Remind us how vaccination is bad

science is factual and wont reinforce their bullshit notions

You mean that same science the medicates the hell out of school children ?

You can keep it ?

There is a perfectly rational reason to question vaccinations.

It's not an all or nothing thing.
Ya death by diseases once eradicated makes perfect sense. I mean why vaccinate when you can watch your children suffer and die?

So you like seeing school kids medicated into zombies ?

Got it.

I would never avoid a vaccination for something like polio.

Am I going to pump 50 vaccinations into my
No one said that, goober, except you.
science is factual and wont reinforce their bullshit notions

You mean that same science the medicates the hell out of school children ?

You can keep it ?

There is a perfectly rational reason to question vaccinations.

It's not an all or nothing thing.
Ya death by diseases once eradicated makes perfect sense. I mean why vaccinate when you can watch your children suffer and die?

So you like seeing school kids medicated into zombies ?

Got it.

I would never avoid a vaccination for something like polio.

Am I going to pump 50 vaccinations into my
So you like to pretend vaccination is the same as medicating school kids? Figures you are beyond stupid.

I said it was the same science.

The fact that you can't differentiate tells us who is stupid.

Don't bother me.....I actually agree with you on most things....but you looking like an ass is rather disappointing.
science is factual and wont reinforce their bullshit notions

But you just said you don't like drugging kids....

It's the same "science".

Point being that that there are smart things to do (like get vaccinated against polio) and there are some things I question.

Then I have to put up with the high and mighty "smart guys".

It's to funny.
science is factual and wont reinforce their bullshit notions

You mean that same science the medicates the hell out of school children ?

You can keep it ?

There is a perfectly rational reason to question vaccinations.

It's not an all or nothing thing.
Ya death by diseases once eradicated makes perfect sense. I mean why vaccinate when you can watch your children suffer and die?

So you like seeing school kids medicated into zombies ?

Got it.

I would never avoid a vaccination for something like polio.

Am I going to pump 50 vaccinations into my
So you like to pretend vaccination is the same as medicating school kids? Figures you are beyond stupid.

I said it was the same science.

The fact that you can't differentiate tells us who is stupid.

Don't bother me.....I actually agree with you on most things....but you looking like an ass is rather disappointing.
Only you, goober, is using a fallacy of false equivalency. Who here, other than you, agrees that children should be medicated into zombies.

Be honest for once, huh.
The idea that vaccination is a bad idea is beyond stupid. It kills children and it maims them as well. There is NO actual science to back up the hysterical ranting of those opposed to vaccination. It is dangerous and stupid and shows just how mind numbingly stupid people that support the concept are.
The idea that vaccination is a bad idea is beyond stupid. It kills children and it maims them as well. There is NO actual science to back up the hysterical ranting of those opposed to vaccination. It is dangerous and stupid and shows just how mind numbingly stupid people that support the concept are.

The idea that people would not question vaccination or look at their children's health on a broad basis is irresponsible.

But, it's easy to tell who got medicated early and who is still being medicated.
The idea that vaccination is a bad idea is beyond stupid. It kills children and it maims them as well. There is NO actual science to back up the hysterical ranting of those opposed to vaccination. It is dangerous and stupid and shows just how mind numbingly stupid people that support the concept are.

The idea that people would not question vaccination or look at their children's health on a broad basis is irresponsible.

But, it's easy to tell who got medicated early and who is still being medicated.
Once again RETARD there is absolutely NO scientific evidence that vaccines are dangerous. NONE. NOT a piece of it. What we do have is evidence that refusing to vaccinate causes outbreaks of diseases once contained and eradicated. Leading to death disfigurement and maiming of small children across the Country.

You want to talk about over medication? Start a thread on THAT this is not about that at ALL. As for that subject I happen to agree that we over medicate our children. Our medical solutions are bad and getting worse in regards that.
I will take a vaccination ANY DAY over the likes of diseases such as Polio.

Ever known anyone with Polio? I do. It is NOT an easy life of joy.
Those who do due diligence on vaccinations are satisfied such are not harmful.
I will take a vaccination ANY DAY over the likes of diseases such as Polio.

Ever known anyone with Polio? I do. It is NOT an easy life of joy.

I would agree 100% with a polio vaccination.

And several others.

They've been around and are shown to be effective.
The idea that vaccination is a bad idea is beyond stupid. It kills children and it maims them as well. There is NO actual science to back up the hysterical ranting of those opposed to vaccination. It is dangerous and stupid and shows just how mind numbingly stupid people that support the concept are.

The idea that people would not question vaccination or look at their children's health on a broad basis is irresponsible.

But, it's easy to tell who got medicated early and who is still being medicated.
Once again RETARD there is absolutely NO scientific evidence that vaccines are dangerous. NONE. NOT a piece of it. What we do have is evidence that refusing to vaccinate causes outbreaks of diseases once contained and eradicated. Leading to death disfigurement and maiming of small children across the Country.

You want to talk about over medication? Start a thread on THAT this is not about that at ALL. As for that subject I happen to agree that we over medicate our children. Our medical solutions are bad and getting worse in regards that.


And it's that same "science".

That's been my point all along.

If you didn't have your head up your ass, you'd realize that.

There is some concern about the side effects of vaccinations.

But the net positive effect for several of them can't be ignored.

But, when other vaccinations hit (and were new), I was a little more cautious with what my children were exposed to.

You've got other issues to think about too if you want to consider children's immunity.

First, some parents pump them full of anti-biotics at an incredible rate. To many parents "can't afford" to have their children sick....or so they think.

This is an article I think more people should read....

Why Americans should eat more excrement.
Sun Devil does not get the diff between immunizations and supplements.
science is factual and wont reinforce their bullshit notions

You mean that same science the medicates the hell out of school children ?

You can keep it ?

There is a perfectly rational reason to question vaccinations.

It's not an all or nothing thing.

Best vaccination video.

It's called "math."

Actually, taunting those who haven't bought into the math seems pretty stupid.

Not at all. It's pretty smart, because those folks have already decided they don't want to know the math.

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