Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

As for what I referred to Obama as? !

Come on, buddy, you call him the N-word every day... don't try to pretend you don't.

I don't call anyone that and your accusing me of doing so shows how badly you're flailing on this thread, Joey!

You can always tell when a liberal is losing an argument...they resort to playing the race card!
I don't call anyone that and your accusing me of doing so shows how badly you're flailing on this thread, Joey!

You can always tell when a liberal is losing an argument...they resort to playing the race card!

No, man, the race card got played when the country legitimately elected a black man and people like you completely lost your shit.
WTH are you talking about? The matter was, like many matters, put before a grand jury. The grand jury did not hand down an indictment. Indeed, the jurors voted unanimously to make no presentment.

Do you have any idea of how weak a case must be for a prosecutor to fail to get a grand jury to indict someone?

The only information grand jurors may consider is the information the prosecution allows them to consider; the opposing point of view isn't presented in grand jury hearings. The only people present in a grand jury hearing are:
  • During the hearing: attorneys for the government, the witness being questioned, interpreters when needed, and a court reporter or an operator of a recording device.
  • During deliberation: jurors, and any interpreter needed to assist a hearing-impaired or speech-impaired juror.
Kennedy's depiction of the events was not among the content available to the grand jury.

Given the exclusively, not predominantly or heavily but exclusively, one-sided nature of grand jury proceedings and information considered, anyone in legal practice or having the barest understanding of the legal process is well aware that a prosecutor can damn near get a grand jury to "indict a ham sandwich." Thus if no indictment was handed down, the case the prosecution presented cannot have had any merit at all. As goes the Chappaquiddick matter, the grand jurors were allowed to consider not only what the prosecution presented, but also what the jurors had heard about it, and make no mistake, the press on that matter was far from favorable to Kennedy.
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Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?
He "got away" with an accident?

There was no murder, dipshit.

Yet the woman the car....go figure, dumbass.
Well, yes, sometimes people die in car accidents.

Some people run stop signs and kill people, too. Ask Laura Bush.

And when the person driving the car is's called vehicular homicide! Everything Ted Kennedy did that night SCREAMS guilt! What happened afterward screams WHITEWASH!
I don't believe vehicular homicide due to alcohol was a charge in the 1960s.

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