Remember when Sarah Palin was mocked for predicting Russia would invade Ukraine?

and you're a moron for attributing comments from an SNL skit, by Tina Fey, to her.

Especially when you've been corrected on it for over 12 years.

That is the HEIGHT of stupidity.
Double down on the STUPID

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Do I need to explain the SNL skit to you or are you going to continue to show how gullible you are?
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Palin is an expert on US/Russian relations

Her being able to see Russia is like me claiming to be an astronaut because I can see the Moon from my house

My favorite was when she said part of Paul Revere's ride was to warn the British. :eusa_doh:

Palin is not smarter than anybody about anything. Thank goodness that buffoon is out of power, or the U.S. might have started to look like her trashy family.
Sadly, she paved the way for a new wave of Palin wanna-bes
The fact that she said what she said makes no difference to popular culture. You can read that and many funfilled unfacts all over the Internet thanks to Al Gore inventing it! Now somebdy tell me All really did say that!
Your justification for parroting lies and propaganda solidifies my contention that you are a useful idiot.
Sadly, she paved the way for a new wave of Palin wanna-bes
Sadly, she paved the way for a new wave of Palin wanna-bes

On both sides of the aisle.


You know you're desperate when your voice of wisdom is Sarah Palin.

/----/ "You know you're desperate when your voice of wisdom is Sarah Palin."
Why? Do you mean you bought into the hit pieces on her from the LSM? I'll put Gov Palin up against your brain fart AOC any day.
We were hating on him back then. Elites making sure RINO after RINO was the standard bearer for us peasants. We looked at Palin as the hope at the time. She was never upeducated on the national scene and the Prog Communist press and entertainers went at her. All you gotta know about the fraud McCain is the vote on removing Obamacare. He died on what he was.
Palin is dumb as a stump.
At the same time she made this pronouncement, gas prices were dropping from >$4 to under $1.50 thanks to the drilling moratorium being lifted.
Hahaha the Neo-GOP has looks fondly at the price drop in gas from Bushes Recession like they tout the negative oil price that happened after Trumps indecisive Covid response.
At the same time she made this pronouncement, gas prices were dropping from >$4 to under $1.50 thanks to the drilling moratorium being lifted.
Gas prices dropped because Obama issued an executive order mandating that speculators take physical possession of oil before reselling it.

Speculators were making a fortune
So, you're saying there's hope for Biden?
Being right on Ukraine (at least presently) does not show that much hope. While one aw shit can easily wipe out a hundred attaboys, one attaboy will not wipe out a string of as shits. Most of his sh#t is just expected sh#t when a democrat is in office. Yes, sh#t, though some is necessary to swing the pendulum back or slow it down after somebody as radical as Donny. I don't mind some spending, to an extent on shifting of some domestic priorities. The one thing that gets me is outright stupidity for the purpose of being stupid. Yes, I am still again talking about the border fk-up during the first week in office. It is a huge pile of sh#t to overcome and a totally unforced error by the manager of the team. Some changes in policy were needed, but holy crap! You don't announce radical change to the world (including those trying to come here) without a plan in place and apparently not even in mind, just so you can say you undid something from the previous administration. That is one of the things I despised about his predecessor. In doing so, and announce it, he made it much worse, almost overnight and has not really fixed anything about it. Immigration policy is the problem, but neither side wants to fix that, as too much political money made off demagoguing the issue, and he was not going to spend political capital he had on that, so there he was dead wrong to not only change, but cluelessly announce the change. Sloughing it off to Harris certainly hasn't helped, but she'll think twice before laughing about his difficulties (self made or not) in public. Her laughs tend to grate worse than Hillary's cackles.
I didn't mind spending on infrastructure, but Pelosi and company got way, way carried away with payoffs to special interests and Joe went with it. I think Pelosi is still wanting more in the budget, and he will go along with that. His announcement of criteria for picking a supreme court nominee was totally unncessisary and a disservice to his nominee, which actually sounds link an ok one, so far.
So, yes his Ukraine actions and leadership have been good and exactly where an American President should be, but hardly speaks at this time to turning his presidential administrative, legislative leadership history around to give hope to his administration. Remember what I keep saying about a blind pig or blind squirrel finding a nut (or some nuts) once in a while? It doesn't mean they have suddenly found their glasses.
As it stand now, I am sure going to be pissed if the choice is 4 more years of Joe, vs Trump or another supporter of trump, the big lie, or election decision by support of insurrection, that would force me to go with Joe, rather than give up representative democracy and the constitution.

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