Remember when the Democrat party was not run by Socialist Democrats?

Yes the Democrats have always leaned toward big government solutions and initiatives more than have the Republicans, but the Democrats used to love America and Americans and tried to do what they believed was best for America. And they at least tried to avoid legislation and policy that would result in unintended negative consequences.

I no longer believe most Democrats are that way.
Yes the Democrats have always leaned toward big government solutions and initiatives more than have the Republicans, but the Democrats used to love America and Americans and tried to do what they believed was best for America. And they at least tried to avoid legislation and policy that would result in unintended negative consequences.

I no longer believe most Democrats are that way.

Democrats look at Government as a means to help We the People
Republicans look at Government as a means to help Big Business
Democrats look at Government as a means to help We the People
Republicans look at Government as a means to help Big Business

Pure bullshit, but you just go right on ahead believeing it if that's what keeps the tears under control.

Democrats look at Government as a means to help We the People
If that were true, why haven’t you been able to lift blacks up?
Republicans look at Government as a means to help Big Business
If that were true, wouldn’t all of “Big Business” be Republican?
Zuckerberg, Bezos, The google faggots, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, all of Hollywood….they are all Mexicrats….why is that?
If that were true, why haven’t you been able to lift blacks up?

If that were true, wouldn’t all of “Big Business” be Republican?
Zuckerberg, Bezos, The google faggots, Bill Gates, Warren Buffett, all of Hollywood….they are all Mexicrats….why is that?

Democrats have done much for We the People
Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, Educational support, Affirmative Action

Republicans slash taxes on the rich
Democrats have done much for We the People
Social Security, Medicare, Obamacare, Educational support, Affirmative Action

Republicans slash taxes on the rich
Let's see here:

Robbing Americans of a weeks' pay per month

Double grocery prices

50% higher electric prices

Did away with most post-WW2 affordable vehicles and all the parts and service jobs associated with them

Double housing costs per month (that's where the extra week of disposable income per month goes)

Unfettered illegal immigration and one just killed most of an innocent family, women and children and all

Got Americans and Afghanis killed in Afghanistan for no good reason

Highest fuel prices ever in America

Democrat brownshirts have burned down billions of dollars worth of businesses and tried to be political terrorists

That's enough. Fuck all of them to hell and back.
Let's see here:

Robbing Americans of a weeks' pay per month

Double grocery prices

50% higher electric prices

Did away with most post-WW2 affordable vehicles and all the parts and service jobs associated with them

Double housing costs per month (that's where the extra week of disposable income per month goes)

Unfettered illegal immigration and one just killed most of an innocent family, women and children and all

Got Americans and Afghanis killed in Afghanistan for no good reason

Highest fuel prices ever in America

Democrat brownshirts have burned down billions of dollars worth of businesses and tried to be political terrorists

That's enough. Fuck all of them to hell and back.

Nice try
Can you tie them to Democratic legislation ?
It was the "tolerance" of the Democratic party that used to be touted as a virtue which is actually what enabled commie-globalists to take it over and begin to use that tolerance to normalize every type of perversion of humanity to gain votes from every type of wacko.
It was the "tolerance" of the Democratic party that used to be touted as a virtue which is actually what enabled commie-globalists to take it over and begin to use that tolerance to normalize every type of perversion of humanity to gain votes from every type of wacko.
Commie Globalist?
Democrats look at Government as a means to help We the People
Republicans look at Government as a means to help Big Business
Almost all big business is now firmly in the leftists' pockets and promote all the most stupid of leftist propaganda and 'woke' nonsense. Which of course is why the left kept the big box stores open during COVID and closed down all the mom and pop operations causing the demise of thousands of them. You can't show me many, if any, heads of media organizations or large corporations that aren't headed by leftists/Democrats/neocon globalists. The huge lion's share of their contributions go to Democrats.

Why? Because Democrat big government policies barely make a dent in big corps' bottom line but can create huge hardships on their smaller competition who can't easily offshore their profits or accommodate massive regulations. And the more those smaller competitors give up and close down, the more profits the big boys can make.
Which of course is why the left kept the big box stores open during COVID and closed down all the mom and pop operations causing the demise of thousands of them.

COVID safety precautions were done on a state by state basis
Are you claiming that EVERY state is controlled by Democrats?
COVID safety precautions were done on a state by state basis
Are you claiming that EVERY state is controlled by Democrats?
Most of the ones where the small business operations took the biggest hits were controlled by Democrats. And it was the Democrats/leftists in Washington, CDC, W.H.O. etc. who were mostly encouraging them to do it.-
Most of the ones where the small business operations took the biggest hits were controlled by Democrats. And it was the Democrats/leftists in Washington, CDC, W.H.O. etc. who were mostly encouraging them to do it.-


States decided which business could stay open and which had to close

RED States…..Texas, Florida, Arizona, Georgia

States decided which business could stay open and which had to close

RED States
All I know is that the red states that opened up much more quickly did far better economically than those that kept most businesses closed down for most of 2020 and 2021. And that was especially true of small businesses.

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