Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

We are doing fine. Best COVID recovery in the world and we send out the most free vaccines in the world - The curse of Trumpism and lies about the election will soon be behind us thanks to Trump placing his nose up Putin’s “genius” ass for the last time in praising a baby killing invasion.
Praising the Vaccines which were all Trump and denigrating Trump in the same sentence says everything we need to know about your opinion. It is very confused, at best, and if one is to be polite.
Russian oligarchs get rich from war just like their US counterparts, but Russia has not been destabilizing countries on the US border since

Defense industry of Russia - Wikipedia

"The defense industry of Russia is a strategically important sector and a large employer in Russia.[1]

"It is also a significant player in the global arms market, with Russian Federation being the second largest conventional arms exporter after the United States, with $13.5 billion worth of exports in 2012.[2]

"Combined, the US and Russia account for 57% of all major weapons exports.[3"
Which countries are you speaking of, being destabilized on the USSR border. You should use, USSR if you are speaking of the USSR. Russia did not exist in 1949.
What a clusterfuck our response to this invasion would be if Putin's BFF was still in Washington. The world breathes a sigh of relief, along with educated and sensible Americans.

BRUSSELS — The Dutch are sending rocket launchers for air defense. The Estonians are sending Javelin antitank missiles. The Poles and the Latvians are sending Stinger surface-to-air missiles. The Czechs are sending machine guns, sniper rifles, pistols and ammunition.

Even formerly neutral countries like Sweden and Finland are sending weapons. And Germany, long allergic to sending weapons into conflict zones, is sending Stingers as well as other shoulder-launched rockets.

In all, about 20 countries — most members of NATO and the European Union, but not all — are funneling arms into Ukraine to fight off Russian invaders and arm an insurgency, if the war comes to that.

At the same time, NATO is moving military equipment and as many as 22,000 more troops into member states bordering Russia and Belarus, to reassure them and enhance deterrence.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine has brought European countries together as never before, minds concentrated by the larger threat to European security presented by the Russia of President Vladimir V. Putin.

“European security and defense has evolved more in the last six days than in the last two decades,” Ursula von der Leyen, the president of the European Union’s executive arm, asserted in a speech to the European Parliament on Tuesday. Brussels has moved to “Europeanize” the efforts of member states to aid Ukraine with weapons and money and put down a marker for the bloc as a significant military actor.

But whether European weaponry will continue to reach the Ukrainian battlefield in time to make a difference is far from certain. However proud Brussels is of its effort, it is a strategy that risks encouraging a wider war and possible retaliation from Mr. Putin. The rush of lethal military aid into Ukraine from Poland, a member of NATO, aims, after all, to kill Russian soldiers.

Mr. Putin already sees NATO as committed to threaten or even destroy Russia through its support for Ukraine, as he has repeated in his recent speeches, even as he has raised the nuclear alert of his own forces to warn Europe and the United States of the risks of interference.

NATO is the cause of this war.

That was just a convenient excuse for Trump to exit out of NATO. Trump has no interest in the United States being in NATO at all. He said as much to his aides at the time, and this was again, recently confirmed by John Bolton. Mattis probably has the exact same account. Trump in a previous statement even said NATO was obsolete. Does any of this sound at all like someone interested in strengthening NATO???? Without the US, NATO would eventually collapse. You know who knows this all too well? Putin. The fact that Ukraine wasn't part of NATO is why they are currently in their mess. Now it's been revealed that Putin plans to invade Moldova, anther non NATO nation, with the assistance of Belarus. Threatening to break up the most powerful and longest standing alliance in Europe is absolutely moronic and exactly what Putin wanted. This is precisely why Putin wanted Trump elected the first and second time.
People like you never seem to "get" people like Trump, Krichton! Here's how it works when a person like Trump negotiates. Say he wants you to give him $100 but you only want to give him $20. He's not going to start by asking you for $100...he's going to start by telling you that he won't take anything less than $200 and that if you don't give him that $200 then he's never going to do business with you again. Newsflash! He doesn't mean it. He wants you to make a counter offer and he wants it to be the $100 he wanted in the first place.

What Trump wanted from NATO is for our allies to live up to what they said they'd spend on defense. So how does he make that happen? Does he ask them nicely like the other US Presidents before him and get zip in return? Heck no...Trump knows that doesn't work. You know what DOES work? Telling NATO that if everybody doesn't start spending what they're supposed to then the US doesn't need to BE in NATO and they can find someone else to spend all that money to protect them! You tell them that you're not even that interested in being in NATO anymore! You scare the shit out of them, Krichton! Trump got exactly what he wanted from those other NATO countries. You don't see that you?
Russian oligarchs get rich from war just like their US counterparts, but Russia has not been destabilizing countries on the US border since

Defense industry of Russia - Wikipedia

"The defense industry of Russia is a strategically important sector and a large employer in Russia.[1]

"It is also a significant player in the global arms market, with Russian Federation being the second largest conventional arms exporter after the United States, with $13.5 billion worth of exports in 2012.[2]

"Combined, the US and Russia account for 57% of all major weapons exports.[3"
Which countries are you speaking of, being destabilized on the USSR border. You should use, USSR if you are speaking of the USSR. Russia did not exist in 1949.

I see you been by to insert a laughing emoji, on at least one of my questions. How about giving us a bit more than some weak article you found with google.
Which countries are you speaking of, being destabilized on the USSR border. You should use, USSR if you are speaking of the USSR. Russia did not exist in 1949.
Russia existed for centuries prior to 1949 (and 1922)

History of Russia - Wikipedia

"The history of Russia between 1922 and 1991 is essentially the history of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the Soviet Union.

"This ideologically based union, established in December 1922 by the leaders of the Russian Communist Party,[182] was roughly coterminous with Russia before the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk"

US destabilization efforts on the USSR borders began with the end of WWII; its con$equence$ are being capitalized today from Ukraine to Afghani$tan:

CIA activities in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

"With Europe stabilizing along the Iron Curtain, the CIA attempted to limit the spread of Soviet influence elsewhere around the world. Much of the basic model came from George Kennan's 'containment' strategy from 1947, a foundation of US policy for decades."
Why did "our president" shake hands with a Ukrainian Nazi in 2014?

Why did Trump hire Paul Manafort in his 2016 campaign after Putin violated Ukrainian sovereignty in 2014?

Putin seized Crimea from Ukraine the following year. Protests in Kyiv had forced a Kremlin ally to quit the presidency. The ousted president, who fled to Russia, had been advised by an American political consultant. That consultant, Paul Manafort, subsequently became Trump's 2016 campaign manager.

Candidate Trump spoke forgivingly about Russia's violation of Ukrainian sovereignty. He mused about lifting sanctions to smooth relations with Putin.

PUTIN solidified his hold on Syria by leveling cities as he is doing in Ukraine now with Trump approval. Then Trump lost his reelection bid. Biden, who defeated him, now leads the global effort to stop Putin's aggression. When Putin sent his army across the border to seize more territories from Ukraine as “peacekeepers” Trump praised that lie based move as genius. He later called Putin smart in a made for KREMLIN TV ad AND he called Biden and the pro-Ukraine alliance’s leadership dumb.

Just like the Chauvin ten minute video brought the bright flash of instant terrible truth and necessary upheavals in our society - The recorded images of Putin’s baseless inhumanity against humanity’s vulnerable people he decided to subjugate to his will because he is strong - a coward but to Trump he was strong - forced Trump’s mob to re-evaluate and it didn’t take as long as it took their leader.

Most of Trump’s mob joined the RINO deep state alliance against Putin and for Zelinski. The long-standing Mar-a-Lago / Kremlin bromance is over. Now Trump is faced with having dated a mass murderer and war criminal not seen Europe since ADOLPH HItler. We should keep reminding Trump and his mob - nothing good comes from sleeping with anti-Democratic brutes who has a track record of murdering opposition and leveling whole cities becausec he amassed all the power needed to do it on his whim.
Russia existed for centuries prior to 1949 (and 1922)

Trumpism existed from its racist Birtherism birth in 2015 until Feb24,2022 when Putin invaded Ukraine. May it burn in hell for its ties to genius Putin.

Biden National security poll numbers up and Liz Cheney back in the saddle again:

Cheney attacks Douglas MacGregor, nominated by Trump as ambassador to Germany; appointed by Trump as an advisor to the Secretary of Defense,

who just said Russian forces have been 'too gentle' and 'I don't see anything heroic' about Zelensky.

This is the Putin wing of the GOP."

Russia existed for centuries prior to 1949 (and 1922)

History of Russia - Wikipedia

"The history of Russia between 1922 and 1991 is essentially the history of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the Soviet Union.

The USSR, same geographic location. Different government, hence a different country.

Certainly much different than what came before and different than what exists now.

A very important distinction if you wish to discuss foreign policy.
Why did Trump hire Paul Manafort in his 2016 campaign after Putin violated Ukrainian sovereignty in 2014?

Rudy Giuliani Said There Were “No Plans” For Trump Tower Moscow. Here They Are.
Trumpism existed from its racist Birtherism birth in 2015 until Feb24,2022 when Putin invaded Ukraine. May it burn in hell for its ties to genius Putin.

Biden National security poll numbers up and Liz Cheney back in the saddle again:

Cheney attacks Douglas MacGregor, nominated by Trump as ambassador to Germany; appointed by Trump as an advisor to the Secretary of Defense,

who just said Russian forces have been 'too gentle' and 'I don't see anything heroic' about Zelensky.

This is the Putin wing of the GOP."

Your link:

"The former military man seem to praise the Russian troops invading Ukraine, telling the Fox host, 'The first five days Russian forces I think frankly were too gentle. They've now corrected that. So, I would say another ten days this should be completely over.'

"He then criticized Zelenskyy for putting up a fight, saying he saw nothing 'heroic' in it and adding, 'Oh, I think Zelensky is a puppet and he is putting huge numbers of his own population at unnecessary risk.'"

Colonel Macgregor believes millions of Ukrainians would have viewed a defense of their country as an unnecessary risk?
People like you never seem to "get" people like Trump, Krichton! Here's how it works when a person like Trump negotiates. Say he wants you to give him $100 but you only want to give him $20. He's not going to start by asking you for $100...he's going to start by telling you that he won't take anything less than $200 and that if you don't give him that $200 then he's never going to do business with you again. Newsflash! He doesn't mean it. He wants you to make a counter offer and he wants it to be the $100 he wanted in the first place.

What Trump wanted from NATO is for our allies to live up to what they said they'd spend on defense. So how does he make that happen? Does he ask them nicely like the other US Presidents before him and get zip in return? Heck no...Trump knows that doesn't work. You know what DOES work? Telling NATO that if everybody doesn't start spending what they're supposed to then the US doesn't need to BE in NATO and they can find someone else to spend all that money to protect them! You tell them that you're not even that interested in being in NATO anymore! You scare the shit out of them, Krichton! Trump got exactly what he wanted from those other NATO countries. You don't see that you?

Good lord, you're part of the Trump cult aren't you? I understand him all too well, that's the problem. I'm not so naive and gullible I don't recognize a con man when he tells me what's he is. His own advisors tell us that they had to talk him out of leaving NATO. That's when Trump came up with that, "pay their fair share bs," to give himself an out when he finally leaves. He wanted NATO countries to contribute 4% of their GDP even though they already had a guideline in place to raise it to 2% that wouldn't take place for 7 more years. Likely most if not all NATO countries would have reached that goal based on what they're all contributing, but even then, it's just a guideline, it's not an obligation. There's no "fair share" rule. As for that 4% BS, even the United States isn't even contributing 4%!!!! Literally, no country agreed to his demands. How did he make NATO stronger I ask you? I'm surprised you're not dizzy from spinning like a top for Trump.
Trumpism existed from its racist Birtherism birth in 2015 until Feb24,2022 when Putin invaded Ukraine. May it burn in hell for its ties to genius Putin.

Biden National security poll numbers up and Liz Cheney back in the saddle again:

Cheney attacks Douglas MacGregor, nominated by Trump as ambassador to Germany; appointed by Trump as an advisor to the Secretary of Defense,

who just said Russian forces have been 'too gentle' and 'I don't see anything heroic' about Zelensky.

This is the Putin wing of the GOP."

And Progs celebrate by pushing pedophile relationships.
Russia existed for centuries prior to 1949 (and 1922)

"The history of Russia between 1922 and 1991 is essentially the history of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the Soviet Union.

Do you want to talk about the dirt, trees, the tundra? Or do you want to talk about the government?

In these two statements, you acknowledge that the USSR and Russia is a discussion of two very different things.
Russia existed for centuries prior to 1949 (and 1922)

History of Russia - Wikipedia

"The history of Russia between 1922 and 1991 is essentially the history of the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, or the Soviet Union.

"This ideologically based union, established in December 1922 by the leaders of the Russian Communist Party,[182] was roughly coterminous with Russia before the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk"

US destabilization efforts on the USSR borders began with the end of WWII; its con$equence$ are being capitalized today from Ukraine to Afghani$tan:

CIA activities in the Soviet Union - Wikipedia

"With Europe stabilizing along the Iron Curtain, the CIA attempted to limit the spread of Soviet influence elsewhere around the world. Much of the basic model came from George Kennan's 'containment' strategy from 1947, a foundation of US policy for decades."
You really don't know the history of Russia or the USSR or the Russian Empire? Do you?

Get back to this post when you sort out the loose marbles in your head.
Why did Trump hire Paul Manafort in his 2016 campaign after Putin violated Ukrainian sovereignty in 2014?

PUTIN solidified his hold on Syria by leveling cities as he is doing in Ukraine now with Trump approval. Then Trump lost his reelection bid. Biden, who defeated him, now leads the global effort to stop Putin's aggression. When Putin sent his army across the border to seize more territories from Ukraine as “peacekeepers” Trump praised that lie based move as genius. He later called Putin smart in a made for KREMLIN TV ad AND he called Biden and the pro-Ukraine alliance’s leadership dumb.

Just like the Chauvin ten minute video brought the bright flash of instant terrible truth and necessary upheavals in our society - The recorded images of Putin’s baseless inhumanity against humanity’s vulnerable people he decided to subjugate to his will because he is strong - a coward but to Trump he was strong - forced Trump’s mob to re-evaluate and it didn’t take as long as it took their leader.

Most of Trump’s mob joined the RINO deep state alliance against Putin and for Zelinski. The long-standing Mar-a-Lago / Kremlin bromance is over. Now Trump is faced with having dated a mass murderer and war criminal not seen Europe since ADOLPH HItler. We should keep reminding Trump and his mob - nothing good comes from sleeping with anti-Democratic brutes who has a track record of murdering opposition and leveling whole cities becausec he amassed all the power needed to do it on his whim.
Biden's response is dumb, it has not stopped Putin.

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