Remember when we were told we would NEVER send US troops to fight the Ukraine war?

What is there to defend? He is allowing 3000 reservist to be called up to serve some time in Europe. It will not change the end strength there so they will either be replacing a unit that is rotating out or more than likely filling in while units are off to training exercises.

The libertarian loves getting embroiled in wars having nothing to do with us

Oh wow...shocking
Dude cant even follow a sidewalk, but he knows what he is doing when it comes to things like this LOL
The retarded shit you cultists tell yourselves to justify your pathetic politics, is.. well.. pathetic.
Bribery Biden doesn't know what he's doing but who is controlling him does. Whoever it is have definite goals in mind.
How does a war with Russia and the US help globalists?

If anything, it would COST THEM MONEY more than make them money...

Unless you folks think nuclear powers in a direct war is somehow financially beneficial to the folks you all call "Deep State Globalists"

I think this is a cautionary response to the recent developments with potential new countries entering into NATO in light of Russia's invasion...

But let's take a step back.....Russia invaded a country that everyone expected them to conquer in a matter of has been far longer than which we have seen Russia have to resort to hiring mercs who are fighting better than Russian soldiers....only for the head of that mercenary group to hint a coup.....and despite all of that, the Putin lovers pretend this is a good thing for Russia.....

meanwhile, Biden merely sending support troops "NOT TO UKRAINE" is the end of the world.......if only you folks had this concern for "mission creep" in 2002, 2003....
It does say "support"... this would almost certainly mean training.... Supporting is not fighting.
^^^ these are the dumbest people in America. People like this will believe anything. People like this believe we will never know who's coke was in the white house.

Whatever NWO shillbots and NPCs like this say, it is wise to do and believe the exact opposite.
Everywhere. The Rothschild Formula.
"The rise of the House of Rothschild in Europe; the tradition among financiers of profiting from both sides of armed conflict; the formula by which war is converted into debt and debt converted back into war.

"So far we have adhered closely to the subject of money and the history of its manipulation by political and monetary scientists.

"Now we are going to take a short detour along a parallel path and view some of the same historical scenery from a different perspective.

"As we progress, it may seem that we have lost our way, and you may wonder what connection any of this can possibly have with the Federal Reserve System.

"Please be assured, however, it has everything to do with it, and, when we finally return to that topic, the connection will have become painfully clear."

The Rothschild Formula
Rothchild formula.

Go ahead, be as antisemitic as you like. Blame the Jews, the war starters.

You are a joke of ignorance.
Are you ignorant of the role played by the Rothschild dynasty in financing for-profit wars?

The Rothschild Formula

"No discussion of banking as a mechanism for financing wars would be complete without turning eventually to the name Rothschild.

"It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who is quoted as saying: 'Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.'

"2 Biographer Frederic Morton concluded that the Rothschild dynasty had: '... conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them.' 3

"The dynasty was begun in Frankfurt, Germany, in the middle of the eighteenth century by Mayer Amschel Bauer, the son of a goldsmith."
Are you ignorant of the role played by the Rothschild dynasty in financing for-profit wars?

The Rothschild Formula

"No discussion of banking as a mechanism for financing wars would be complete without turning eventually to the name Rothschild.

"It was Mayer Amschel Rothschild who is quoted as saying: 'Let me issue and control a nation's money and I care not who writes the laws.'

"2 Biographer Frederic Morton concluded that the Rothschild dynasty had: '... conquered the world more thoroughly, more cunningly, and much more lastingly than all the Caesars before or all the Hitlers after them.' 3

"The dynasty was begun in Frankfurt, Germany, in the middle of the eighteenth century by Mayer Amschel Bauer, the son of a goldsmith."
The actual quote which is attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild is:

Permit me to issue and control the money of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws!
A number of sources (such as this one) claim that this statement was made in 1838 (which would have been a difficult feat as he would have been dead for 26 years by then). Wikiquote claims that there is no way to verify by whom, when or why it was made. It notes:

No primary source for this is known and the earliest attribution to him known is 1935 (Money Creators, Gertrude M. Coogan). Before that, "Let us control the money of a nation, and we care not who makes its laws" was said to be a "maxim" of the House of Rothschilds, or, even more vaguely, of the "money lenders of the Old World".
This prominent international banker is commonly quoted this. First, did he actually say it? Second, what was its context (when and where was he and what other things did he say shortly before or after this) if we know? Finally, seeing as how this is likely his most notable quote, did he ever reflect on it at a later time shedding some light on it?

It is adapted from another well known quote:

Let me make the songs of a nation, and I care not who makes its laws.
This is in turn attributed to the Scot, Andrew Fletcher:

In An Account of a Conversation he made his well-known remark "I knew a very wise man so much of Sir Christopher's sentiment, that he believed if a man were permitted to make all the ballads, he need not care who should make the laws of a nation."

Rothchild, Rothchild, Rothchild

The actual quote which is attributed to Mayer Amschel Rothschild is:

A number of sources (such as this one) claim that this statement was made in 1838 (which would have been a difficult feat as he would have been dead for 26 years by then). Wikiquote claims that there is no way to verify by whom, when or why it was made. It notes:

This prominent international banker is commonly quoted this. First, did he actually say it? Second, what was its context (when and where was he and what other things did he say shortly before or after this) if we know? Finally, seeing as how this is likely his most notable quote, did he ever reflect on it at a later time shedding some light on it?

It is adapted from another well known quote:

This is in turn attributed to the Scot, Andrew Fletcher:

Rothchild, Rothchild, Rothchild many for-profit wars have Rothschilds financed?

Start here:


"War is profitable.

"The Rothschild family have funded the losers and the winners of all wars since the Napoleonic Wars of 1803 to 1815.

"They fund both sides so that whichever side wins, they profit.

"In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte is campaigning against Wellington.

"Jacob Rothschild, in Paris, funds Napoleon while Nathan Rothschild, in London, funds Wellington.

"Soon, the family decides that it is more profitable if Britain wins the war as the British royal family is indebted to the Rothschild family: thus, Jacob limits the funds to Napoleon’s army."
It's a good case for mass desertion. What's needed is an underground transportation system to get these young men and women out of harms way. The gays and trannys can stay.
Just say no.

What can they do to you?

If they try anything you can just slip across the border and come back as a Mexican, then you're home free. many for-profit wars have Rothschilds financed?

Start here:


"War is profitable.

"The Rothschild family have funded the losers and the winners of all wars since the Napoleonic Wars of 1803 to 1815.

"They fund both sides so that whichever side wins, they profit.

"In 1815, Napoleon Bonaparte is campaigning against Wellington.

"Jacob Rothschild, in Paris, funds Napoleon while Nathan Rothschild, in London, funds Wellington.

"Soon, the family decides that it is more profitable if Britain wins the war as the British royal family is indebted to the Rothschild family: thus, Jacob limits the funds to Napoleon’s army."
How many Christian Bankers funded wars?

No, I will not bother with a list.

Keep attacking the Rothchilds.

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