Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

But just for the USA, not for Russia, right?
Russian oligarchs get rich from war just like their US counterparts, but Russia has not been destabilizing countries on the US border since

Defense industry of Russia - Wikipedia

"The defense industry of Russia is a strategically important sector and a large employer in Russia.[1]

"It is also a significant player in the global arms market, with Russian Federation being the second largest conventional arms exporter after the United States, with $13.5 billion worth of exports in 2012.[2]

"Combined, the US and Russia account for 57% of all major weapons exports.[3"
Stop condoning a war criminal/terrorist. Vladimir Putin had has absolutely no reason or justification to invade.
There are military forces of a hostile alliance on Putin's borders, including missiles in Poland.

In the past few days US B-52 bombers, accompanied by NATO fighter aircraft, flew within 100 kilometers of Ukraine's borders.

The US has been actively destabilizing Ukraine since 1949 in spite of the Cold War ending forty years later. Putin has just made a huge mistake in Ukraine, but it was US meddling that made it possible.
Tough sanctions and strengthening the US-led :rolleyes: Watchless MSM, the 1st round of sanctions are so laughably weak.
My wife was born in Russia. It was not a 2000 when she left. So she saw George Bush as an American commit war crimes when he ordered the regime change by Shock n Awe in Iraq and then fucked that nation of mostly Muslims up to please the morally depraved white right. NOW we see Putin committing war crimes by attacking Ukraine to please himself and the fascists and oligarchs who enable him out of greed. Death injury and displacement to victims of superpower war crimes is death injury and displacement for which there was no justice found for Bush and Cheney’s victims., Americans were not sanctioned for the crimes and lies of Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld. But you are a fool 366h34d if you believe Biden’s share of the sanctions are weak. Putin is kinetically Economically and inhumanly destroying Ukraine - the sanctions already are economically destroying Russia as we watch the second coming of Hitler unfold.,

Then, I am a canadian.
If so - butt out / or support our president

I highly doubt that US can survive 4 yrs of Biden.

We are doing fine. Best COVID recovery in the world and we send out the most free vaccines in the world - The curse of Trumpism and lies about the election will soon be behind us thanks to Trump placing his nose up Putin’s “genius” ass for the last time in praising a baby killing invasion.

As I said before, it was unnatural that Americain does not turn into a shxthole within 4 years after Biden has moved into WH

Biden has nowhere to take America but up. Watch and see. Trump hitched his future to “Genius” Putin. Trump is tied to Putin in shame going forward.

I am not Trump supporter.

I don’t see much you support except lying and whining

OP completely misreads the poll result. The US is turned into a dementia grandpa. Everyone ('around the world') loves him, but no people (American) want him after he moves into their house

Trump’s “genius” invader has made inflation a patriotic issue supporting the Ukrainian people who are defending freedom and democracy.

Black is gullible and exploitable, like a kid waving a money phone at a busy train station

I’ll be keeping an eye on you,

Economy size means shxt, EU is so addicted to Putin's LNG that they do not dare to upset little Belarus which is Putin's lapdog

The Black (A.K.A. BLM) owned the streets in the blue cities;

BLM protested peacefully in the streets against the murder of George Floyd., You should have too.

BTW, I do believe Jesus is real

Do you try to practice what he taught

haha, cannot wait when France, British or Germany want to kick the US out of the throne

???????? Huhh

. I don't think a treaty can stop Putin. Putin will only stop after he reinstalls USSR

It only matters that Putin be stopped

believe the invasion would not have happened under Trump.

No one could

It does not seem Putin either cares or is scared.
Putin was never afraid of Trump. That is a fallacy.
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Do you support the idea of democracy, free speech, pursuit of happiness, freedom of religion? . Do you oppose fascism?. I’m sure you support the former but in that case the choice is simple, you support our president in a war defending those things and opposing fascism.
Why did "our president" shake hands with a Ukrainian Nazi in 2014?
MintPress Study: NY Times, Washington Post Driving U.S. to War with Russia Over Ukraine

Did he do that to enhance democracy or US arms sales to NATO states?

The US has been actively destabilizing Ukraine since the end of WWII with the sole intent of killing as many Russians as possible, and Biden is only the latest cog in that machine.
MARCH 4, 2022

“Let Them Kill as Many as Possible”: United States Policy Toward Russia and its Neighbors

Putin has just made a huge mistake in Ukraine, but it was US meddling that made it possible.

War Crimes are not mistakes. Armies do not cross borders for meddling. There was no threat to Russia brewing in Ukraine.

There are military forces of a hostile alliance on Putin's borders,
NATO is not a hostile alliance.
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Why do you believe our times Adolph Hitler? Putin wants Ukraine back to Russia and is willing to kill Ukrainian babies to achieve it.,
In the same way Saddam was killing babies in Kuwait in 1991?

You may be uncomfortable with the fact that the CIA has been using Ukrainians as a proxy force to bleed Russia since 1949, but that doesn't change the historical reality that the USA is still the greatest purveyor of violence on this planet.

MARCH 4, 2022

“Let Them Kill as Many as Possible”: United States Policy Toward Russia and its Neighbors


"A February 25 op-ed in The Los Angeles Times by Jeff Rogg, 'The CIA has backed Ukrainian insurgents before- Let’s learn from those mistakes,” cites a CIA program to train Ukrainian nationalists as insurgents to fight the Russians that began in 2015 and compares it with a similar effort by Truman’s CIA in Ukraine that began in 1949.

"By 1950, one year in, 'U.S. officers involved in the program knew they were fighting a losing battle…In the first U.S.-backed insurgency, according to top secret documents later declassified, American officials intended to use the Ukrainians as a proxy force to bleed the Soviet Union.'

"This op-ed cites John Ranelagh, a historian of the CIA, who argued that the program 'demonstrated a cold ruthlessness' because the Ukrainian resistance had no hope of success, and so 'America was in effect encouraging Ukrainians to go to their deaths.'"
My wife was born in Russia. It was not a 2000 when she left. So she saw George Bush as an American commit war crimes when he ordered the regime change by Shock n Awe in Iraq and then fucked that nation of mostly Muslims up to please the morally depraved white right. NOW we see Putin committing war crimes by attacking Ukraine to please himself and the fascists and oligarchs who enable him out of greed. Death injury and displacement to victims of superpower war crimes is death injury and displacement for which there was no justice found for Bush and Cheney’s victims., Americans were not sanctioned for the crimes and lies of Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld. But you are a fool 366h34d if you believe Biden’s share of the sanctions are weak. Putin is kinetically Economically and inhumanly destroying Ukraine - the sanctions already are economically destroying Russia as we watch the second coming of Hitler unfold.,

If so - butt out / or support our president

We are doing fine. Best COVID recovery in the world and we send out the most free vaccines in the world - The curse of Trumpism and lies about the election will soon be behind us thanks to Trump placing his nose up Putin’s “genius” ass for the last time in praising a baby killing invasion.

Biden has nowhere to take America but up. Watch and see. Trump hitched his future to “Genius” Putin. Trump is tied to Putin in shame going forward.

I don’t see much you support except lying and whining

Trump’s “genius” invader has made inflation a patriotic issue supporting the Ukrainian people who are defending freedom and democracy.

I’ll be keeping an eye on you,

BLM protested peacefully in the streets against the murder of George Floyd., You should have too.

Do you try to practice what he taught

???????? Huhh

It only matters that Putin be stopped

No one could

Putin was never afraid of Trump. That is a fallacy.
Oh my fucking gawd what a load of crap--especially your comments about Biden has no where but to take us UP.

Biden is a fuck up---he has done nothing but take AMERICA down. OPEN YOUR DAMN EYES and look around.
That was just a convenient excuse for Trump to exit out of NATO. Trump has no interest in the United States being in NATO at all. He said as much to his aides at the time, and this was again, recently confirmed by John Bolton. Mattis probably has the exact same account. Trump in a previous statement even said NATO was obsolete. Does any of this sound at all like someone interested in strengthening NATO???? Without the US, NATO would eventually collapse. You know who knows this all too well? Putin. The fact that Ukraine wasn't part of NATO is why they are currently in their mess. Now it's been revealed that Putin plans to invade Moldova, anther non NATO nation, with the assistance of Belarus. Threatening to break up the most powerful and longest standing alliance in Europe is absolutely moronic and exactly what Putin wanted. This is precisely why Putin wanted Trump elected the first and second time.
Extremely well explained.

Trump/Putin lovers will skip right past this post of yours.
My wife was born in Russia. It was not a 2000 when she left. So she saw George Bush as an American commit war crimes when he ordered the regime change by Shock n Awe in Iraq and then fucked that nation of mostly Muslims up to please the morally depraved white right. NOW we see Putin committing war crimes by attacking Ukraine to please himself and the fascists and oligarchs who enable him out of greed. Death injury and displacement to victims of superpower war crimes is death injury and displacement for which there was no justice found for Bush and Cheney’s victims., Americans were not sanctioned for the crimes and lies of Bush Cheney and Rumsfeld. But you are a fool 366h34d if you believe Biden’s share of the sanctions are weak. Putin is kinetically Economically and inhumanly destroying Ukraine - the sanctions already are economically destroying Russia as we watch the second coming of Hitler unfold.,

As I said before, you can believe whatever you want to believe, It is a free world. Just that, it is not that fun when the fact is not on your side :rolleyes: . Sry my fd, a lot of your replies are "so much":D:D:D, too lazy to reply, my bad.
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That was just a convenient excuse for Trump to exit out of NATO. Trump has no interest in the United States being in NATO at all. He said as much to his aides at the time, and this was again, recently confirmed by John Bolton. Mattis probably has the exact same account. Trump in a previous statement even said NATO was obsolete. Does any of this sound at all like someone interested in strengthening NATO???? Without the US, NATO would eventually collapse. You know who knows this all too well? Putin. The fact that Ukraine wasn't part of NATO is why they are currently in their mess. Now it's been revealed that Putin plans to invade Moldova, anther non NATO nation, with the assistance of Belarus. Threatening to break up the most powerful and longest standing alliance in Europe is absolutely moronic and exactly what Putin wanted. This is precisely why Putin wanted Trump elected the first and second time.
my fd, You need help :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:, Trump has no issue with NATO. It is the $ issue. The rest is so wrong because Putin should not go to Ukraine if that is true.

Do you want the US to be the world cop or not?
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War Crimes are not mistakes. Armies do not cross borders for meddling. There was no threat to Russia brewing in Ukraine.
The CIA began backing Ukrainian insurgents in 1949 to bleed the Soviet Union. That program had no chance of success. America was in effect encouraging Ukrainians to die for nothing, and we are still at it today.

Hedges: Chronicle of a War Foretold

"In a classified diplomatic cable obtained and released by WikiLeaks dated February 1, 2008, written from Moscow, and addressed to the Joint Chiefs of Staff, NATO-European Union Cooperative, National Security Council, Russia Moscow Political Collective, Secretary of Defense, and Secretary of State, there was an unequivocal understanding that expanding NATO risked an eventual conflict with Russia, especially over Ukraine."

That eventual conflict has arrived only because of constant US meddling in the internal politics of Ukraine, not because Putin wants to restore the USSR.
I can show you that you are wrong all day...:2up:

And I picked the links of all your beloved state run medias, to stop the, "oh yeah, Faux news..." bullshit before you even start it.
Those are the very media outlets that dished up all the bullshit that you sucked down like a little baby bird. Even they have had to capitulate to the truth. They simply couldn't hide it anymore.
They couldn't hide Hunter's and the Big Guy's Russian "income" either. You probably haven't heard about that scandal yet. The proof is on Hunter's lap top.

Want me to explain the whole, LET'S GO BRANDON fad? Have you heard about it yet??

You have got to be the only person on earth that hasn't heard the truth. How embarrassing for you to be so gullible. Hell, even Canada and the BBC know now that Obama spied and Hillary lied. But you still don't.

You poor brain washed baby. You probably shouldn't try to post anymore... :itsok:
They hear the truth. They are emotionally regulated however and can’t absorb facts that don’t match their feelings or wishes.
my fd, You need help :rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:, Trump has no issue with NATO. It is the $ issue. The rest is so wrong because Putin should not go to Ukraine if that is true.

Do you want the US to be the world cop or not?

Right......Trump is so fiscally responsible he ballooned the deficit by over a trillion dollars. This is a man who spent 150 million of taxpayer money on his golf trips alone, lmao. You totally got me. Trump is a stickler when it comes to spending :auiqs.jpg:
Extremely well explained.

Trump/Putin lovers will skip right past this post of yours.

Of course they will, many don't even realize they all support the same ideology as Putin. Putin has said for ages, how liberalism is obsolete. Who else feels the same exact way? The right wing.
Right......Trump is so fiscally responsible he ballooned the deficit by over a trillion dollars. This is a man who spent 150 million of taxpayer money on his golf trips alone, lmao. You totally got me. Trump is a stickler when it comes to spending :auiqs.jpg:
He is a very poor Russian troll.

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