Remembering President Trump’s Stirring Independence Day Speech At Mount Rushmore – Four Years Later


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

Remembering President Trump’s Stirring Independence Day Speech At Mount Rushmore – Four Years Later​

4 Jul 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

Four years ago, America was being ransacked by Antifa and BLM from coast to coast, bringing cities like Portland and Minneapolis to near-ruin in what were some of the most destructive riots and darkest months in our nation’s history. The agitators belonged to the Far Left but had the support of the mainstream Democratic Party – including Joe Biden, whose political philosophy aligned with the rioters in significant ways.
The goal of the riots was always to “fundamentally transform America,” in the portentous words of Barack Obama. In other words, destroy the best of our national heritage; the monuments dedicated to our Founding Fathers and past heroes, and everything that once made America great, its Constitution and commitment to human liberty and the rule of law, above all.
It was against that backdrop of national pandemonium that President Trump gave some of his most stirring remarks of his entire presidency, which lifted the morale of a country that many seriously doubted would survive beyond the summer months. In sharp contrast with the tear-it-down nihilism that defines the Progressive Left and has informed so much of the policies and lawfare we have observed during the Biden years, President Trump reinvigorated the spirit of our nation by recommitting to our founding principles. While the subject matter of the speech was superficially a dedication to the four great statesmen whose faces adorn Mount Rushmore – Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt – the President’s deeper message was to celebrate our history using the achievements of its four greatest heroes.
President Trump’s resounding vision for America was to “declare that the United States … is the most just and exceptional nation ever to exist on Earth.” He sharply contrasted this with the vision of the Left: “their goal is not a better America, their goal is the end of America.”
After naming a litany of other American heroes, from every walk of life – statesmen to military leaders to sports heroes to entertainment superstars – President Trump ended his spirited remarks with a promise: “the best is yet to come.”
Though it may have been four years longer than expected, let us end this Fourth of July with the hope that the worst is behind us, and while we are far from victory, perhaps we can be slightly more optimistic – and a little more certain – than we were at this same moment four years ago, knowing that, come November – aided by God’s good grace – the best now is truly yet to come.

I remember watching the speech and realizing that it was the best I had ever heard.
Unlike the statues in the town squares the lefties would have a hard time taking out those granite monuments.
Looking back, Don clearly was imparting the truth.
“It would transform justice into an instrument of division and vengeance, and it would turn our free and inclusive society into a place of repression, domination, and exclusion.””
Democrat Neo-Marxists screamed bloody murder when “Orange Man” said that! “Hateful”, “Hate Speech”. It clearly was “Ooffensive” to many; BUT THAT BEEN PROVED TO HAVE BEEN TRUE!
Sometimes the Truth Hurts
American citizens have been hurt not by DJT's truth, but by Democrats Beo-Marxists. They were mad that DJT exposed them and had the guts to say it.
The American citizens hurt by government vengeance are the J6 PROTESTERS!
Adam and Liz, et. al. have beat them and killed some) with “TheMailed Fast” of liberal government revenge!
This nation has never before faced an existential threat to its very existence like the Democrats pose. The evidence has been clearly exhibited these last three and half years, punctuated by Lawfare and Americans persecuted and jailed.

Remembering President Trump’s Stirring Independence Day Speech At Mount Rushmore – Four Years Later​

4 Jul 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

Four years ago, America was being ransacked by Antifa and BLM from coast to coast, bringing cities like Portland and Minneapolis to near-ruin in what were some of the most destructive riots and darkest months in our nation’s history. The agitators belonged to the Far Left but had the support of the mainstream Democratic Party – including Joe Biden, whose political philosophy aligned with the rioters in significant ways.
The goal of the riots was always to “fundamentally transform America,” in the portentous words of Barack Obama. In other words, destroy the best of our national heritage; the monuments dedicated to our Founding Fathers and past heroes, and everything that once made America great, its Constitution and commitment to human liberty and the rule of law, above all.
It was against that backdrop of national pandemonium that President Trump gave some of his most stirring remarks of his entire presidency, which lifted the morale of a country that many seriously doubted would survive beyond the summer months. In sharp contrast with the tear-it-down nihilism that defines the Progressive Left and has informed so much of the policies and lawfare we have observed during the Biden years, President Trump reinvigorated the spirit of our nation by recommitting to our founding principles. While the subject matter of the speech was superficially a dedication to the four great statesmen whose faces adorn Mount Rushmore – Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt – the President’s deeper message was to celebrate our history using the achievements of its four greatest heroes.
President Trump’s resounding vision for America was to “declare that the United States … is the most just and exceptional nation ever to exist on Earth.” He sharply contrasted this with the vision of the Left: “their goal is not a better America, their goal is the end of America.”
After naming a litany of other American heroes, from every walk of life – statesmen to military leaders to sports heroes to entertainment superstars – President Trump ended his spirited remarks with a promise: “the best is yet to come.”
Though it may have been four years longer than expected, let us end this Fourth of July with the hope that the worst is behind us, and while we are far from victory, perhaps we can be slightly more optimistic – and a little more certain – than we were at this same moment four years ago, knowing that, come November – aided by God’s good grace – the best now is truly yet to come.

I remember watching the speech and realizing that it was the best I had ever heard.
Unlike the statues in the town squares the lefties would have a hard time taking out those granite monuments.
Looking back, Don clearly was imparting the truth.
“It would transform justice into an instrument of division and vengeance, and it would turn our free and inclusive society into a place of repression, domination, and exclusion.””
Democrat Neo-Marxists screamed bloody murder when “Orange Man” said that! “Hateful”, “Hate Speech”. It clearly was “Ooffensive” to many; BUT THAT BEEN PROVED TO HAVE BEEN TRUE!
Sometimes the Truth Hurts
American citizens have been hurt not by DJT's truth, but by Democrats Beo-Marxists. They were mad that DJT exposed them and had the guts to say it.
The American citizens hurt by government vengeance are the J6 PROTESTERS!
Adam and Liz, et. al. have beat them and killed some) with “TheMailed Fast” of liberal government revenge!
This nation has never before faced an existential threat to its very existence like the Democrats pose. The evidence has been clearly exhibited these last three and half years, punctuated by Lawfare and Americans persecuted and jailed.

And don't forget Harris actively supported the rioters and helped raise bail money to get them out of jail and back on the streets as soon as possible.


Remembering President Trump’s Stirring Independence Day Speech At Mount Rushmore – Four Years Later​

4 Jul 2024 ~~ By Paul Ingrassia

Four years ago, America was being ransacked by Antifa and BLM from coast to coast, bringing cities like Portland and Minneapolis to near-ruin in what were some of the most destructive riots and darkest months in our nation’s history. The agitators belonged to the Far Left but had the support of the mainstream Democratic Party – including Joe Biden, whose political philosophy aligned with the rioters in significant ways.
The goal of the riots was always to “fundamentally transform America,” in the portentous words of Barack Obama. In other words, destroy the best of our national heritage; the monuments dedicated to our Founding Fathers and past heroes, and everything that once made America great, its Constitution and commitment to human liberty and the rule of law, above all.
It was against that backdrop of national pandemonium that President Trump gave some of his most stirring remarks of his entire presidency, which lifted the morale of a country that many seriously doubted would survive beyond the summer months. In sharp contrast with the tear-it-down nihilism that defines the Progressive Left and has informed so much of the policies and lawfare we have observed during the Biden years, President Trump reinvigorated the spirit of our nation by recommitting to our founding principles. While the subject matter of the speech was superficially a dedication to the four great statesmen whose faces adorn Mount Rushmore – Washington, Jefferson, Lincoln, and Theodore Roosevelt – the President’s deeper message was to celebrate our history using the achievements of its four greatest heroes.
President Trump’s resounding vision for America was to “declare that the United States … is the most just and exceptional nation ever to exist on Earth.” He sharply contrasted this with the vision of the Left: “their goal is not a better America, their goal is the end of America.”
After naming a litany of other American heroes, from every walk of life – statesmen to military leaders to sports heroes to entertainment superstars – President Trump ended his spirited remarks with a promise: “the best is yet to come.”
Though it may have been four years longer than expected, let us end this Fourth of July with the hope that the worst is behind us, and while we are far from victory, perhaps we can be slightly more optimistic – and a little more certain – than we were at this same moment four years ago, knowing that, come November – aided by God’s good grace – the best now is truly yet to come.

I remember watching the speech and realizing that it was the best I had ever heard.
Unlike the statues in the town squares the lefties would have a hard time taking out those granite monuments.
Looking back, Don clearly was imparting the truth.
“It would transform justice into an instrument of division and vengeance, and it would turn our free and inclusive society into a place of repression, domination, and exclusion.””
Democrat Neo-Marxists screamed bloody murder when “Orange Man” said that! “Hateful”, “Hate Speech”. It clearly was “Ooffensive” to many; BUT THAT BEEN PROVED TO HAVE BEEN TRUE!
Sometimes the Truth Hurts
American citizens have been hurt not by DJT's truth, but by Democrats Beo-Marxists. They were mad that DJT exposed them and had the guts to say it.
The American citizens hurt by government vengeance are the J6 PROTESTERS!
Adam and Liz, et. al. have beat them and killed some) with “TheMailed Fast” of liberal government revenge!
This nation has never before faced an existential threat to its very existence like the Democrats pose. The evidence has been clearly exhibited these last three and half years, punctuated by Lawfare and Americans persecuted and jailed.
Very prescient, IMO.
America was being ravaged by COVID from coast to coast, not BLM and ANTFA, as Trump gave a speech while not practicing safe mitigation and many people died in the weeks following that speech.
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