Remind us how vaccination is bad

The facts remain, any parent that refuses to get his or her kid vaccinated is an unfit parent.

I wonder where this is going on......

"We have schools in California where the percent of children who exercise the personal belief exemption is well above 50%," Dr. Gil Chavez, deputy director of the California Department of Public Health's Center for Infectious Diseases, told the LAT. "That's going to be a challenge for any disease that is vaccine preventable."

Not saying it is right.

An unfit parent is one who does not care.

People who withhold vaccinations do so expresely....not out of laziness.

But the quoted statement shows mental laziness.
The facts remain, any parent that refuses to get his or her kid vaccinated is an unfit parent.

I wonder where this is going on......

"We have schools in California where the percent of children who exercise the personal belief exemption is well above 50%," Dr. Gil Chavez, deputy director of the California Department of Public Health's Center for Infectious Diseases, told the LAT. "That's going to be a challenge for any disease that is vaccine preventable."

Not saying it is right.

An unfit parent is one who does not care.

People who withhold vaccinations do so expresely....not out of laziness.

But the quoted statement shows mental laziness.
. . . of the unfit parents.
Should Anti-Vaxers Be Shamed or Persuaded?

Here is an interesting article:

But I part with the commentators who assume that insulting, shaming, and threatening anti-vaccination parents is the best course, especially when they extend their logic to politicians. For example, Chris Christie is getting flak for "pandering" to anti-vaccination parents. He said, "We vaccinate ours kids, and so, you know that’s the best expression I can give you of my opinion. You know it’s much more important what you think as a parent than what you think as a public official. That’s what we do. But I understand that parents need to have some measure of choice in things as well, so that’s the balance the government has to decide."


And while I agree that to many of them are to filled with conspiracy theories.

I also think those who stupidly blunder into the whole vaccination conversation with no real knowledge of what they speak are just as bad.

What makes me laugh more (or it would if it were not so sad...) is that we freak out over this and yet let drunk driving kill tens of thousands each year.

Where is the outrage over this ?
The idea that vaccination is a bad idea is beyond stupid. It kills children and it maims them as well. There is NO actual science to back up the hysterical ranting of those opposed to vaccination. It is dangerous and stupid and shows just how mind numbingly stupid people that support the concept are.

The idea that people would not question vaccination or look at their children's health on a broad basis is irresponsible.

But, it's easy to tell who got medicated early and who is still being medicated.
Once again RETARD there is absolutely NO scientific evidence that vaccines are dangerous. NONE. NOT a piece of it.

That's BS. The adverse events are listed in the vaccine makers packet inserts. Go read them: Package Inserts for US Licensed Vaccines - Resources for Health Professionals

They are not 100% safe. In some case the side effects of the vaccines are potentially more harmful then what they are vaccinating against.
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The idea that vaccination is a bad idea is beyond stupid. It kills children and it maims them as well. There is NO actual science to back up the hysterical ranting of those opposed to vaccination. It is dangerous and stupid and shows just how mind numbingly stupid people that support the concept are.

The idea that people would not question vaccination or look at their children's health on a broad basis is irresponsible.

But, it's easy to tell who got medicated early and who is still being medicated.
Once again RETARD there is absolutely NO scientific evidence that vaccines are dangerous. NONE. NOT a piece of it.

That's BS. The adverse events are listed in the vaccine makers packet inserts. Go read them: Package Inserts for US Licensed Vaccines - Resources for Health Professionals

They are not 100% safe. In many case the side effects of the vaccines are potentially more harmful then what they are vaccinating against.

Good information, but I take issue with that last sentence. Every medication has the potential for side effects. People have died of internal bleeding from taking too much aspirin. But the risks of potential side effects from any vaccine are minimal and, compared to the risks of diseases such as polio, not even remotely comparable.
fixed it

One example would be the MMR vaccine.

Furthermore, according to the data, the rate of polio was falling before the vaccine was introduced. So there is a lot of debate among the researchers regarding its effectiveness. Not to mention the early production mishaps that injured lots of people. Look it up...
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Thank you!

One example would be the MMR vaccine.

Furthermore, according to the data, the rate of polio was falling before the vaccine was introduced. So there is a lot of debate among the researchers regarding its effectiveness. Not to mention the early production mishaps that injured lots of people. Look it up...

I'm familiar with the history, particularly of the problems with the early live polio vaccine. However, I'm also familiar with the effects of polio, and of the dangers of the other seemingly "not so serious" childhood illnesses. The four-year-old who's miserable for a few days with rubella might be fine, but his pregnant mother faces risks of miscarriage or serious birth defects. A boy who's had mumps can end up sterile, etc.

There are tradeoffs, and "herd immunity" is a poor choice of term, but the phenomenon is real, and if the goal is to have a healthy population that, wherever possible, avoids epidemics of illnesses for which there are immunizations, parents should be aware of the potential for side effects or adverse events, and weigh them against the dangers of the illnesses themselves.
Agreed it's a trade, but not one that should be forced on people by the authorities. And IMO you're discounting the life long injures caused by vaccine adverse events. Go read some of the stories of the parents who have had their child permanently injured, easy to find and lots of them. Not all cases can there be 100% causal relationship established, but something is injuring kids and it deserves study before more vaccines are added to the schedule.
Agreed it's a trade, but not one that should be forced on people by the authorities. And IMO you're discounting the life long injures caused by vaccine adverse events. Go read some of the stories of the parents who have had their child permanently injured, easy to find and lots of them. Not all cases can there be 100% causal relationship established, but something is injuring kids and it deserves study before more vaccines are added to the schedule.

Yours is a very balanced POV. Not everyone's willing to admit that there's a gray around causality, and the validity of the source of some of these reports is the real issue. People like Jenny McCarthy, IMO, are more toxic than any vaccine, possibly even more of a hazard than some of these illnesses. YMMV.
Agreed it's a trade, but not one that should be forced on people by the authorities. And IMO you're discounting the life long injures caused by vaccine adverse events. Go read some of the stories of the parents who have had their child permanently injured, easy to find and lots of them. Not all cases can there be 100% causal relationship established, but something is injuring kids and it deserves study before more vaccines are added to the schedule.

Yours is a very balanced POV. Not everyone's willing to admit that there's a gray around causality, and the validity of the source of some of these reports is the real issue. People like Jenny McCarthy, IMO, are more toxic than any vaccine, possibly even more of a hazard than some of these illnesses. YMMV.

Validity of the souse is a problem for both sides of the issue. How trustworthy is a group trying to protect a 30 bill dollar industry? The corruption is ubiquitous. People kill for less. What do all the DRs coming forward with concerns about vaccines injuring their patients have to gain by such a position? More and more are coming forward. Talk with some old pediatric nurses, the correlation is getting hard to ignore.

Unfortunately the double blind studies needed to prove their safety and efficiency would be unethical. My gut tells me if the studies were possible the vaccine makers would not want them published.

I can appreciate McCarthy's passion. Do you have kids? I don't know much about her, but it seems she is the antithesis of the idiots claiming they are 100% safe.

Someone with much better training/credibility would be better suited to attempt to un-muddy the water.
Why are we debating this.

If you want your kid vaccinated...go ahead.

I agree that there are some vaccinations that should be required before going to public schools.

But not every new vaccination that comes along.

I've never had a flu shot and rarely ever get the flu.

So what...that's me.

If I got it a lot...I'd probably try it.
Why are we debating this.

If you want your kid vaccinated...go ahead.

I agree that there are some vaccinations that should be required before going to public schools.

But not every new vaccination that comes along.

I've never had a flu shot and rarely ever get the flu.

So what...that's me.

If I got it a lot...I'd probably try it.
Disagree, the state should not force medical procedures on the public.
Why are we debating this.

If you want your kid vaccinated...go ahead.

I agree that there are some vaccinations that should be required before going to public schools.

But not every new vaccination that comes along.

I've never had a flu shot and rarely ever get the flu.

So what...that's me.

If I got it a lot...I'd probably try it.
Disagree, the state should not force medical procedures on the public.

In situations where thing are established, I think they should be vaccinated.

The schools should not be required to take unvaccinated kids. Unvaccinated kids should not be denied an education.

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