who was the only president since the depression to never realize an annual GDP of 3%? That's right - the community agitator! Don't forget to swallow!

Trump does not have an annual GDP over three percent

He promised four
Obama had experience at writing two books about himself. That was the extent of his experience, and the American people suffered as a result of his ineptitude. Now, libtards, get back down on your knees and suck Bathhouse Barry's knob even harder!
Trump paid someone to write Art of the Deal for him

He never even read it

Trump is a self-made BILLIONAIRE. To compare Bathhouse Barry to Trump is a fucking JOKE. Don't forget to work Barry's balls while you're blowing him.

Trump inherited his money from Daddy. He made less money than if he had just invested in an index fund over the same time period

Obama is a self made millionaire he has never declared bankruptcy like Donnie Dealmaker

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