Reminder, Clinton Foundations donations by nation, Ukraine leads the way

Yet you haven't mentioned one unethical or illegal aspect of it. Screw your vague innuendo. What exactly are you claiming was wrong with any of those transactions? Be specific.

You are certainly a faithful servant of the Clinton's, Obama and the Democratic Party.
Yet you haven't mentioned one unethical or illegal aspect of it. Screw your vague innuendo. What exactly are you claiming was wrong with any of those transactions? Be specific.

Yes, Ukraine and other governments loved Clinton simply because of her Foundation. Then when she lost the election, donations dried up because so many quickly didn't like her Foundation goals anymore?

Politics isn't a court of law. You can decide the reasons why so many governments pulled out. In fact, so such a degree, the International Fund, which was so successful at raising funds; is no longer active.

Here, top of Google. This Foundation was active from 2005-2017. Maybe she just didn't feel these were worthwhile endeavours anymore?

The Clinton Foundation Shuts Down Clinton Global Initiative

The Clinton Foundation Shuts Down Clinton Global Initiative

I hope you share the same opinion of Trump when he IS president and having a discussion with this very same government that is trying to get rid of corruption.

The Clinton's shut down their foundation for their own reasons. Trump was forced to shut his down in the wake of all his illegal uses of it. You still haven't pointed out one illegal or unethical thing about the Clinton Foundation, though. Why not?

I told you, this isn't a court of law. I don't need to, nor care to prove anything.

You have an impeachment process going through against a sitting president. What's your position on that? You see how this works?

It's been all transparency and open investigation against Trump, none for Obama or Clinton with similar allegations. If you want to throw away your Republic, Rule of Law and equal justice and treatment of politicians, at least say so.

I believe in transparency for ALL public figures and employees, within reason. Simply because an uninterested media or career politicians aren't interested in their fellow "class" doesn't mean world citizens shouldn't be.

Got it. I foolishly assumed you had some sort of reason to post what you did about the Clinton Foundation. I should have known you had no reason behind your words, other than just enjoying saying " Clinton Foundation " in ominous tones.

Ominous. I like that word.

It's just a common word, but I suppose you don't hear it often considering most right winger's limited vocabulary.

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