Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

Why should we believe anything a liar and Commie Propagandist like you says?

Say hello to your demonic overlords for us.
Have you figured out what Book of Revelations the invasion of Ukraine refers to?

Go clutch your crystals and pray for guidance, and then get back to us after you take your meds.
As you know, and wish was not the case, there was no COLLUSION between President Putin and Trump.
What did they talk about in their SECRET meeting, where notes were not allowed to be taken?

I mean, you can predict the future, so you should be able to figure this out for us.
Economic embargos are war crimes according to the 1906 Hague Conventions that the US ratified.
And blocking Russian oil/gas would impoverish European countries that rely on it.
Nor do we have the capability, since we are too far away.
Please show us your reliable source and working link proving that a treaty from 1906 labeled an economic embargo as a war crime.
Have you figured out what Book of Revelations the invasion of Ukraine refers to?

Go clutch your crystals and pray for guidance, and then get back to us after you take your meds.
Apparently a bunch of demons invaded your underwear and you liked it.

Did you know Biblical Magog includes Crimea and Ukraine and that Russia must possess them to be Magog?

Have a nice day Rasputin!
Did you know Biblical Magog includes Crimea and Ukraine and that Russia must possess them to be Magog?
Tell me, how much time do I have left before the Tribulation? Any guesses? I want to get some remodeling done.
What did they talk about in their SECRET meeting, where notes were not allowed to be taken?

I mean, you can predict the future, so you should be able to figure this out for us.
They talked about Biden, Clinton and Obama giving Putin $13 million to interfere with the 2016 election and then how the same people hired China to interfere with the 2020 election.

That’s gonna leave a mark!
What did they talk about in their SECRET meeting, where notes were not allowed to be taken?

I mean, you can predict the future, so you should be able to figure this out for us.
who knows.. maybe he told him not to invade…because you know he didn’t…he waited til you demafasict took over and the US was no longer in a position of strength
What did they talk about in their SECRET meeting, where notes were not allowed to be taken?

I mean, you can predict the future, so you should be able to figure this out for us.
Now you're just being goofy and desperate. Grow up, PLEASE!
Tell me, how much time do I have left before the Tribulation? Any guesses? I want to get some remodeling done.
You have the amount of time God has granted you to repent before you are unable to repent.

You’ll have all of eternity in Hell to ponder your stupidity and rebellion. All the time you want to be a fool then.
who knows.. maybe he told him not to invade…because you know he didn’t…he waited til you demafasict took over and the US was no longer in a position of strength
That makes as much sense as you do.
Who says Ukraine or NATO wants to have nukes on their soil.

Do you agree with Flynn Oldstyle ?
After President Reagan forced the collapse of the Soviet Union, Ukraine had nuclear weapons. Following that, President Clinton negotiated for Ukraine to return their nuclear weapons to Russia and that we would protect them.

That seemed to work until President Obama allowed Russia to "annex" Crimea. Nothing during the Trump administration and now all of Ukraine under the weakest president in our history.
You are a liar. Europe doesn’t need US
Oil. and increased production NG by the STARTING A YEAR AGI would not resolve t

LNG requires ocean going ship terminals and processing plants to convert it back to gas when it arrives.

Europe does not have the infrastructure that would the US to replace Russia and the Europe’s main supplier of natural gas.
"Following a similar crisis in 2009, when a financial conflict with Ukraine prompted Russia to suspend gas shipments for 20 days, Europe substantially expanded its number of regasification facilities to 29. There is still currently space in European regasification receiving terminals to import more LNG, and plenty of storage space to hold imported supply virtually indefinitely. But many of the world’s top suppliers are maxed-out, with little capacity to produce and liquefy more natural gas than they are already moving."

As that article points out...Europe is set up to receive LNG from the US.
Didn't Trump threaten to pull out of Nato? Didn't Trump threaten Kelensky that he would no longer provide military aid to Ukraine unless he dug up dirt on Biden, and was subsequently impeached for? Who is the single person, in a certain large communist country to gain the most out of these actions? Trump continually bashed NATO before, during and after his failed presidency and all the while lavished praise on Putin. This is who you're crediting with "strengthening NATO?" LMAO
Once again...your contention makes ZERO sense, Krichton! Trump threatened to pull out of NATO if our allies in NATO didn't start living up to their commitments towards defense. How does Trump twisting arms to make NATO stronger in any way help Putin?
As that article points out...Europe is set up to receive LNG from the US.

Germany is not. They are building their first facility but not ready until the end of this year, which will reduce about 10 percent of Russia’s annual deliveries to Germany.

(Bloomberg) -- The old trading city of Hamburg in northwest Germany will soon become the center for a drive in Europe’s biggest economy to diversify natural gas imports. Three partners are forging plans to build a terminal for liquefied natural gas on the shores of the River Elbe, not far from an old nuclear reactor that’s fallen victim to the nation’s atomic exit. Costing as much as $600 million

Plan Underway to Subdue Russian Gas With German LNG Terminal
Copyright © BloombergQuint

The facility would be able to import as much as 5 billion cubic meters per year, or about 10 percent of Russia’s annual deliveries to Germany.
What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.

BRUSSELS — The Dutch are sending rocket launchers for air defense. The Estonians are sending Javelin antitank missiles. The Poles and the Latvians are sending Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The Czechs are sending machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols and ammunition.

Even formerly neutral countries like Sweden and Finland are sending weapons. And Germany, long allergic to sending weapons into conflict zones, is sending Stingers as well as other shoulder-launched rockets.

In all, about 20 countries — most members of NATO and the European Union, but not all — are funneling arms into Ukraine to fight off Russian invaders and arm an insurgency, if the war comes to that.

At the same time, NATO is moving military equipment and as many as 22,000 more troops into member states bordering Russia and Belarus, to reassure them and enhance deterrence.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought European countries together as never before, minds concentrated by the larger threat to European security presented by the Russia of President Vladimir V. Putin.

“European security and defense has evolved more in the last six days than in the last two decades,” Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Union’s executive arm, asserted in a speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday. Brussels has moved to “Europeanize” the efforts of member states to aid Ukraine with weapons and money and put down a marker for the bloc as a significant military actor.

But whether European weaponry will continue to reach the Ukrainian battlefield in time to make a difference is far from certain. However proud Brussels is of its effort, it is a strategy that risks encouraging a wider war and possible retaliation from Mr. Putin. The rush of lethal military aid into Ukraine from Poland, a member of NATO, aims, after all, to kill Russian soldiers.

Mr. Putin already sees NATO as committed to threaten or even destroy Russia through its support for Ukraine, as he has repeated in his recent speeches, even as he has raised the nuclear alert of his own forces to warn Europe and the United States of the risks of interference.

It would already be WWIII. Putin just needed his stooge Trump to get out as well.
Hey stupid, the whole russia collusion thing has been proven to be a scam perpetrated by the Demoncrats. It's Biden that welcomed payoffs from Russia. And Biden that decided to let them overrun the Ukraine just like Obummer let them overrun Crimea. Trump is the only president that they feared. THEY DIDN'T OVER RUN ANY OTHER COUNTRY WHILE TRUMP WAS IN OFFICE.
Asking NATO to do their fair share was a good thing. Stop being a stupid American. We have way too many of those...
Negative; There was Trump-Russia collusion — and Trump pardoned the colluder
I highly doubt that Putin would have bothered Ukraine if Trump had not left the WH, NATO was so busy sorting out the internal ranking. In fact, no one notices that the US is not the Alpha dog now. The UK is. You need to thx who is in the WH now.
Actually just the opposite. There is a reason why Trump and Putin are besties;

The oil deal fell through because Trump was under investigation. Now that Trump doesn't have the power, Putin will get it another way.

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