Remember when Sarah Palin was mocked for predicting Russia would invade Ukraine?

That is something, amazing. If he had not let himself be saddled with Palin, I have no doubt he would have been President, and probably a good one or at least average or better.
I agree, because that was why I didn't vote for McCain, or vote at all for that election or the next. Darn, if they are going to insult women that bad --- that bimbo for a VP for one, and a Mormon for another candidate --- they don't need my vote, and they didn't get it.

With Trump, I'm back in the game.
Your chicken or egg argument is cracked and has been scrambled. Putin went stupid. Has himself in a corner for no reason, with his attempt to take over Ukraine out of paranoid adventurism and old Russian Empire rebuilding.

Totally wrong.
For example, Putin had nothing at all to do with it, since it was the Ukraine that withdrew from negotiations that had been going on for over a decade, so in effect it the Ukraine that declared war.

There is no "old Russian Empire" and never was.
The Soviets were intent on simply defending its borders.
These additional states cost more than they were worth, which is why Gorbachev dropped them like the hot potato they actually are.

The problem of the Ukraine was that they were where all the pipelines went through, and they were stealing massive amounts of oil and gas.
Combine that with abusing ethnic Russians and trying to get NATO nukes, and Putin has ZERO alternative options.

And the PROOF is that Russia is still only making 4 demands.
No NATO, no oil thefts, no abuse of ethnic Russians, and let Donetsk and Crimea decide for themselves.
Anyone who does not agree with Russia's reasonable demands, is corrupt.
Possible. I think picking up Palin is where he lost independents, most thinking her an air head, and inexperienced, flighty, poor decision maker, and not even finishing her only term as Governor. All I can figure is that at that age she looked like she could be a good FOX NEWS babe. Older Republicans seem like suckers for a pretty face.
She was pretty, and had big boobs, which was certainly why GAZUMPTEEN male conservatives made fools of themselves about her, but DUMMMMMMMMMB? Migod.
We have a record of the “Perfect Phonecall “

The one extorting Zellensky

And in this recorded phone call, there is no mention of any withholding of aid, or any making up of any case against Burisma Holdings.
Why would anyone have to make anything up, when clearly Hunter Biden had nothing to offer and did nothing?
And the PROOF is that Russia is still only making 4 demands.
No NATO, no oil thefts, no abuse of ethnic Russians, and let Donetsk and Crimea decide for themselves.
I don't think you are right here! You are implying Putin will settle for the Donetsk region alone: but it looks like he's fighting for all of Ukraine, since after all he's shelling Kiev now.
And in this recorded phone call, there is no mention of any withholding of aid, or any making up of any case against Burisma Holdings.
Why would anyone have to make anything up, when clearly Hunter Biden had nothing to offer and did nothing?
Only he did withhold aid
Some trivial thing like Javelin missiles to kill Russian Tanks
I don't think you are right here! You are implying Putin will settle for the Donetsk region alone: but it looks like he's fighting for all of Ukraine, since after all he's shelling Kiev now.

I disagree.
The Donetsk is important because that happens to be where most of the oil/gas is, but Crimea is far more important.
And the point of shelling Kyiv is that the Ukraine was trying to join NATO and Russia could not allow that.
Russia will pull out of the Ukraine once the corrupt government is gone.
Russia does not want the Ukraine, but just can not allow NATO to have it either.
Only he did withhold aid
Some trivial thing like Javelin missiles to kill Russian Tanks

It is illegal and stupid to give Javelin missiles to the Ukraine.
Any attempt to do that would force Russia to invade.
The Ukraine signed treaties with Russia back in 1992.
Javelin missiles are a clear violation, just like all the oil/gas they siphoned off pipelines.
I disagree.
The Donetsk is important because that happens to be where most of the oil/gas is, but Crimea is far more important.
And the point of shelling Kyiv is that the Ukraine was trying to join NATO and Russia could not allow that.
Russia will pull out of the Ukraine once the corrupt government is gone.
Russia does not want the Ukraine, but just can not allow NATO to have it either.
They'll pull troops out once they've put in a puppet governor, maybe.

Crimea doesn't matter because that was like Hitler's Anschluss of Austria: the people lined the roads cheering and throwing flowers. They WANTED Russian control. Nothing anyone can do about that.
Hey, early is wrong, as they say about people predicting the stock market. He invaded something else (Georgia?) not Ukraine.

Actually, in 2008, it was Georgia that invaded South Ossetia.
The Russians then backed South Ossetia.
Actually, in 2008, it was Georgia that invaded South Ossetia.
The Russians then backed South Ossetia.
That's a hard one. No one (except you) remembers what went on with that one.
Except that never happened.
The only one claiming it happened was Vindman, and he got sacked over his lies.

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

Of course that happened. The aid was allocated in February and Trump didn't release it until September, shortly after a whistle-blower's complaint about it went public.
And in this recorded phone call, there is no mention of any withholding of aid...

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

Zelenskyy: We are ready to continue to cooperate for the next steps specifically we are almost. ready to buy more Javelins from the United States for defense purposes.

Trump: I would like you to do us a favor though...

... or any making up of any case against Burisma Holdings. Why would anyone have to make anything up, when clearly Hunter Biden had nothing to offer and did nothing?

You're lying again, ya pathological liar. :eusa_liar:

Trump: The other thing, There's a lot of talk about Biden's son, that Biden stopped the prosecution and a lot of people want to find out about that so whatever you can do with the Attorney General would be great. Biden went around bragging that he stopped the prosecution so if you can look into it...
She was pretty, and had big boobs, which was certainly why GAZUMPTEEN male conservatives made fools of themselves about her, but DUMMMMMMMMMB? Migod.
Don't worry. Many of us will watch all progs be executed or held to task if it comes to that direction. We already know that is your prescription.
I disagree.
The Donetsk is important because that happens to be where most of the oil/gas is, but Crimea is far more important.
And the point of shelling Kyiv is that the Ukraine was trying to join NATO and Russia could not allow that.
Russia will pull out of the Ukraine once the corrupt government is gone.
Russia does not want the Ukraine, but just can not allow NATO to have it either.

Pathological liar, why do you insist on calling it, "the Ukraine," when that's not its name? It's an independent country now and goes by the name, "Ukraine."
Double down on the STUPID

:laughing0301: :laughing0301: :laughing0301:

Do I need to explain the SNL skit to you or are you going to continue to show how gullible you are?
Sounds like you don't even understand the SKIT or real life where you can actual see Russia from Alaska. Do I need to explain it to you?
Pathological liar, why do you insist on calling it, "the Ukraine," when that's not its name? It's an independent country now and goes by the name, "Ukraine."
I still call it “the Ukraine”

When it was part of the Soviet Union, that was what we called it

I still slip up
Pathological liar, why do you insist on calling it, "the Ukraine," when that's not its name? It's an independent country now and goes by the name, "Ukraine."
You are arguing about the article THE---are we back in 4th grade again?

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