Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

The outcome was Hillary got the most votes. That was the outcome.

The outcome was that Hillary became a 2-time loser...

The outcome was Hillary's 'landslide' turning into a nothingburger...

The outcome was that snowflakes were psychologically scarred and unable to move on...

The outcome was that snowflakes became bitter, hate-filled, butt-hurt 'threats to our Democracy' who...
- Violently Rioted
- Violently attacked opposition supporters
- Engaged in Arson
- Engaged in Looting
- Engaged in terrorism
- Organized and Marched for the Russians
- Called for seditious / treasonous military Coups
- Called for seditious / treasonous assassinations
- Attempted to carry out those assassinations of the GOP
- Began a witch hunt that has resulted in ZERO evidence of a crime ever being committed by the GOP regarding the Russians let alone any participation by Trump...

The outcome has resulted in butt-hurt, hate-filled, whining thumb-suckers like yourself clinging to something as completely irrelevant as a popularity contest' result in an election in which only the electoral college result mattered.

Why don't all you snowflakes go away and 'meditate' on that, contemplate that, and come back and talk to us when you come to grips with the fact that Hillary lost and Trump is your new President?!
Spare me the misogyny rant, Joey! Clinton got millions of votes simply because she WAS a woman...not despite the fact that she was! She basically ran a campaign of "Yeah, I'm corrupt and dishonest as the day is long...but I'D BE THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT SO YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR ME OR YOU DON'T SUPPORT EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN!!!"

I don't know of anyone woh voted for Hillary "because she was a woman". they maybe thought it was cool that after 44 guys, a woman finally got the job, but that was expecting too much.

Most people who had the good sense to vote for Hillary realized that a Nazi Game Show Host was a bad choice.

And a lot of people who voted for Trump were just misogynistic, referring to her as a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB. No, the other one, not the one you all referred to Obama as.

As for Trump being "born on third"? His father wasn't selling the Trump name around the globe! Whether you like or dislike Donald Trump...there is no denying that he took a rather small, local real estate empire and turned it into a global behemoth.

You mean by building tacky casinos and then declaring bankruptcy.

Yes, the Trump name means quality.
Trump University- FAILED
Trump Steaks - FAILED
Trump Vodka - FAILED
Trump Airlines - FAILED
Trump Administration- FAILED.

Trust? I'd trust a Mormon (and Mitt Romney!) a hell of a lot further than I'd trust either Clinton!

I think when someone goes through life thinking a child-molesting con man was God's profit and their underwear is magic, we really can't trust them. nobody voted FOR Hillary just because she's a woman (eye roll) but a lot of people voted for Trump because they're "women haters"? You get more absurd with each passing post in this thread, Joey!
Spare me the misogyny rant, Joey! Clinton got millions of votes simply because she WAS a woman...not despite the fact that she was! She basically ran a campaign of "Yeah, I'm corrupt and dishonest as the day is long...but I'D BE THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT SO YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR ME OR YOU DON'T SUPPORT EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN!!!"

I don't know of anyone woh voted for Hillary "because she was a woman". they maybe thought it was cool that after 44 guys, a woman finally got the job, but that was expecting too much.

Most people who had the good sense to vote for Hillary realized that a Nazi Game Show Host was a bad choice.

And a lot of people who voted for Trump were just misogynistic, referring to her as a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB. No, the other one, not the one you all referred to Obama as.

As for Trump being "born on third"? His father wasn't selling the Trump name around the globe! Whether you like or dislike Donald Trump...there is no denying that he took a rather small, local real estate empire and turned it into a global behemoth.

You mean by building tacky casinos and then declaring bankruptcy.

Yes, the Trump name means quality.
Trump University- FAILED
Trump Steaks - FAILED
Trump Vodka - FAILED
Trump Airlines - FAILED
Trump Administration- FAILED.

Trust? I'd trust a Mormon (and Mitt Romney!) a hell of a lot further than I'd trust either Clinton!

I think when someone goes through life thinking a child-molesting con man was God's profit and their underwear is magic, we really can't trust them.

As for what I referred to Obama as? I'm pretty sure I used the term "empty suit", Joey! You can't call Hillary that of course...she fills a pant's suit about as full as they can be filled!
The outcome was that snowflakes became bitter, hate-filled, butt-hurt 'threats to our Democracy' who...

Uh, guy, we don't have a democracy. It's not a democracy when people vote for one thing and get another.

The outcome has resulted in butt-hurt, hate-filled, whining thumb-suckers like yourself clinging to something as completely irrelevant as a popularity contest' result in an election in which only the electoral college result mattered.

Until we impeach the cocksucker, then you'll do all the whining.
The outcome was that snowflakes became bitter, hate-filled, butt-hurt 'threats to our Democracy' who...

Uh, guy, we don't have a democracy. It's not a democracy when people vote for one thing and get another.

The outcome has resulted in butt-hurt, hate-filled, whining thumb-suckers like yourself clinging to something as completely irrelevant as a popularity contest' result in an election in which only the electoral college result mattered.

Until we impeach the cocksucker, then you'll do all the whining.

Impeach him for what?
Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

She probably was pregnant.
And yet you are the one panicking over what Mueller has on him.
Joe, never try to be a fortune teller or guessing people's weigh at the fair, because you can't read people for shit. You are a damn good PROJECTIONIST, though.

Like with you, I am not 'panicking' over Mueller - I am laughing at him. :p
News flash ! Laws don’t apply to rich white people !

Thanks for finally admitting it.
The outcome was that snowflakes became bitter, hate-filled, butt-hurt 'threats to our Democracy' who...

Dang. That was some seriously crazy shit. Your butthurt has consumed you, little snowflake bitch.

So, what's the source of the current bitter weepy butthurt coming from the trumptards? Flynn wants a plea deal. Ruh-roh.

Yep, it's playing out just as we predicted. And no, we liberals don't ever really get tired of being proven right. We're used to it, but we still enjoy it.
Joe, never try to be a fortune teller or guessing people's weigh at the fair, because you can't read people for shit. You are a damn good PROJECTIONIST, though.

Like with you, I am not 'panicking' over Mueller - I am laughing at him.

Yes, that's why you are posting on all these Mueller threads... and screaming, "But, but, but.... Hillary."

Sorry, bud, I got you pegged, again.

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