Remember when the left cried because Trump had the unmitigated gall to take a call from Taiwan?

It wasn't so much that he took a phone call, it was the fact that he recognized the president of Taiwan as a president, and so did Pence when he called her the president of Taiwan.

It wasn't the phone call, it was officially recognizing Taiwan as a separate government from China, which goes against the "One China" policy put into place by Nixon, repealed by Carter, and reinstated under Reagan.

And before you go saying that he's not president yet, you have to remember he is president elect and because of that is no longer a regular citizen, and anything he does or says will be taken as the official views and policy of this country.
So what? The US has been selling billions of dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan to defend itself if attacked by China and that is certainly de facto recognition that Taiwan is a separate country. After eight years of Obama's lack of a foreign policy, Democrats seemed shocked that Trump has one. Why is this? Trump announced during his campaign that he intended to do some tough negotiating with China, and this is to let them know, there is a new sheriff in town who won't be a pushover.

You are right. Obama DID sell weapons to Taiwan, and China was pissed. The sale back in 2015 was the first sale in 4 years, and it was comprised of mostly defensive weapons that were all outdated technology from the 70s and 80s. And, it's something that has been done across the past six administrations. up on it................

U.S. sells $1.83B of weapons to Taiwan over Chinese ire -

And, it is consistent with the treaty we have with Taiwan. Every now and again, we assess their defensive requirements and then do a sale to them. Jr. did it, Reagan did it, Clinton did it, and Obama has done it.

However...............none of them have ever officially referred to Taiwan's government.
lol If they never did business with the government, who signed the contracts and the checks. It is true that every administration has given de facto recognition to Taiwan as an independent nation while at the same time holding to the official position that it is part of China. That's the kind of thing crazy people do.

Before 1971, most of the world recognized the government of Taiwan (ROC) as the legitimate government of all of China and Taiwan held the China seat at the UN. However, Mao Zedong's government refused to open diplomatic relations with any country that recognized the ROC, so the US, wanting to open diplomatic relations with the PRC bowed to Mao's demands helping to strip Taiwan of its seat at the UN and opposing its membership in any international organization except as a non state actor.

So the US abandoned an ally of many years in order to open diplomatic relations with an enemy, something we should not be proud of, and since then while maintaining the fiction that Taiwan is not an independent nation we deal with it as if it were. Trump's acceptance of the Taiwanese president's phone call, is disturbing to some people because it shows how absurd our foreign policy has been and exposes a shameful period in our past.

Hey, I didn't write the policy, Nixon and Reagan did. I'm just showing you why it was such a gaffe and why he's catching flack for it. Changing 30 years of US policy before you're president is kinda pushing it.
I would argue he is pushing it in the right direction, setting the stage for tough negotiations with China about trade by putting something else they think is important on the table.
Saying how it is going to risk a war with China?

Meanwhile, they continually beat the actual war drum against Putin.

What is their claim? That Putin spied on us with cyber attacks and Putin did bad things to Crimea and did bad things to isis, and has a bad record on human rights.

Meanwhile, how has china treated Taiwan? Tibet? What is China's record on human rights? How about the planet? Ever see how the Chinese attacks us on the cyber networks every fucking day?

Nothing in this world is more disgusting than a fucking liberal. Nothing.
You are so fucking ignorant. It's truly amazing. Clearly have don't know anything at all.

Where did the One China policy come from? Why is it there? You clearly have no idea what a cyber war could do. You are one ignorant fuck. Really, truly and desperately ignorant. One wonders how you manage to function in everyday life.
It wasn't so much that he took a phone call, it was the fact that he recognized the president of Taiwan as a president, and so did Pence when he called her the president of Taiwan.

It wasn't the phone call, it was officially recognizing Taiwan as a separate government from China, which goes against the "One China" policy put into place by Nixon, repealed by Carter, and reinstated under Reagan.

And before you go saying that he's not president yet, you have to remember he is president elect and because of that is no longer a regular citizen, and anything he does or says will be taken as the official views and policy of this country.

She isn't the president? So if your ilk doesn't want to call her president, she isn't president? Several fables read to me as a child are in play here....guess which one in particular?
It wasn't so much that he took a phone call, it was the fact that he recognized the president of Taiwan as a president, and so did Pence when he called her the president of Taiwan.

It wasn't the phone call, it was officially recognizing Taiwan as a separate government from China, which goes against the "One China" policy put into place by Nixon, repealed by Carter, and reinstated under Reagan.

And before you go saying that he's not president yet, you have to remember he is president elect and because of that is no longer a regular citizen, and anything he does or says will be taken as the official views and policy of this country.
So what? The US has been selling billions of dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan to defend itself if attacked by China and that is certainly de facto recognition that Taiwan is a separate country. After eight years of Obama's lack of a foreign policy, Democrats seemed shocked that Trump has one. Why is this? Trump announced during his campaign that he intended to do some tough negotiating with China, and this is to let them know, there is a new sheriff in town who won't be a pushover.

You are right. Obama DID sell weapons to Taiwan, and China was pissed. The sale back in 2015 was the first sale in 4 years, and it was comprised of mostly defensive weapons that were all outdated technology from the 70s and 80s. And, it's something that has been done across the past six administrations. up on it................

U.S. sells $1.83B of weapons to Taiwan over Chinese ire -

And, it is consistent with the treaty we have with Taiwan. Every now and again, we assess their defensive requirements and then do a sale to them. Jr. did it, Reagan did it, Clinton did it, and Obama has done it.

However...............none of them have ever officially referred to Taiwan's government.
lol If they never did business with the government, who signed the contracts and the checks. It is true that every administration has given de facto recognition to Taiwan as an independent nation while at the same time holding to the official position that it is part of China. That's the kind of thing crazy people do.

Before 1971, most of the world recognized the government of Taiwan (ROC) as the legitimate government of all of China and Taiwan held the China seat at the UN. However, Mao Zedong's government refused to open diplomatic relations with any country that recognized the ROC, so the US, wanting to open diplomatic relations with the PRC bowed to Mao's demands helping to strip Taiwan of its seat at the UN and opposing its membership in any international organization except as a non state actor.

So the US abandoned an ally of many years in order to open diplomatic relations with an enemy, something we should not be proud of, and since then while maintaining the fiction that Taiwan is not an independent nation we deal with it as if it were. Trump's acceptance of the Taiwanese president's phone call, is disturbing to some people because it shows how absurd our foreign policy has been and exposes a shameful period in our past.

Hey, I didn't write the policy, Nixon and Reagan did. I'm just showing you why it was such a gaffe and why he's catching flack for it. Changing 30 years of US policy before you're president is kinda pushing it.
I would argue he is pushing it in the right direction, setting the stage for tough negotiations with China about trade by putting something else they think is important on the table.
The stupid pathetic limp wristed American hating left think negotiating from a position of weakness is effective.

We just had a president that never employed a person and was not qualified to run a hot dog stand, let alone a country, let alone the USA.

Now, the world, who has grown accustomed to fucking this country with no lube (obvious metaphorical and literal delight to the left) is now going to be dealing with someone that is faaar fucking different.

The left still think Trump is a bad business man. They think he was handed his wealth. They are also so fucking stupid that they think turning 10 million into billions is just so so easy.

The fact that these fuckers are this dumb only further illustrates my point about them.
So what? The US has been selling billions of dollars worth of weapons to Taiwan to defend itself if attacked by China and that is certainly de facto recognition that Taiwan is a separate country. After eight years of Obama's lack of a foreign policy, Democrats seemed shocked that Trump has one. Why is this? Trump announced during his campaign that he intended to do some tough negotiating with China, and this is to let them know, there is a new sheriff in town who won't be a pushover.

You are right. Obama DID sell weapons to Taiwan, and China was pissed. The sale back in 2015 was the first sale in 4 years, and it was comprised of mostly defensive weapons that were all outdated technology from the 70s and 80s. And, it's something that has been done across the past six administrations. up on it................

U.S. sells $1.83B of weapons to Taiwan over Chinese ire -

And, it is consistent with the treaty we have with Taiwan. Every now and again, we assess their defensive requirements and then do a sale to them. Jr. did it, Reagan did it, Clinton did it, and Obama has done it.

However...............none of them have ever officially referred to Taiwan's government.
lol If they never did business with the government, who signed the contracts and the checks. It is true that every administration has given de facto recognition to Taiwan as an independent nation while at the same time holding to the official position that it is part of China. That's the kind of thing crazy people do.

Before 1971, most of the world recognized the government of Taiwan (ROC) as the legitimate government of all of China and Taiwan held the China seat at the UN. However, Mao Zedong's government refused to open diplomatic relations with any country that recognized the ROC, so the US, wanting to open diplomatic relations with the PRC bowed to Mao's demands helping to strip Taiwan of its seat at the UN and opposing its membership in any international organization except as a non state actor.

So the US abandoned an ally of many years in order to open diplomatic relations with an enemy, something we should not be proud of, and since then while maintaining the fiction that Taiwan is not an independent nation we deal with it as if it were. Trump's acceptance of the Taiwanese president's phone call, is disturbing to some people because it shows how absurd our foreign policy has been and exposes a shameful period in our past.

Hey, I didn't write the policy, Nixon and Reagan did. I'm just showing you why it was such a gaffe and why he's catching flack for it. Changing 30 years of US policy before you're president is kinda pushing it.
I would argue he is pushing it in the right direction, setting the stage for tough negotiations with China about trade by putting something else they think is important on the table.
The stupid pathetic limp wristed American hating left think negotiating from a position of weakness is effective.

We just had a president that never employed a person and was not qualified to run a hot dog stand, let alone a country, let alone the USA.

Now, the world, who has grown accustomed to fucking this country with no lube (obvious metaphorical and literal delight to the left) is now going to be dealing with someone that is faaar fucking different.

The left still think Trump is a bad business man. They think he was handed his wealth. They are also so fucking stupid that they think turning 10 million into billions is just so so easy.

The fact that these fuckers are this dumb only further illustrates my point about them.
40 million and companies.

If he had just put it into Government bonds and solid stocks, after all that time, it probably would have grown into 10 billion. Money makes money.

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