Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

Trump strengthened NATO, Krichton. Trump gave defensive weapons to the Ukraine when Obama and Biden gave them blankets. Where exactly are you getting the idea that Republicans are against NATO? Because they agreed with Trump that NATO countries that weren't fulfilling their promised levels of investment in defense should do what they said they would? Putin viewed the US as weak and thought Europe was now so dependent on Russian oil and natural gas that they'd look the other way while he attacked Ukraine. That's on Biden and HIS policies...not on the Republicans!

Didn't Trump threaten to pull out of Nato? Didn't Trump threaten Kelensky that he would no longer provide military aid to Ukraine unless he dug up dirt on Biden, and was subsequently impeached for? Who is the single person, in a certain large communist country to gain the most out of these actions? Trump continually bashed NATO before, during and after his failed presidency and all the while lavished praise on Putin. This is who you're crediting with "strengthening NATO?" LMAO
You're a basket case.
Wow! I must have REALLY blown your fuse asking you to actually PRODUCE SOMETHING in support of your claims! I must have been closer to the truth than I realized! Nice to see another tard shitting himself running for cover! :laugh2: Why don't you go suck some more limp Biddum dick for yourself, loser!
We have the capability to supply Europe with oil and natural gas for decades,
You are a liar. Europe doesn’t need US
Oil. and increased production NG by the STARTING A YEAR AGI would not resolve t

LNG requires ocean going ship terminals and processing plants to convert it back to gas when it arrives.

Europe does not have the infrastructure that would the US to replace Russia and the Europe’s main supplier of natural gas.
What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.
If the US and NATO had not been instigating regime change in Ukraine over the past 30 years, Putin would have had no reason to invade.

Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold

"The consequences of pushing NATO up to the borders with Russia — there is now a NATO missile base in Poland 100 miles from the Russian border — were well known to policy makers.

"Yet they did it anyway.

"It made no geopolitical sense.

"But it made commercial sense.

"War, after all, is a business, a very lucrative one.

"It is why we spent two decades in Afghanistan although there was near universal consensus after a few years of fruitless fighting that we had waded into a quagmire we could never win."
Your knowledge of history is almost laughable, Rigby! The Soviets didn't threaten Western Europe after WWII? You might want to brush up on what the Soviets did to Poland. The Katyn Forest massacre specifically. Or their annexation of East Germany and attempt to take West Berlin.

Claiming that Putin is the "good guy" as he bombs hospitals, schools and residential buildings is grotesque! He's evil and you are as well for supporting such a person!
Wow... Putin as a good guy that is president of a country that built a WALL to keep people IN that wanted to leave!
Screen Shot 2022-03-04 at 4.38.15 PM.png
If the US and NATO had not been instigating regime change in Ukraine over the past 30 years, Putin would have had no reason to invade.

Stop condoning a war criminal/terrorist. Vladimir Putin had has absolutely no reason or justification to invade. There needs to be an existential threat to the Russian Federation from Ukraine to justify killing and terrorizing the Ukrainian civilian population in the way that Putin is doing it. You need to stop right now.
I don't support Putin, Biden, or Trump.
Who do you support?
Do you support the idea of democracy, free speech, pursuit of happiness, freedom of religion? . Do you oppose fascism?. I’m sure you support the former but in that case the choice is simple, you support our president in a war defending those things and opposing fascism.
If the US and NATO had not been instigating regime change in Ukraine over the past 30 years, Putin would have had no reason to invade.

Why do you believe our times Adolph Hitler? Putin wants Ukraine back to Russia and is willing to kill Ukrainian babies to achieve it.,
Wow! I must have REALLY blown your fuse asking you to actually PRODUCE SOMETHING in support of your claims! I must have been closer to the truth than I realized! Nice to see another tard shitting himself running for cover! :laugh2: Why don't you go suck some more limp Biddum dick for yourself, loser!
You're sad.
the good old days of trump…where wars were ending and russian was invading eastern europe

Trump, praised Putin? Yet Putin did not could not would not invade the Ukraine while Trump was president.

Biden, becomes president, Putin not only attacks, but totally occupies the Ukraine.

And the morons think Biden is not in Putin's pocket when Putin succeeds at invading a country under the democrats watch.

I get it, you must not admit that Biden was defeated while he was spoon fed his warm oatmeal.
Libs and their bullshit that we like Putin
What we like is Trump getting NATO to pay up so they are strong enough now to be effective
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What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.
Under President Trump, the invasion would not have happened.

Yes, President Trump rightly "beat up" the members of NATO. For not paying their agreed-upon stipends to the organization.

As you know, and wish was not the case, there was no COLLUSION between President Putin and Trump. However, the case can certainly be made that President Biden owes Putin a great deal. After all, it is Biden who is still allowing us to purchase millions of dollars a day in oil from Russia.

Trump is a pathological liar and a clown. Trump admired Putin more than anyone, with the North Korean tyrant a close second (remember, they "fell in love", Trump said as much)
Why should we believe anything a liar and Commie Propagandist like you says?

Say hello to your demonic overlords for us.
Trump's legacy will be his relationship with right wing extremist groups and his crimes related to the 2020 election.

Trump's applauding Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro and meeting with North Korea's Kim Jong Un, really turning himself inside out to align the US with regimes that are the antithesis of values that the US says it wants to promote.

if you think election was stolen by the wealthy, thats citizens united.
There are no right wing extremist groups. Just more lies from you DemNazi Fascists.
Mitch couid have certainly prevented Jan6 had he told his Senate Republicans it was correct to convict. - - - Putin misread Jan6 by thinking such violent anti-democratic sentiment contained sufficient pro-Putin and anti-Biden rage in America that Biden couid never rally Americans against his plans to militarily seize Ukraine without his friendly orange face and pushy grabbing hands in the White House.

Putin was wrong - the vast majority of Americans agree with tough US sanctions through a United European Union.

The tough sanctions Biden prepared for in case Putin went in to take Kiev are not the result or tactics of a weak man.

Putin got it wrong. Trump said Putin was a genius. There are two fools who were in lockstep when Putin launched the invasion. They are Putin and Trump. Geniuses do not miscalculate the other side when starting an European war all on their own.

Another miscalculation by Putin if that was the case which it was not. - - - He should know by now that FDR helped Russia defeat the Nazis in World War II - All the while in a wheelchair - he could not shuffle. You are an asshole. Oldestyle No other way to put it. FUCK you.

So why do Trump advisers like General Michael Flynn agree with PUTIN ON THAT.

How is trumps “genius” doing on that miscalculation

This MAGA moron Like most I believe argue that Biden was being too tough on poor little aggrieved Putin for involving the New World in the old world’s border affairs. Flynn - an influential pro-Putin military adviser to Trump.
I really can't tell if you are feigning ignorance or you really are this ignorant.

President Trump has delt with the toughest leaders in the world. How much progress could the US made with Russia if Trump was calling him an idiot and dangerous on the world stage for all to see? No different with China. Trump, wisely, saved the harsh words and actions for direct talks. And it works. You know that to be true although you would rather take a sharp stick in the eye rather than admit Trump was successful and the weakness of President Biden is a horrendous failure.
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