Reminder: How Mexico Treats ‘Undesirable’ Foreigners


Flaming Libs/Koranimals
May 1, 2012
Gulf of Mex 26.609, -82.220

Reminder: How Mexico Treats ‘Undesirable’ Foreigners

March 27, 2013
By Michelle Malkin

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

Article 33 of Mexico’s constitution establishes the right of the president to detain and deport “any foreigner” and prohibits foreigners from participating “in any way” in the political affairs of the country.

While you read this passage, dwell on the demagogic rhetoric of meddling Mexican consular officials and lobbyists who assail America for its (poorly enforced) detention and deportation policies:


Applicants are assessed based on a point system using factors such as level of education, employment experience, and scientific and technological knowledge. Property acquisition and ownership by foreigners is still severely restricted. Mexican corporations are banned from hiring illegal aliens.

Exit question: If such self-interested “nativism” is right and good for the protection and survival of Mexico, why not for the United States?

Reminder: How Mexico Treats ?Undesirable? Foreigners
I got it...

Another super patriotic american clown playing the "poor me thing" and looking for a convenient scapegoat...

The "powerful" mexican lobby "preventing" America from deporting millions of hispanics...

The same country America didn't think twice before invading, occupying and stealing half of its territory...

Where was this so-called "mexican lobby" when Mexico REALLY needed it??

Reminder: How Mexico Treats ‘Undesirable’ Foreigners

March 27, 2013
By Michelle Malkin

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

Article 33 of Mexico’s constitution establishes the right of the president to detain and deport “any foreigner” and prohibits foreigners from participating “in any way” in the political affairs of the country.

While you read this passage, dwell on the demagogic rhetoric of meddling Mexican consular officials and lobbyists who assail America for its (poorly enforced) detention and deportation policies:


Applicants are assessed based on a point system using factors such as level of education, employment experience, and scientific and technological knowledge. Property acquisition and ownership by foreigners is still severely restricted. Mexican corporations are banned from hiring illegal aliens.

Exit question: If such self-interested “nativism” is right and good for the protection and survival of Mexico, why not for the United States?

Reminder: How Mexico Treats ?Undesirable? Foreigners

Something many Americans do not realise is that the most powerful cartels do not like Muslims coming into their country - opening businesses and offering higher pay to those who will convert. This is not going over big at all and has been a real source of contention with Mexicans who feel Islam is trying to encroach on their nation.

If you are drug dealing liar who doesn't pray 5 times a day they will tolerate your presence but otherwise it is a no go for the cartels ( on islam ) Still, Islam is not their enemy - Communism is - which is where the UN and Obama are coming up against a brick wall.

You see, the Cartels know very well Obama was doing UN bidding with the fast and furious gun running op he had Holder run on them. It backfired when a cartel member outed the entire operation on youtube. Obama was arming lesser cartels to overthrow the big one when it turned around and bit him hard. Had justice played out, Holder would be gone and so would Obama as Holder is the only thing standing between Obama and an impeachment. Again, the reason for this is the Cartels DO NOT TRUST OBAMA.

The cartels have NEVER liked Communists. Remember the movie Scarface in which Tony Montana says Communist pigs kill children. I am a business man. I don't kill little kids! Do you remember how he refused to murder the family in the car and said he was not a baby killer like communists are known to be? Why did Scarface say that? Because he came out of a nation of communists ( Fidel Castro ) and knew exactly what the real lowdown was on those pigs. The Cartels are fighting the UN gun ban treaty - they are NOT Obama's friend although he has done everything under the sun to win their friendship - they are not biting. Why? They despise communists and know the agenda is to disarm them and put them out of business. They won't lay down for Obama or the UN. Wait and see.

- Jeremiah

Reminder: How Mexico Treats ‘Undesirable’ Foreigners

March 27, 2013
By Michelle Malkin

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

Article 33 of Mexico’s constitution establishes the right of the president to detain and deport “any foreigner” and prohibits foreigners from participating “in any way” in the political affairs of the country.

While you read this passage, dwell on the demagogic rhetoric of meddling Mexican consular officials and lobbyists who assail America for its (poorly enforced) detention and deportation policies:


Applicants are assessed based on a point system using factors such as level of education, employment experience, and scientific and technological knowledge. Property acquisition and ownership by foreigners is still severely restricted. Mexican corporations are banned from hiring illegal aliens.

Exit question: If such self-interested “nativism” is right and good for the protection and survival of Mexico, why not for the United States?

Reminder: How Mexico Treats ?Undesirable? Foreigners

So what?

The US isn't Mexico.
Originally posted by ArmyCowboy
So what?

The US isn't Mexico.

Not yet... but it will eventually be... if the country doesn't stop the multiracialist bullshit and get serious about protecting its european national identity.
José;7010222 said:
Originally posted by ArmyCowboy
So what?

The US isn't Mexico.

Not yet... but it will eventually be... if the country doesn't stop the multiracialist bullshit and get serious about protecting its european national identity.

Ah, of course. We must praise and embrace the whiteness or we will become Mexico....

All hail the logical fallacy weakly presented as a argument.
I would rather become Mexico than Russia. Any day of the week. - Jeremiah
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Reminder: How Mexico Treats ‘Undesirable’ Foreigners

March 27, 2013
By Michelle Malkin

American politicians in both parties are stampeding all over themselves to pander to Mexico and adopt mass illegal alien amnesty schemes. But while the Mexican government lobbies for more “humane” treatment of illegal border crossers from their country into ours, Mexico remains notoriously restrictionist toward “undesirable” foreigners who break their laws or threaten their security.

Despite widely touted immigration “reforms” adopted in 2011, Mexico still puts Mexico first — as any country that is serious about protecting its sovereignty should and would.

Article 33 of Mexico’s constitution establishes the right of the president to detain and deport “any foreigner” and prohibits foreigners from participating “in any way” in the political affairs of the country.

While you read this passage, dwell on the demagogic rhetoric of meddling Mexican consular officials and lobbyists who assail America for its (poorly enforced) detention and deportation policies:


Applicants are assessed based on a point system using factors such as level of education, employment experience, and scientific and technological knowledge. Property acquisition and ownership by foreigners is still severely restricted. Mexican corporations are banned from hiring illegal aliens.

Exit question: If such self-interested “nativism” is right and good for the protection and survival of Mexico, why not for the United States?

Reminder: How Mexico Treats ?Undesirable? Foreigners

Should the United States really strive to emulate Mexico?
José;7010222 said:
Originally posted by ArmyCowboy
So what?

The US isn't Mexico.

Not yet... but it will eventually be... if the country doesn't stop the multiracialist bullshit and get serious about protecting its european national identity.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Spain a part of Europe? And isn't Mexico's "national identity" based largely on Spanish influence?
Exit question: If such self-interested “nativism” is right and good for the protection and survival of Mexico, why not for the United States?

That's a damned big IF, dude.

One that you certainly have yet to prove.
José;7010131 said:
I got it...

Another super patriotic american clown playing the "poor me thing" and looking for a convenient scapegoat...

The "powerful" mexican lobby "preventing" America from deporting millions of hispanics...

The same country America didn't think twice before invading, occupying and stealing half of its territory...

Where was this so-called "mexican lobby" when Mexico REALLY needed it??

Do you really believe all that BS or are you trying to play "poor me" Latino?

Really? The vast majority was never "occupied" by Mexico as the total soldiers in California, Arizona, New Mexico, AND Texas never exceeded three to four hundred. And all that land had been "stolen" from American Indians.

Get your facts before you whine. :eusa_liar:
José;7010222 said:
Originally posted by ArmyCowboy
So what?

The US isn't Mexico.

Not yet... but it will eventually be... if the country doesn't stop the multiracialist bullshit and get serious about protecting its european national identity.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Spain a part of Europe? And isn't Mexico's "national identity" based largely on Spanish influence?

As a matter of fact, most Mexicans are Mestizos who celebrate their native heritage. Only a small portions are Criollos who try to emulate their Spanish heritage.
José;7010222 said:
Originally posted by ArmyCowboy
So what?

The US isn't Mexico.

Not yet... but it will eventually be... if the country doesn't stop the multiracialist bullshit and get serious about protecting its european national identity.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Spain a part of Europe? And isn't Mexico's "national identity" based largely on Spanish influence?

If I were you I'd stay the hell away from this powder keg, Kevin. You just touched one of the most contentious, polemic issues in sociology:

Is Latin America part of the Western World or not?

Some people say it is.

Others like Huntington say Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia, Brazil, etc... are a separate civilization originated from the mixture of western and native american/african cultural elements.

I'm gonna have to side with Huntington on this one.

Latin America is indeed a hybrid, mestizo civilization... the mixture of Europe, Africa and native american civilizations.

Longknife is also right when he says Mexico is RACIALLY much more Indian than european.

But CULTURALLY Mexico, like the rest of LA, is BOTH.
Originally posted by longknife
Do you really believe all that BS or are you trying to play "poor me" Latino?

No "poor me latino" here, LK...

I just presented a historical fact to the OP that was crying like a baby:




Originally posted by longknife
Really? The vast majority was never "occupied" by Mexico as the total soldiers in California, Arizona, New Mexico, AND Texas never exceeded three to four hundred.

Yeah, right...

The same old, tired excuse repeated over and over by every single landgrabber in the history of mankind.

The english, spanish, french and portuguese settlers in America:

"We settled the whole continent because it was an empty, uninhabited territory. Just a few natives here and there."

Jewish settlers in Palestine:

"Palestine was sparsely inhabited by arabs.


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Originally posted by longknife
And all that land had been "stolen" from American Indians.

We are in total agreement here... you won't get any argument on this.

The landgrab perpetrated by Spaniards and then Mexicans against Mexico's indigenous peoples was every bit as vile, criminal, brutal and morally depraved as the landgrab perpetrated by the United States against Mexico if not a bit more.
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José;7010131 said:
I got it...

Another super patriotic american clown playing the "poor me thing" and looking for a convenient scapegoat...

The "powerful" mexican lobby "preventing" America from deporting millions of hispanics...

The same country America didn't think twice before invading, occupying and stealing half of its territory...

Where was this so-called "mexican lobby" when Mexico REALLY needed it??

When we flew our flag over Mexico City, our president insisted we "give it back" because he didn't think we could absorb 1/3 of our population being Mexican. What's changed today?
Originally posted by AgainSheila
When we flew our flag over Mexico City, our president insisted we "give it back" because he didn't think we could absorb 1/3 of our population being Mexican. What's changed today?

Mrs. Sheila...

In 1840 America was still a mentally sane country who fiercely protected its european national identity.

2011 America is a country actively trying to erode its european national identity under the influence of the multiracialist ideology.

This is what has changed in America.

You positively surprised me some months ago when you cited the 1965 Immigration Act. Probably one of the few american citizens who ever heard about it. :clap2: :clap2: :clap2: :clap2:

So you know as well as I that AMERICA WENT BANANAS IN 1965.


Now think with me:

Giving amnesty to millions of illegal hispanics obviously help the american government to achieve its goal much faster than only through non-white legal immigration.

This is one of the reasons (there are others more widely known like cheap labor, etc...) the american government tolerates the presence of millions of illegals in american soil for decades and then gives them successive amnesties.

Even a 5 year old can see the obvious connection between America's multiracialist ideology and the tolerance towards illegal immigration.

The more illegal hispanics the faster America will become a brown country, or for those who prefer PC language, the faster America will become a "racially diversified country".
José;7010457 said:
José;7010222 said:
Not yet... but it will eventually be... if the country doesn't stop the multiracialist bullshit and get serious about protecting its european national identity.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't Spain a part of Europe? And isn't Mexico's "national identity" based largely on Spanish influence?

If I were you I'd stay the hell away from this powder keg, Kevin. You just touched one of the most contentious, polemic issues in sociology:

Is Latin America part of the Western World or not?

Some people say it is.

Others like Huntington say Mexico, Cuba, Bolivia, Brazil, etc... are a separate civilization originated from the mixture of western and native american/african cultural elements.

I'm gonna have to side with Huntington on this one.

Latin America is indeed a hybrid, mestizo civilization... the mixture of Europe, Africa and native american civilizations.

Longknife is also right when he says Mexico is RACIALLY much more Indian than european.

But CULTURALLY Mexico, like the rest of LA, is BOTH.

Well, I did say correct me if I'm wrong. :lol:
José;7010131 said:
I got it...

Another super patriotic american clown playing the "poor me thing" and looking for a convenient scapegoat...

The "powerful" mexican lobby "preventing" America from deporting millions of hispanics...

The same country America didn't think twice before invading, occupying and stealing half of its territory...

Where was this so-called "mexican lobby" when Mexico REALLY needed it??

Not like the spanish did, murder and rape and stealing gold of central and south america...:eek:

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