Remember when Sarah Sanders claimed Trump created more jobs for African Americans than Obama?

Just a reminder that SHE LIED just in case one of you rightwing Republican palookas try to pull this over AGAIN...
Lowest unemployment rate for blacks, Latinos, Asians, & women in US history....
And yet most of them will vote for Biden.
The numbers who don't will be record-setting...

' If you don't vote Biden you ain't black...'?

Blacks aren't 'diverse'?

Insult after insult....
The fact is Trump has made the country better for everyone compared to the meat puppet faggot. People of every victim class the bed wetters pretend to care about have prospered, and in spite of all the pissing and moaning, gays still get married, people of all races eat wherever and whatever they like. Everyone got more jobs and no one was singled out for oppression.

You bed wetting leftist parasites are absolute lying filth.
No links about democrats lying. Here's one on trump's lies....
Yep. After the Bush crash and B.O elected. I went back work with ease, as all I needed was a stable work market. Worked through the Obama years putting it back together and retired on schedule right before Donnie was elected. Obama years were a sweet deal for for me after the Bush crash. Glad I am not part of the trump recession. I put two kids in college at the same time and kept them on our insurance the whole time. PJ never lost her insurance, and it didn't go up because she was a recent cancer survivor. Good thing donnie, going down or a lot of people would be screwed. I am voting Joe Biden as soon as the polls open tomorrow morning, for the good of the country and my fellow citizens.
I did pretty good during that time as well.

Obama's economy was so good, Trump IMMEDIATELY took credit for it, 1 day after he was elected.

Republicans started touting how great the economy was, 1 day. after. Trump. was. elected.

You know Trump had absolutely NOTHING to do w/it, because you can't get an answer from any Trumpster citing the POLICY that Trump enacted to make the economy so great.

Try asking one and see....

You can't get an answer citing the policy that Trump enacted to make the economy great?


Lower taxes. Lower regulations.

Boom. There it is.
To top it off, Republicans were fighting Obama's recovery every. step. of. the way.

Until 1 day after Trump was elected, then they finally started telling the truth about Obama's economy.

Just a reminder that SHE LIED just in case one of you rightwing Republican palookas try to pull this over AGAIN...
Lowest unemployment rate for blacks, Latinos, Asians, & women in US history....
And yet most of them will vote for Biden.
The numbers who don't will be record-setting...

' If you don't vote Biden you ain't black...'?

Blacks aren't 'diverse'?

Insult after insult....
A relatively small amount of Blacks will vote for trump. Minorities recognize the bigotry of republicans. It's on thread after thread on this forum.
You can't get an answer citing the policy that Trump enacted to make the economy great?


Lower taxes. Lower regulations.

Boom. There it is.
See what I mean?

They have no answer.


You can't get an answer citing the policy that Trump enacted to make the economy great?


Lower taxes. Lower regulations.

Boom. There it is.
See what I mean?

They have no answer.



Are you crazy? Is there any question that regulations harm business development?

And taxes, we know for a fact. That isn't debatable at any level. Burger King moved to Canada to escape high US taxes, and Apple opened up a billion dollar facility in Ireland to escape US taxes.

The fact taxes were pushing jobs out of the country, isn't even a question. Apple actually said as much directly.

So no, that's a pretty darn good answer.
To top it off, Republicans were fighting Obama's recovery every. step. of. the way.

Until 1 day after Trump was elected, then they finally started telling the truth about Obama's economy.


Well because it sucked. Obama's recovery plan, did terrible damage to the economy, and don't take my word for it, or the word of Republicans.... look at Obama's own publications.


Obama published this from his economic staff. According to his own numbers..... HIS OWN NUMBERS.... without any recovery plan at all, the economy would have topped out at under 9% unemployment, and recovered.

With his plan, it was supposed to top out at under 8%, and recover.

Instead it was well over 10%, with his plan.

Forget me, or Republicans, Obama's recovery plan failed by his own standards. No way you can get around that.

And it's not surprising either. Massive government regulation and spending, always harms the economy.
Lowest black unemployment and blacks in the US are more successful than blacks anywhere else in the World. I am just giving your Jew hating self some facts.
Wait...what? How are you defining this "success?"

To top it off, Republicans were fighting Obama's recovery every. step. of. the way.

Until 1 day after Trump was elected, then they finally started telling the truth about Obama's economy.


Well because it sucked. Obama's recovery plan, did terrible damage to the economy, and don't take my word for it, or the word of Republicans.... look at Obama's own publications.


Obama published this from his economic staff. According to his own numbers..... HIS OWN NUMBERS.... without any recovery plan at all, the economy would have topped out at under 9% unemployment, and recovered.

With his plan, it was supposed to top out at under 8%, and recover.

Instead it was well over 10%, with his plan.

Forget me, or Republicans, Obama's recovery plan failed by his own standards. No way you can get around that.

And it's not surprising either. Massive government regulation and spending, always harms the economy.
I was pleased well enough. Sorry you suffered, if you actually did. You must have chosen poorly.
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Just a reminder that SHE LIED just in case one of you rightwing Republican palookas try to pull this over AGAIN...
Record number of people on food stamps and welfare and slowest recovery in history.
Nice Republican talking point you got there.

However, right now, the wealth-gap b/w black and white people is bigger than ever before.

Trump's economy.
Lowest unemployment rate for blacks, Latinos, Asians, & women in US history....
Largest, wealth-gap b/w black and white people in US history.

Thanks Trump!

By and large, blacks / dark folks smoke a shit-ton of weed, aren’t very ambitious and are happy collecting free shit and breathing oxygen on racist American soil.
I'll just toss this in for good measure.
Remember, those were the Obama/Biden days.
Yep. After the Bush crash and B.O elected. I went back work with ease, as all I needed was a stable work market. Worked through the Obama years putting it back together and retired on schedule right before Donnie was elected. Obama years were a sweet deal for for me after the Bush crash. Glad I am not part of the trump recession. I put two kids in college at the same time and kept them on our insurance the whole time. PJ never lost her insurance, and it didn't go up because she was a recent cancer survivor. Good thing donnie, going down or a lot of people would be screwed. I am voting Joe Biden as soon as the polls open tomorrow morning, for the good of the country and my fellow citizens.
We did vote this morning (10/14/2020, first day early in person voting in Tennessee) for Joe Biden, President of the United States. We were at the poll 30 minutes before poll opened. It took 1 Hr and 45 Minutes once they opened at 09:00 in Jackson, TN.
Just a reminder that SHE LIED just in case one of you rightwing Republican palookas try to pull this over AGAIN...
Record number of people on food stamps and welfare and slowest recovery in history.

Liar, liar pants on fire ^^^. The claim that the Obama Recovery was the slowest in history is bullshit. Oh, you want the evidence? #1 The Great Depression, and #2, trump made the claim.

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