Remember when Sarah Palin was mocked for predicting Russia would invade Ukraine?

I wouldn't know whether or not independents would be accepting of that airhead. But I think there's a parallel to draw with Trump, the airhead.
I don't think trump carried the independents, but not sure. I think independents were looking for a centrist, as Joe sold himself.
I don't think trump carried the independents, but not sure. I think independents were looking for a centrist, as Joe sold himself.
The Democratic party sold Joe to the people unfortunately, because they didn't think it was possible to win with Bernie. And frankly, America really wasn't ready for Bernie.

The American people wanted to be empowered and Trump convinced many that he could and would do that.

The need to be empowered again is because the people have been stripped of all powers that they had before.
This is also the reason for the grasping at guns, as a means to feeling powerful once again.
LOL.... That only shows that you are as clueless as Palin is.

At least you're proud of it, I'll give ya that.
/-----/ "LOL.... That only shows that you are as clueless as Palin is."
Tell us how clueless Gov Palin is. Go ahead. Need time to gather your notes?
The Democratic party sold Joe to the people unfortunately, because they didn't think it was possible to win with Bernie. And frankly, America really wasn't ready for Bernie.

The American people wanted to be empowered and Trump convinced many that he could and would do that.

The need to be empowered again is because the people have been stripped of all powers that they had before.
This is also the reason for the grasping at guns, as a means to feeling powerful once again.
Why do you think independents are centrists?
Would it be just as likely that many are extremists?
Did it happen when she said? When Obama was President?
I cant remember. Is Crimea part of Ukraine or no? Well used to be part of Ukraine before the Russians invaded it while President Obama was in office anyway.....
The Democratic party sold Joe to the people unfortunately, because they didn't think it was possible to win with Bernie. And frankly, America really wasn't ready for Bernie.

The American people wanted to be empowered and Trump convinced many that he could and would do that.

The need to be empowered again is because the people have been stripped of all powers that they had before.
This is also the reason for the grasping at guns, as a means to feeling powerful once again.
They were right about Bernie. Bernie had a better shot in the primaries of 2016 election. It is not that American was not yet ready for Bernie in 2020. His time had come and gone with Hillary fking him out of it and him adopting the democrat socialist brand with American only hearing the socialist part. He will not have a time when America is ready as opportunity gone.
I am glad I was ahead of the curve on guns and personal carry. I just came to know, that in America in the 21st century, it was irresponsible not to be prepared with whatever tools of self and family protection might be necessary whether at home, in the city at night, out on the highways, the hiking trails or back country rivers. Everybody with the training, skills and responsible temperament owe to society to stand ready to take care of themselves and possibly others if need be and can be managed. If you can't even help yourself in a pinch, what good are you.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

"Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns"​

October 22, 2008, 1:09 PM

Speaking Tuesday at a rally in a Reno, Nevada, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had a little fun with her counterpart on the Democratic ticket, thanking Joe Biden for warning Barack Obama’s supporters to “gird your loins” for an international crisis if the Illinois senator wins.
Palin helpfully offered four scenarios for such a crisis, one of which was this strange one:

Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns

I have no memory of that at all, sorry.
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

"Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns"​

October 22, 2008, 1:09 PM

Speaking Tuesday at a rally in a Reno, Nevada, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had a little fun with her counterpart on the Democratic ticket, thanking Joe Biden for warning Barack Obama’s supporters to “gird your loins” for an international crisis if the Illinois senator wins.
Palin helpfully offered four scenarios for such a crisis, one of which was this strange one:

Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns

Vladdy Meer Putin
Better quit his lootin'
And git scootin'
When the Thrilla
From Wasilla
Hootin' and Tootin'

From her command post
In an igloo
She'll turn Rooski pilots
Into MiG-glue
Pepperidge Farms remembers.

"Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns"​

October 22, 2008, 1:09 PM

Speaking Tuesday at a rally in a Reno, Nevada, Republican vice-presidential nominee Sarah Palin had a little fun with her counterpart on the Democratic ticket, thanking Joe Biden for warning Barack Obama’s supporters to “gird your loins” for an international crisis if the Illinois senator wins.
Palin helpfully offered four scenarios for such a crisis, one of which was this strange one:

Russia might invade Ukraine if Obama wins, Palin warns
She's smarter than both Obama guys and Biden combined
Looks like the squirrel was right on that one.

You have it backwards.
It was not a prediction of what the Russians would do, but what the US would do with the Ukraine, that the Russians would then be forced to react to.
Just like the Soviets knew, expected, and deliberately caused the US to react with the Cuban Missile Crisis, by the Soviets putting nukes in Cuba.
Their goal was to get the US to remove our nukes from Turkey, which we did.
The current crisis in the Ukraine was over the US attempting to put NATO nukes in the Ukraine.
There is no way that Russia could be responsible for that.
It was the US.
Trump was impeached for holding up military aid to Ukraine unless they came up with dirt on Joe Biden

Except that never happened.
The only one claiming it happened was Vindman, and he got sacked over his lies.
You have it backwards.
It was not a prediction of what the Russians would do, but what the US would do with the Ukraine, that the Russians would then be forced to react to.
Just like the Soviets knew, expected, and deliberately caused the US to react with the Cuban Missile Crisis, by the Soviets putting nukes in Cuba.
Their goal was to get the US to remove our nukes from Turkey, which we did.
The current crisis in the Ukraine was over the US attempting to put NATO nukes in the Ukraine.
There is no way that Russia could be responsible for that.
It was the US.
Your chicken or egg argument is cracked and has been scrambled. Putin went stupid. Has himself in a corner for no reason, with his attempt to take over Ukraine out of paranoid adventurism and old Russian Empire rebuilding.
Except that never happened.
The only one claiming it happened was Vindman, and he got sacked over his lies.
We have a record of the “Perfect Phonecall “

The one extorting Zellensky
The Democratic party sold Joe to the people unfortunately, because they didn't think it was possible to win with Bernie. And frankly, America really wasn't ready for Bernie.

The American people wanted to be empowered and Trump convinced many that he could and would do that.

The need to be empowered again is because the people have been stripped of all powers that they had before.
This is also the reason for the grasping at guns, as a means to feeling powerful once again.

I disagree.
Bernie polled extremely well with conservatives, since he had the reputation of a fiscal tightwad, and anti war.
The DNC knew Bernie could easily have won, but deliberately sabotaged Bernie in favor of Hillary, like by giving her the debate questions ahead of time.

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