Remember when Sarah Sanders claimed Trump created more jobs for African Americans than Obama?

The fact is Trump has made the country better for everyone compared to the meat puppet faggot. People of every victim class the bed wetters pretend to care about have prospered, and in spite of all the pissing and moaning, gays still get married, people of all races eat wherever and whatever they like. Everyone got more jobs and no one was singled out for oppression.

You bed wetting leftist parasites are absolute lying filth.
No links about democrats lying. Here's one on trump's lies....
Haha!!! Yet they only share a few of their so-called claims. The database is off limits, unless you happen to be one of their cronies! The wp, full of lies, lies and more lies. Lol
I'll just toss this in for good measure.
Remember, those were the Obama/Biden days.
Yep. After the Bush crash and B.O elected. I went back work with ease, as all I needed was a stable work market. Worked through the Obama years putting it back together and retired on schedule right before Donnie was elected. Obama years were a sweet deal for for me after the Bush crash. Glad I am not part of the trump recession. I put two kids in college at the same time and kept them on our insurance the whole time. PJ never lost her insurance, and it didn't go up because she was a recent cancer survivor. Good thing donnie, going down or a lot of people would be screwed. I am voting Joe Biden as soon as the polls open tomorrow morning, for the good of the country and my fellow citizens.
You're going to vote for an obviously senile man who's been in Washington since before Nixon was President "for the good of the country"? Really, White?

Biden isn't up for the job. It's amusing to watch Nancy Pelosi talk about invoking the 25th Amendment when the candidate that her party has nominated can't even muster the energy to campaign. We'll end up with Kamala Harris as our President if Biden is elected and then your country and your fellow citizens will all be one step closer to living in the dysfunctional mess that California has become!
Too late for your BS. I voted this morning for Joe Biden to be the next President of The United States of America.
Why? What has Joe Biden ever done that makes you think he'd be even a mediocre President?
He has demonstrated better judgement, a more even temperament, a better knowledge of who are friends and enemies are, he has a far more thorough knowledge of how government works, and is a man of much better character. He is far more likely to listen to scientists, professionals, and not make radical suggestions base on whimsy to entertain people that are not that bright. He will not be the next twitter king, rambling at all hours of the day and night.
With all due respect, White...I can't think of a politician that has gotten it WRONG more times than Joe Biden! He's an idiot and always has been!
I guess we will just disagree.
I can only hope that Joe Biden doesn't get elected, White! If he does...then you're going to be stuck defending someone who's woefully prepared for the hardest job on the planet! Joe Biden isn't bright. He never was. Now he's senile on top of that. It's a scary combination. The question then becomes...who is it that will really be running the country?
If he sucked, which I doubt, I would not defend. It is one of the big benefits to being independent. You get to call an ace and ace and a spade a spade.
If he sucked? With all due respect, White...Joe Biden has literally been running for President since the Watergate Hearings ousted Richard Nixon almost five decades ago and time after time he's done something so monumentally stupid that he was forced to withdraw from the nomination process! Now suddenly THAT guy is the chosen one of the Democratic Party? It borders on farce!

I'm not calling Biden an ace or a spade...I'm simply pointing out what he idiot! How could you possibly be conned into voting for THAT guy?
Joe Biden is just a professional politician who is highly experienced in government, planning to move more toward the center and has a history of working across the aisle. Trump won because he ran against Hillary (arguably a villain of equal or greater status than trump and carrying more baggage from her public service(?). This time, trump has no villain, but Joe has trump, a villain extraordinaire and donnie has more baggage than his devoted minority can possibly carry anymore, usually adding more daily, and would not work across the aisle or even with people on his side of the aisle if they did not kiss his butt regularly, no matter what the situation he created.
What Joe a "career" politician....someone who's been a Washington insider for the better part of five decades, White! He's been part of the problem all that time...not a solution to the problem. As for baggage? This scandal with his son Hunter isn't going away. It's the very definition of influence peddling.
I voted for somebody that knows what he is doing instead of the guy that listens to the last person he hears. I voted for somebody that has helped write policy and the legislation to achieve it instead of the guy who constantly whines about his own problems and is looking for others to write a loose policy that helps him in some nebulous way without care to the country. The problem you identify is not just a problem (at this time) but just about the only solution, as the real problem now is "Amateur Hour Sucks" so I am not in favor of hiring some paranoid, often failing, entrepreneur, game-show host from a silver spoon background, to spend my money on his whimsy, when I really need and experienced qualified engineer with design and project management skills. I am sorry you felt ignored, but your boy had his chance and now it is time to get back to the business of running the government with less drama and more cross politic consensus input for the good of the country.
Are serious? We need someone to fix the economy. Your choices are between Joe Biden...who was second in command of the administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...or Donald Trump...who gave us some of the best economic numbers ever recorded! You claim you want someone with experience and skills? Why would you vote for the guy that hasn't demonstrated ANY expertise with economies or job creation?
Wrong. Economy crashed under Bush. I know. Lost a lot of money while on vacation after the plant I was on salary with for 22 years folded. Voted Obama. It started to stabilize, recovered, expanding again and kept expanding, allowing me time to rebuild my retirement. I am satisfied. You should have invested better and moved quicker when you lost your job after the crash.
The Obama "recovery" was the slowest recovery from a recession since The Great Depression. It would have been historically bad if it wasn't for the boost that the economy received from the fracking related boom...something that Barack Obama opposed! So I ask again, White...why would any rational person vote for the guy who was second in command of the administration that didn't have a clue how to grow an economy and create jobs when job number one this year will BE growing the economy and creating jobs?
I was not looking for the fastest recovery. I was looking for stablization and steady slow recovery on a continued upward track. The faster the economy the less control and vice-versa. The economy was too unstable at high speed. I cared about my personal economy. The Obama Biden economy was fine with me with steady grown and low inflation. Runaway inflation is the only thing that can threaten me now. Sorry you could not find a way to make decent money with your skill set.
What do you base your theory on that I haven't made "decent money" with my "skill set", White? Do you even know what I did for the better part of 40 years?
I based my theory on your posts, that seem to reflect you had difficulty adapting to the recovery. Or were you just whining for other people not as smart, determined or industrious as you? I have no idea what you did for the better part of 40 years. I do not know who you are, and doubt it would matter. I know what I did, and that it worked out for me. Hopefully, you like I, did what was necessary to take care of yourself and expected those around you to do likewise, as we were raised to do. If your are not part of those left behind in the recovery, I would let them speak for themselves, if you cannot speak from first hand experience. I speak for me.
I'll just toss this in for good measure.
Remember, those were the Obama/Biden days.
Yep. After the Bush crash and B.O elected. I went back work with ease, as all I needed was a stable work market. Worked through the Obama years putting it back together and retired on schedule right before Donnie was elected. Obama years were a sweet deal for for me after the Bush crash. Glad I am not part of the trump recession. I put two kids in college at the same time and kept them on our insurance the whole time. PJ never lost her insurance, and it didn't go up because she was a recent cancer survivor. Good thing donnie, going down or a lot of people would be screwed. I am voting Joe Biden as soon as the polls open tomorrow morning, for the good of the country and my fellow citizens.
You're going to vote for an obviously senile man who's been in Washington since before Nixon was President "for the good of the country"? Really, White?

Biden isn't up for the job. It's amusing to watch Nancy Pelosi talk about invoking the 25th Amendment when the candidate that her party has nominated can't even muster the energy to campaign. We'll end up with Kamala Harris as our President if Biden is elected and then your country and your fellow citizens will all be one step closer to living in the dysfunctional mess that California has become!
Too late for your BS. I voted this morning for Joe Biden to be the next President of The United States of America.
Why? What has Joe Biden ever done that makes you think he'd be even a mediocre President?
He has demonstrated better judgement, a more even temperament, a better knowledge of who are friends and enemies are, he has a far more thorough knowledge of how government works, and is a man of much better character. He is far more likely to listen to scientists, professionals, and not make radical suggestions base on whimsy to entertain people that are not that bright. He will not be the next twitter king, rambling at all hours of the day and night.
With all due respect, White...I can't think of a politician that has gotten it WRONG more times than Joe Biden! He's an idiot and always has been!
I guess we will just disagree.
I can only hope that Joe Biden doesn't get elected, White! If he does...then you're going to be stuck defending someone who's woefully prepared for the hardest job on the planet! Joe Biden isn't bright. He never was. Now he's senile on top of that. It's a scary combination. The question then becomes...who is it that will really be running the country?
If he sucked, which I doubt, I would not defend. It is one of the big benefits to being independent. You get to call an ace and ace and a spade a spade.
If he sucked? With all due respect, White...Joe Biden has literally been running for President since the Watergate Hearings ousted Richard Nixon almost five decades ago and time after time he's done something so monumentally stupid that he was forced to withdraw from the nomination process! Now suddenly THAT guy is the chosen one of the Democratic Party? It borders on farce!

I'm not calling Biden an ace or a spade...I'm simply pointing out what he idiot! How could you possibly be conned into voting for THAT guy?
Joe Biden is just a professional politician who is highly experienced in government, planning to move more toward the center and has a history of working across the aisle. Trump won because he ran against Hillary (arguably a villain of equal or greater status than trump and carrying more baggage from her public service(?). This time, trump has no villain, but Joe has trump, a villain extraordinaire and donnie has more baggage than his devoted minority can possibly carry anymore, usually adding more daily, and would not work across the aisle or even with people on his side of the aisle if they did not kiss his butt regularly, no matter what the situation he created.
What Joe a "career" politician....someone who's been a Washington insider for the better part of five decades, White! He's been part of the problem all that time...not a solution to the problem. As for baggage? This scandal with his son Hunter isn't going away. It's the very definition of influence peddling.
I voted for somebody that knows what he is doing instead of the guy that listens to the last person he hears. I voted for somebody that has helped write policy and the legislation to achieve it instead of the guy who constantly whines about his own problems and is looking for others to write a loose policy that helps him in some nebulous way without care to the country. The problem you identify is not just a problem (at this time) but just about the only solution, as the real problem now is "Amateur Hour Sucks" so I am not in favor of hiring some paranoid, often failing, entrepreneur, game-show host from a silver spoon background, to spend my money on his whimsy, when I really need and experienced qualified engineer with design and project management skills. I am sorry you felt ignored, but your boy had his chance and now it is time to get back to the business of running the government with less drama and more cross politic consensus input for the good of the country.
Are serious? We need someone to fix the economy. Your choices are between Joe Biden...who was second in command of the administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...or Donald Trump...who gave us some of the best economic numbers ever recorded! You claim you want someone with experience and skills? Why would you vote for the guy that hasn't demonstrated ANY expertise with economies or job creation?
Wrong. Economy crashed under Bush. I know. Lost a lot of money while on vacation after the plant I was on salary with for 22 years folded. Voted Obama. It started to stabilize, recovered, expanding again and kept expanding, allowing me time to rebuild my retirement. I am satisfied. You should have invested better and moved quicker when you lost your job after the crash.
The Obama "recovery" was the slowest recovery from a recession since The Great Depression. It would have been historically bad if it wasn't for the boost that the economy received from the fracking related boom...something that Barack Obama opposed! So I ask again, White...why would any rational person vote for the guy who was second in command of the administration that didn't have a clue how to grow an economy and create jobs when job number one this year will BE growing the economy and creating jobs?
I was not looking for the fastest recovery. I was looking for stablization and steady slow recovery on a continued upward track. The faster the economy the less control and vice-versa. The economy was too unstable at high speed. I cared about my personal economy. The Obama Biden economy was fine with me with steady grown and low inflation. Runaway inflation is the only thing that can threaten me now. Sorry you could not find a way to make decent money with your skill set.
Ah, so what you're looking for is a long drawn out recovery like Obama/Biden gave us? The slowest recovery from a recession in nearly 70 years? I wonder if people who are out of work feel the same way about that as you do? Do you think they'd like to see a "steady slow recovery"? One where they could be looking for jobs for a year or more? That's what the Biden economy promises to be, White! The policies that he espouses will slow economic growth. That's what you just voted for.
Some people do not agree with you.
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
Sergei KlebnikovForbes Staff Sep 25, 2020,02:54pm EDT
I cover billionaires and their wealth.
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.
I'll just toss this in for good measure.
Remember, those were the Obama/Biden days.
Yep. After the Bush crash and B.O elected. I went back work with ease, as all I needed was a stable work market. Worked through the Obama years putting it back together and retired on schedule right before Donnie was elected. Obama years were a sweet deal for for me after the Bush crash. Glad I am not part of the trump recession. I put two kids in college at the same time and kept them on our insurance the whole time. PJ never lost her insurance, and it didn't go up because she was a recent cancer survivor. Good thing donnie, going down or a lot of people would be screwed. I am voting Joe Biden as soon as the polls open tomorrow morning, for the good of the country and my fellow citizens.
You're going to vote for an obviously senile man who's been in Washington since before Nixon was President "for the good of the country"? Really, White?

Biden isn't up for the job. It's amusing to watch Nancy Pelosi talk about invoking the 25th Amendment when the candidate that her party has nominated can't even muster the energy to campaign. We'll end up with Kamala Harris as our President if Biden is elected and then your country and your fellow citizens will all be one step closer to living in the dysfunctional mess that California has become!
Too late for your BS. I voted this morning for Joe Biden to be the next President of The United States of America.
Why? What has Joe Biden ever done that makes you think he'd be even a mediocre President?
He has demonstrated better judgement, a more even temperament, a better knowledge of who are friends and enemies are, he has a far more thorough knowledge of how government works, and is a man of much better character. He is far more likely to listen to scientists, professionals, and not make radical suggestions base on whimsy to entertain people that are not that bright. He will not be the next twitter king, rambling at all hours of the day and night.
With all due respect, White...I can't think of a politician that has gotten it WRONG more times than Joe Biden! He's an idiot and always has been!
I guess we will just disagree.
I can only hope that Joe Biden doesn't get elected, White! If he does...then you're going to be stuck defending someone who's woefully prepared for the hardest job on the planet! Joe Biden isn't bright. He never was. Now he's senile on top of that. It's a scary combination. The question then becomes...who is it that will really be running the country?
If he sucked, which I doubt, I would not defend. It is one of the big benefits to being independent. You get to call an ace and ace and a spade a spade.
If he sucked? With all due respect, White...Joe Biden has literally been running for President since the Watergate Hearings ousted Richard Nixon almost five decades ago and time after time he's done something so monumentally stupid that he was forced to withdraw from the nomination process! Now suddenly THAT guy is the chosen one of the Democratic Party? It borders on farce!

I'm not calling Biden an ace or a spade...I'm simply pointing out what he idiot! How could you possibly be conned into voting for THAT guy?
Joe Biden is just a professional politician who is highly experienced in government, planning to move more toward the center and has a history of working across the aisle. Trump won because he ran against Hillary (arguably a villain of equal or greater status than trump and carrying more baggage from her public service(?). This time, trump has no villain, but Joe has trump, a villain extraordinaire and donnie has more baggage than his devoted minority can possibly carry anymore, usually adding more daily, and would not work across the aisle or even with people on his side of the aisle if they did not kiss his butt regularly, no matter what the situation he created.
What Joe a "career" politician....someone who's been a Washington insider for the better part of five decades, White! He's been part of the problem all that time...not a solution to the problem. As for baggage? This scandal with his son Hunter isn't going away. It's the very definition of influence peddling.
I voted for somebody that knows what he is doing instead of the guy that listens to the last person he hears. I voted for somebody that has helped write policy and the legislation to achieve it instead of the guy who constantly whines about his own problems and is looking for others to write a loose policy that helps him in some nebulous way without care to the country. The problem you identify is not just a problem (at this time) but just about the only solution, as the real problem now is "Amateur Hour Sucks" so I am not in favor of hiring some paranoid, often failing, entrepreneur, game-show host from a silver spoon background, to spend my money on his whimsy, when I really need and experienced qualified engineer with design and project management skills. I am sorry you felt ignored, but your boy had his chance and now it is time to get back to the business of running the government with less drama and more cross politic consensus input for the good of the country.
Are serious? We need someone to fix the economy. Your choices are between Joe Biden...who was second in command of the administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...or Donald Trump...who gave us some of the best economic numbers ever recorded! You claim you want someone with experience and skills? Why would you vote for the guy that hasn't demonstrated ANY expertise with economies or job creation?
Wrong. Economy crashed under Bush. I know. Lost a lot of money while on vacation after the plant I was on salary with for 22 years folded. Voted Obama. It started to stabilize, recovered, expanding again and kept expanding, allowing me time to rebuild my retirement. I am satisfied. You should have invested better and moved quicker when you lost your job after the crash.
The Obama "recovery" was the slowest recovery from a recession since The Great Depression. It would have been historically bad if it wasn't for the boost that the economy received from the fracking related boom...something that Barack Obama opposed! So I ask again, White...why would any rational person vote for the guy who was second in command of the administration that didn't have a clue how to grow an economy and create jobs when job number one this year will BE growing the economy and creating jobs?
I was not looking for the fastest recovery. I was looking for stablization and steady slow recovery on a continued upward track. The faster the economy the less control and vice-versa. The economy was too unstable at high speed. I cared about my personal economy. The Obama Biden economy was fine with me with steady grown and low inflation. Runaway inflation is the only thing that can threaten me now. Sorry you could not find a way to make decent money with your skill set.
Ah, so what you're looking for is a long drawn out recovery like Obama/Biden gave us? The slowest recovery from a recession in nearly 70 years? I wonder if people who are out of work feel the same way about that as you do? Do you think they'd like to see a "steady slow recovery"? One where they could be looking for jobs for a year or more? That's what the Biden economy promises to be, White! The policies that he espouses will slow economic growth. That's what you just voted for.
Some people do not agree with you.
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
Sergei KlebnikovForbes Staff Sep 25, 2020,02:54pm EDT
I cover billionaires and their wealth.
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.
Did you take Economics in college, White? I did. Would you care to show how a tax increase in the midst of a recession results in economic growth and employment? You know...give an example of when that has EVER happened?
I'll just toss this in for good measure.
Remember, those were the Obama/Biden days.
Yep. After the Bush crash and B.O elected. I went back work with ease, as all I needed was a stable work market. Worked through the Obama years putting it back together and retired on schedule right before Donnie was elected. Obama years were a sweet deal for for me after the Bush crash. Glad I am not part of the trump recession. I put two kids in college at the same time and kept them on our insurance the whole time. PJ never lost her insurance, and it didn't go up because she was a recent cancer survivor. Good thing donnie, going down or a lot of people would be screwed. I am voting Joe Biden as soon as the polls open tomorrow morning, for the good of the country and my fellow citizens.
You're going to vote for an obviously senile man who's been in Washington since before Nixon was President "for the good of the country"? Really, White?

Biden isn't up for the job. It's amusing to watch Nancy Pelosi talk about invoking the 25th Amendment when the candidate that her party has nominated can't even muster the energy to campaign. We'll end up with Kamala Harris as our President if Biden is elected and then your country and your fellow citizens will all be one step closer to living in the dysfunctional mess that California has become!
Too late for your BS. I voted this morning for Joe Biden to be the next President of The United States of America.
Why? What has Joe Biden ever done that makes you think he'd be even a mediocre President?
He has demonstrated better judgement, a more even temperament, a better knowledge of who are friends and enemies are, he has a far more thorough knowledge of how government works, and is a man of much better character. He is far more likely to listen to scientists, professionals, and not make radical suggestions base on whimsy to entertain people that are not that bright. He will not be the next twitter king, rambling at all hours of the day and night.
With all due respect, White...I can't think of a politician that has gotten it WRONG more times than Joe Biden! He's an idiot and always has been!
I guess we will just disagree.
I can only hope that Joe Biden doesn't get elected, White! If he does...then you're going to be stuck defending someone who's woefully prepared for the hardest job on the planet! Joe Biden isn't bright. He never was. Now he's senile on top of that. It's a scary combination. The question then becomes...who is it that will really be running the country?
If he sucked, which I doubt, I would not defend. It is one of the big benefits to being independent. You get to call an ace and ace and a spade a spade.
If he sucked? With all due respect, White...Joe Biden has literally been running for President since the Watergate Hearings ousted Richard Nixon almost five decades ago and time after time he's done something so monumentally stupid that he was forced to withdraw from the nomination process! Now suddenly THAT guy is the chosen one of the Democratic Party? It borders on farce!

I'm not calling Biden an ace or a spade...I'm simply pointing out what he idiot! How could you possibly be conned into voting for THAT guy?
Joe Biden is just a professional politician who is highly experienced in government, planning to move more toward the center and has a history of working across the aisle. Trump won because he ran against Hillary (arguably a villain of equal or greater status than trump and carrying more baggage from her public service(?). This time, trump has no villain, but Joe has trump, a villain extraordinaire and donnie has more baggage than his devoted minority can possibly carry anymore, usually adding more daily, and would not work across the aisle or even with people on his side of the aisle if they did not kiss his butt regularly, no matter what the situation he created.
What Joe a "career" politician....someone who's been a Washington insider for the better part of five decades, White! He's been part of the problem all that time...not a solution to the problem. As for baggage? This scandal with his son Hunter isn't going away. It's the very definition of influence peddling.
I voted for somebody that knows what he is doing instead of the guy that listens to the last person he hears. I voted for somebody that has helped write policy and the legislation to achieve it instead of the guy who constantly whines about his own problems and is looking for others to write a loose policy that helps him in some nebulous way without care to the country. The problem you identify is not just a problem (at this time) but just about the only solution, as the real problem now is "Amateur Hour Sucks" so I am not in favor of hiring some paranoid, often failing, entrepreneur, game-show host from a silver spoon background, to spend my money on his whimsy, when I really need and experienced qualified engineer with design and project management skills. I am sorry you felt ignored, but your boy had his chance and now it is time to get back to the business of running the government with less drama and more cross politic consensus input for the good of the country.
Are serious? We need someone to fix the economy. Your choices are between Joe Biden...who was second in command of the administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...or Donald Trump...who gave us some of the best economic numbers ever recorded! You claim you want someone with experience and skills? Why would you vote for the guy that hasn't demonstrated ANY expertise with economies or job creation?
Wrong. Economy crashed under Bush. I know. Lost a lot of money while on vacation after the plant I was on salary with for 22 years folded. Voted Obama. It started to stabilize, recovered, expanding again and kept expanding, allowing me time to rebuild my retirement. I am satisfied. You should have invested better and moved quicker when you lost your job after the crash.
The Obama "recovery" was the slowest recovery from a recession since The Great Depression. It would have been historically bad if it wasn't for the boost that the economy received from the fracking related boom...something that Barack Obama opposed! So I ask again, White...why would any rational person vote for the guy who was second in command of the administration that didn't have a clue how to grow an economy and create jobs when job number one this year will BE growing the economy and creating jobs?
I was not looking for the fastest recovery. I was looking for stablization and steady slow recovery on a continued upward track. The faster the economy the less control and vice-versa. The economy was too unstable at high speed. I cared about my personal economy. The Obama Biden economy was fine with me with steady grown and low inflation. Runaway inflation is the only thing that can threaten me now. Sorry you could not find a way to make decent money with your skill set.
What do you base your theory on that I haven't made "decent money" with my "skill set", White? Do you even know what I did for the better part of 40 years?
I based my theory on your posts, that seem to reflect you had difficulty adapting to the recovery. Or were you just whining for other people not as smart, determined or industrious as you? I have no idea what you did for the better part of 40 years. I do not know who you are, and doubt it would matter. I know what I did, and that it worked out for me. Hopefully, you like I, did what was necessary to take care of yourself and expected those around you to do likewise, as we were raised to do. If your are not part of those left behind in the recovery, I would let them speak for themselves, if you cannot speak from first hand experience. I speak for me.
What in any of my posts reflect that I had difficulty during the Obama "recovery"? I'm semi retired and living in a very nice part of Florida. I have no mortgage car credit card out at nice restaurants more than I eat at home. I ran large nightclubs all over the country for years...saved my money and invested well. I did great during the Obama years because I had access to investment capital at near zero interest rates. The people that DIDN'T do well under the Obama/Biden administration was the Middle Class! They lost jobs...they lost houses...they lost their lives savings! THOSE are the people that I worry about if Joe Biden becomes President! His economic policies are a disaster in waiting for the poor and the Middle Class.
I'll just toss this in for good measure.
Remember, those were the Obama/Biden days.
Yep. After the Bush crash and B.O elected. I went back work with ease, as all I needed was a stable work market. Worked through the Obama years putting it back together and retired on schedule right before Donnie was elected. Obama years were a sweet deal for for me after the Bush crash. Glad I am not part of the trump recession. I put two kids in college at the same time and kept them on our insurance the whole time. PJ never lost her insurance, and it didn't go up because she was a recent cancer survivor. Good thing donnie, going down or a lot of people would be screwed. I am voting Joe Biden as soon as the polls open tomorrow morning, for the good of the country and my fellow citizens.
You're going to vote for an obviously senile man who's been in Washington since before Nixon was President "for the good of the country"? Really, White?

Biden isn't up for the job. It's amusing to watch Nancy Pelosi talk about invoking the 25th Amendment when the candidate that her party has nominated can't even muster the energy to campaign. We'll end up with Kamala Harris as our President if Biden is elected and then your country and your fellow citizens will all be one step closer to living in the dysfunctional mess that California has become!
Too late for your BS. I voted this morning for Joe Biden to be the next President of The United States of America.
Why? What has Joe Biden ever done that makes you think he'd be even a mediocre President?
He has demonstrated better judgement, a more even temperament, a better knowledge of who are friends and enemies are, he has a far more thorough knowledge of how government works, and is a man of much better character. He is far more likely to listen to scientists, professionals, and not make radical suggestions base on whimsy to entertain people that are not that bright. He will not be the next twitter king, rambling at all hours of the day and night.
With all due respect, White...I can't think of a politician that has gotten it WRONG more times than Joe Biden! He's an idiot and always has been!
I guess we will just disagree.
I can only hope that Joe Biden doesn't get elected, White! If he does...then you're going to be stuck defending someone who's woefully prepared for the hardest job on the planet! Joe Biden isn't bright. He never was. Now he's senile on top of that. It's a scary combination. The question then becomes...who is it that will really be running the country?
If he sucked, which I doubt, I would not defend. It is one of the big benefits to being independent. You get to call an ace and ace and a spade a spade.
If he sucked? With all due respect, White...Joe Biden has literally been running for President since the Watergate Hearings ousted Richard Nixon almost five decades ago and time after time he's done something so monumentally stupid that he was forced to withdraw from the nomination process! Now suddenly THAT guy is the chosen one of the Democratic Party? It borders on farce!

I'm not calling Biden an ace or a spade...I'm simply pointing out what he idiot! How could you possibly be conned into voting for THAT guy?
Joe Biden is just a professional politician who is highly experienced in government, planning to move more toward the center and has a history of working across the aisle. Trump won because he ran against Hillary (arguably a villain of equal or greater status than trump and carrying more baggage from her public service(?). This time, trump has no villain, but Joe has trump, a villain extraordinaire and donnie has more baggage than his devoted minority can possibly carry anymore, usually adding more daily, and would not work across the aisle or even with people on his side of the aisle if they did not kiss his butt regularly, no matter what the situation he created.
What Joe a "career" politician....someone who's been a Washington insider for the better part of five decades, White! He's been part of the problem all that time...not a solution to the problem. As for baggage? This scandal with his son Hunter isn't going away. It's the very definition of influence peddling.
I voted for somebody that knows what he is doing instead of the guy that listens to the last person he hears. I voted for somebody that has helped write policy and the legislation to achieve it instead of the guy who constantly whines about his own problems and is looking for others to write a loose policy that helps him in some nebulous way without care to the country. The problem you identify is not just a problem (at this time) but just about the only solution, as the real problem now is "Amateur Hour Sucks" so I am not in favor of hiring some paranoid, often failing, entrepreneur, game-show host from a silver spoon background, to spend my money on his whimsy, when I really need and experienced qualified engineer with design and project management skills. I am sorry you felt ignored, but your boy had his chance and now it is time to get back to the business of running the government with less drama and more cross politic consensus input for the good of the country.
Are serious? We need someone to fix the economy. Your choices are between Joe Biden...who was second in command of the administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...or Donald Trump...who gave us some of the best economic numbers ever recorded! You claim you want someone with experience and skills? Why would you vote for the guy that hasn't demonstrated ANY expertise with economies or job creation?
Wrong. Economy crashed under Bush. I know. Lost a lot of money while on vacation after the plant I was on salary with for 22 years folded. Voted Obama. It started to stabilize, recovered, expanding again and kept expanding, allowing me time to rebuild my retirement. I am satisfied. You should have invested better and moved quicker when you lost your job after the crash.
The Obama "recovery" was the slowest recovery from a recession since The Great Depression. It would have been historically bad if it wasn't for the boost that the economy received from the fracking related boom...something that Barack Obama opposed! So I ask again, White...why would any rational person vote for the guy who was second in command of the administration that didn't have a clue how to grow an economy and create jobs when job number one this year will BE growing the economy and creating jobs?
I was not looking for the fastest recovery. I was looking for stablization and steady slow recovery on a continued upward track. The faster the economy the less control and vice-versa. The economy was too unstable at high speed. I cared about my personal economy. The Obama Biden economy was fine with me with steady grown and low inflation. Runaway inflation is the only thing that can threaten me now. Sorry you could not find a way to make decent money with your skill set.
Ah, so what you're looking for is a long drawn out recovery like Obama/Biden gave us? The slowest recovery from a recession in nearly 70 years? I wonder if people who are out of work feel the same way about that as you do? Do you think they'd like to see a "steady slow recovery"? One where they could be looking for jobs for a year or more? That's what the Biden economy promises to be, White! The policies that he espouses will slow economic growth. That's what you just voted for.
Some people do not agree with you.
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
Sergei KlebnikovForbes Staff Sep 25, 2020,02:54pm EDT
I cover billionaires and their wealth.
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.
Did you take Economics in college, White? I did. Would you care to show how a tax increase in the midst of a recession results in economic growth and employment? You know...give an example of when that has EVER happened?
Yes, I took it. I am more of a Keynesian, during a recession it is often better to cut back on taxes and roll the presses. I made good grades and everybody wanted my notes, including the academic committee after people started passing my note around and class grades improved. I am no economist, but I know that trickle down supply side economic was described best by George H.W. Bush as Voodoo economics. I quoted you the Forbes article. I suspect they talk to better economist than you or I and I am certain Moody does.
I'll just toss this in for good measure.
Remember, those were the Obama/Biden days.
Yep. After the Bush crash and B.O elected. I went back work with ease, as all I needed was a stable work market. Worked through the Obama years putting it back together and retired on schedule right before Donnie was elected. Obama years were a sweet deal for for me after the Bush crash. Glad I am not part of the trump recession. I put two kids in college at the same time and kept them on our insurance the whole time. PJ never lost her insurance, and it didn't go up because she was a recent cancer survivor. Good thing donnie, going down or a lot of people would be screwed. I am voting Joe Biden as soon as the polls open tomorrow morning, for the good of the country and my fellow citizens.
You're going to vote for an obviously senile man who's been in Washington since before Nixon was President "for the good of the country"? Really, White?

Biden isn't up for the job. It's amusing to watch Nancy Pelosi talk about invoking the 25th Amendment when the candidate that her party has nominated can't even muster the energy to campaign. We'll end up with Kamala Harris as our President if Biden is elected and then your country and your fellow citizens will all be one step closer to living in the dysfunctional mess that California has become!
Too late for your BS. I voted this morning for Joe Biden to be the next President of The United States of America.
Why? What has Joe Biden ever done that makes you think he'd be even a mediocre President?
He has demonstrated better judgement, a more even temperament, a better knowledge of who are friends and enemies are, he has a far more thorough knowledge of how government works, and is a man of much better character. He is far more likely to listen to scientists, professionals, and not make radical suggestions base on whimsy to entertain people that are not that bright. He will not be the next twitter king, rambling at all hours of the day and night.
With all due respect, White...I can't think of a politician that has gotten it WRONG more times than Joe Biden! He's an idiot and always has been!
I guess we will just disagree.
I can only hope that Joe Biden doesn't get elected, White! If he does...then you're going to be stuck defending someone who's woefully prepared for the hardest job on the planet! Joe Biden isn't bright. He never was. Now he's senile on top of that. It's a scary combination. The question then becomes...who is it that will really be running the country?
If he sucked, which I doubt, I would not defend. It is one of the big benefits to being independent. You get to call an ace and ace and a spade a spade.
If he sucked? With all due respect, White...Joe Biden has literally been running for President since the Watergate Hearings ousted Richard Nixon almost five decades ago and time after time he's done something so monumentally stupid that he was forced to withdraw from the nomination process! Now suddenly THAT guy is the chosen one of the Democratic Party? It borders on farce!

I'm not calling Biden an ace or a spade...I'm simply pointing out what he idiot! How could you possibly be conned into voting for THAT guy?
Joe Biden is just a professional politician who is highly experienced in government, planning to move more toward the center and has a history of working across the aisle. Trump won because he ran against Hillary (arguably a villain of equal or greater status than trump and carrying more baggage from her public service(?). This time, trump has no villain, but Joe has trump, a villain extraordinaire and donnie has more baggage than his devoted minority can possibly carry anymore, usually adding more daily, and would not work across the aisle or even with people on his side of the aisle if they did not kiss his butt regularly, no matter what the situation he created.
What Joe a "career" politician....someone who's been a Washington insider for the better part of five decades, White! He's been part of the problem all that time...not a solution to the problem. As for baggage? This scandal with his son Hunter isn't going away. It's the very definition of influence peddling.
I voted for somebody that knows what he is doing instead of the guy that listens to the last person he hears. I voted for somebody that has helped write policy and the legislation to achieve it instead of the guy who constantly whines about his own problems and is looking for others to write a loose policy that helps him in some nebulous way without care to the country. The problem you identify is not just a problem (at this time) but just about the only solution, as the real problem now is "Amateur Hour Sucks" so I am not in favor of hiring some paranoid, often failing, entrepreneur, game-show host from a silver spoon background, to spend my money on his whimsy, when I really need and experienced qualified engineer with design and project management skills. I am sorry you felt ignored, but your boy had his chance and now it is time to get back to the business of running the government with less drama and more cross politic consensus input for the good of the country.
Are serious? We need someone to fix the economy. Your choices are between Joe Biden...who was second in command of the administration that gave us the worst recovery from a recession since The Great Depression...or Donald Trump...who gave us some of the best economic numbers ever recorded! You claim you want someone with experience and skills? Why would you vote for the guy that hasn't demonstrated ANY expertise with economies or job creation?
Wrong. Economy crashed under Bush. I know. Lost a lot of money while on vacation after the plant I was on salary with for 22 years folded. Voted Obama. It started to stabilize, recovered, expanding again and kept expanding, allowing me time to rebuild my retirement. I am satisfied. You should have invested better and moved quicker when you lost your job after the crash.
The Obama "recovery" was the slowest recovery from a recession since The Great Depression. It would have been historically bad if it wasn't for the boost that the economy received from the fracking related boom...something that Barack Obama opposed! So I ask again, White...why would any rational person vote for the guy who was second in command of the administration that didn't have a clue how to grow an economy and create jobs when job number one this year will BE growing the economy and creating jobs?
I was not looking for the fastest recovery. I was looking for stablization and steady slow recovery on a continued upward track. The faster the economy the less control and vice-versa. The economy was too unstable at high speed. I cared about my personal economy. The Obama Biden economy was fine with me with steady grown and low inflation. Runaway inflation is the only thing that can threaten me now. Sorry you could not find a way to make decent money with your skill set.
Ah, so what you're looking for is a long drawn out recovery like Obama/Biden gave us? The slowest recovery from a recession in nearly 70 years? I wonder if people who are out of work feel the same way about that as you do? Do you think they'd like to see a "steady slow recovery"? One where they could be looking for jobs for a year or more? That's what the Biden economy promises to be, White! The policies that he espouses will slow economic growth. That's what you just voted for.
Some people do not agree with you.
Biden, Democratic Victories Would Be Best Outcome For The Economy, Moody’s Says
Sergei KlebnikovForbes Staff Sep 25, 2020,02:54pm EDT
I cover billionaires and their wealth.
A victory for Joe Biden over Donald Trump and a Democratic sweep—where Republicans lose the Senate—would result in the biggest rebound in economic growth and employment, according to a recent analysis of both candidates’ economic proposals by Moody’s Analytics.
Did you take Economics in college, White? I did. Would you care to show how a tax increase in the midst of a recession results in economic growth and employment? You know...give an example of when that has EVER happened?
Yes, I took it. I am more of a Keynesian, during a recession it is often better to cut back on taxes and roll the presses. I made good grades and everybody wanted my notes, including the academic committee after people started passing my note around and class grades improved. I am no economist, but I know that trickle down supply side economic was described best by George H.W. Bush as Voodoo economics. I quoted you the Forbes article. I suspect they talk to better economist than you or I and I am certain Moody does.
If you REALLY took Economics why would you even bring up "trickle down" economics? It doesn't exist!
You admit that during a recession cutting taxes is better Economic policy than raising them yet you just voted for Joe Biden who intends to raise taxes in the midst of a recession? Did I miss something? Why did you vote for someone who's obviously clueless when it comes to Economics?

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