Reminder to Democrats: You let Ted Kennedy get away with killing a woman

That's what consulting firms do. They go in, analyze and if they deem the company as not being worth saving, they liquidate the firm.

Okay,, buddy, you can tell yourself that. But when voters found out what Romney was, they said, "No thanks".

And that was without going into his crazy-ass Mormon beliefs, which should have been a disqualifier in and of itself.
Soulless Romney could not win dog catcher, plus he is the founder of Obamacare that being the failure Romney care...
Ted Kennedy was a spoiled little rich white boy from a wealthy family who got drunk and got into an accident which killed a woman.

Turns out he may have abandoned her while she was still alive, and then he ran away, and then lied about it, and the family got him off the hook.

The incident was despicable, the abuse of power and privilege was despicable, his political rehabilitation was despicable, and he died, both loved and despised.

What-in-the-hell does that have to do with alleged scumbag pedophiles like Alabama Republican and Senate candidate Roy Moore?

Somebody like Ted Kennedy should have been locked-up for 5 or 10 years.

Somebody found guilty of the heinous crimes ( Child Sexual Predation ) that Moore is accused of, should be publicly crucified in a nearby landfill.

The protection of children is the most sacred trust and duty that adults are charged by Nature and Providence to discharge well and properly.

Scum like Moore, who violate that sacred trust in the most egregious and despicable manner, are not to be trusted with High Public Office in our beloved Republic.

Moore will never face justice, in the legal sense, given the distance in time, lapse of the statute of limitations, lack of physical evidence, etc.

Given, however, that Moore is facing multiple allegations of Child Molestation by multiple accusers who are disconnected and unsolicited...

Moore now faces justice in the Court of Public Opinion - in which even the Senate leadership promises to subject him to its Ethics Committee and to rapidly expel him.

Those supporting Moore will not be allowed to take the public's eye off the scumbag they are supporting, nor will their support for Moore go unnoticed at the polls.

Throw Moore under the bus, while you still can, before the American Public throws YOU under the bus for supporting such a vile scumbag.

Hell.. put together a quick-and-dirty, but massive, write-in campaign, and keep the goddamned seat; however, if the seat is "all" to you, then somebody needs to clue you in...

A single Senate seat just isn't worth losing that particular piece of Moral High Ground - with respect to children and sexual predators and protection of our young.

Only the most myopic, blinkered and short-sighted amongst you (including, of course, the Tweet-Twit-in-Chief) delude yourselves otherwise.

For those delusional types - you are beyond redemption, and will pay the penalty for your idiocy in the elections of 2018 and 2020.

You have been warned.
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Chappaquiddick incident - Wikipedia

The Democrats long "War on Women" includes murder, and Ted Kennedy was never held to account for his murder of Mary Jo Kopechne, and Democrats even re-elected him to the Senate after his murder of this unfortunate women.

Is it any wonder that moral and ethical Americans hold the Democratic Party in complete contempt?

And yet, you voted for Trump and defend him against anything and everything. lol, you demand not to be taken seriously.
Actually, Joey...YOU GUYS put Trump in the White House because you ran Hillary Clinton as your candidate!

That's like saying, "You got raped because you wore a short dress."

As for Bain Capital? Did you want to change your stance that Romney was a bad businessman to...he was a ruthless bastard?

Um, actually, those two statements aren't contradictory. He made a lot of money putting people out of jobs, wrecking companies, leaving third parties with shitloads of debt.

When the poor steal, it's called crime.
When the rich steal, it's called profits.

Yes, Bain Capital sold off parts of failing companies! They didn't steal anyone's pension because those people wouldn't have gotten a pension if the company they worked for went belly up and all of the companies you listed were going to go belly up!

Except none of those companies had real problems until Bain acquired them, loaded them down with debt, paid themselves huge profits and then declared bankruptcy and got out. So the workers got screwed, the lenders got screwed, and you think this is a good thing.

This is why Republicans are kind of fucked up. You take guys who are grifters like Trump and Romney, guys who really didn't build anything, they just manipulated a system, and you call them successes.

You got "raped" because you ran an AWFUL candidate, Joey...not because you wore a short dress! What part of Hillary Clinton being corrupt and dishonest don't you grasp?

None of those companies had real problems? Are you out to prove how clueless you are when it comes to business, Joey? They ALL had problems! Some of them had problems that made them unrecoverable.

Trump and Romney didn't build anything? Here's a clue for ya, Joey! When you've built a "brand" to the point where you can simply sell your NAME...THEN YOU'VE REALLY BUILT SOMETHING!!!
You got "raped" because you ran an AWFUL candidate, Joey...not because you wore a short dress! What part of Hillary Clinton being corrupt and dishonest don't you grasp?

The fact that you guys have been making that claim for 25 years, spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to prove it and have come up with nothing. She's not just corrupt, she's a criminal mastermind!! She's Professor Moriarty and Keyser Soze wrapped up in one!!!!

Or you guys are just trying to rationalize your rampant misogyny. How DARE this woman do what all the men in politics do! Get in the kitchen and make some cookies!!!!

None of those companies had real problems? Are you out to prove how clueless you are when it comes to business, Joey? They ALL had problems! Some of them had problems that made them unrecoverable.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that companies that had been around for decades had "problems' until Mitt the Mormon came along and saved them by looting all their assets. The only mistake they made was trusting Mormons. Never fucking trust Mormons.

Trump and Romney didn't build anything? Here's a clue for ya, Joey! When you've built a "brand" to the point where you can simply sell your NAME...THEN YOU'VE REALLY BUILT SOMETHING!!!

Um, no, guy, self aggrandizement after you've inherited a bunch of someone else's money isn't building something. It's being born on third and thinking you invented baseball.
You got "raped" because you ran an AWFUL candidate, Joey...not because you wore a short dress! What part of Hillary Clinton being corrupt and dishonest don't you grasp?

The fact that you guys have been making that claim for 25 years...
No... unfortunately, Oldstyle is correct about that one...

You ran an AWFUL candidate...

An Establishment Ruling Elites type, who bought the DNC in advance...

Whose money ensured the marginalization of other candidates, which, in turn, led to the DNC Chair (Wasserman) resigning in disgrace, the morning of the first day of the Convention...

Whose husband 'secretly' met with the US Attorney General on an airport tarmac the day before the DOJ cleared her of charges, just to talk about their grandchildren,...

Who arrogantly labeled supporters of her opponent 'a basket of deplorables'... thereby feeding on divisive identity politics...

Who arrogantly ignored Straight White Christian Middle America, thinking she could win without them... that her alliance of Illegal Alien lovers and Gays and Minorities were enough, in addition to the split amongst Whites that she helped to fuel, and which backfired upon her sssoooo spectacularly...

Etc., etc., etc.. the list is damned-near endless... and that's BEFORE we even tough the Old History ( email deletion, Benghazi, deaths of associates, land-swindles, Lewinski, etc.)...

Hell, I voted for her myself, preferring Sane Competent Corruption rather than Unstable Incompetent Corruption, but I left the voting booth on November 8, 2016, feeling like I needed a shower to wash off the dirt of hypocrisy... and I'm here to tell you...

You ran an 'AWFUL candidate'... no... actually... you ran a truly $hitty Candidate... and the American People bitch-slapped you for it, damned-hard, too...

The sooner you (Democrats-Liberals-Progressives), collectively, stop deluding yourselves and trying to get everybody else to believe it, the sooner you can move on.
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So Sad that you have to go back 40 - 50 years for examples to try to defend the current behavior of Republicans.

What's "sad", Timmy is that Ted Kennedy's behavior way back then really isn't an outlier for Democrats...yet you on the left have made a supposed "war on women" part of your campaign attack on conservatives for over a decade now even though your leaders were scum bags like Kennedy, Clinton, Weiner, Spitzer and now Al Franken!

THIS is your party in action, Timmy!
This scumbag still won't resign

Liberal hypocrisy is hilarious
No... unfortunately, Oldstyle is correct about that one...

You ran an AWFUL candidate...

An Establishment Ruling Elites type, who bought the DNC in advance...

Whose money ensured the marginalization of other candidates, which, in turn, led to the DNC Chair (Wasserman) resigning in disgrace, the morning of the first day of the Convention...

Or maybe, get this, the DNC has a system to prevent what happened on the GOP side. Now, one can make arguments that the Superdelegates were a bad idea, but the reason why they are there is because in 1972, a bunch of hippies hijacked the nomination from the establishment and lost 49 states against Tricky Dick.

The thing is, if the Democrats shit the bed and nominated Commie Bernie, they would have still lost. Maybe by a bigger margin.

The thing was, the Democrats never expected the Republicans to nominate Trump. They expected them to nominate someone like Jeb, and Jeb would have kicked the shit out of Commie Bernie.

Whose husband 'secretly' met with the US Attorney General on an airport tarmac the day before the DOJ cleared her of charges, just to talk about their grandchildren,...

Whatever. Hey, one more time, we've been hearing these kinds of Keyser Soze things about Hillary for 25 years back when she killed Vince Foster, no, really.

Who arrogantly labeled supporters of her opponent 'a basket of deplorables'... thereby feeding on divisive identity politics...

Are you trying to argue that Richard Spenser and David Duke aren't deplorable?

Who arrogantly ignored Straight White Christian Middle America, thinking she could win without them... that her alliance of Illegal Alien lovers and Gays and Minorities were enough, in addition to the split amongst Whites that she helped to fuel, and which backfired upon her sssoooo spectacularly...

And how much time was she really supposed to spend on them?

In 2004, George W. Stupid got 58% of the white vote
in 2008, after Bush fucked up everything, John McCain got 55% of the white vote.
in 2012, Even though Obama did a pretty decent job of bringing the economy back, Mitt The Mormon got 59% of the white vote.
In 2016, despite the fact that Trump was batshit crazy, he got 58% of the white vote.

So in short, 55% of white people are going to vote for Republican, no matter how miserable their lives get. How hard was Hillary really supposed to fight for maybe 4% of the White vote?
Etc., etc., etc.. the list is damned-near endless... and that's BEFORE we even tough the Old History ( email deletion, Benghazi, deaths of associates, land-swindles, Lewinski, etc.)...

Again, 25 years of mudslinging, investigated at the cost of hundreds of billions of dollars, and came up with nothing really criminal.

So again, I have to ask, how much of this is really related to Misogyny?

Hell, I voted for her myself, preferring Sane Competent Corruption rather than Unstable Incompetent Corruption, but I left the voting booth on November 8, 2016, feeling like I needed a shower to wash off the dirt of hypocrisy... and I'm here to tell you...

You ran an 'AWFUL candidate'... no... actually... you ran a truly $hitty Candidate... and the American People bitch-slapped you for it, damned-hard, too...

actually, the American people voted for her by a margin of 3 million. Our shitty racist system invented by Slave-raping assholes 200 years ago bitch slapped us, pretty damned hard. And the worst is yet to come.

The sooner you (Democrats-Liberals-Progressives), collectively, stop deluding yourselves and trying to get everybody else to believe it, the sooner you can move on.

Oh, please, this is a lot of deflection. Electing Trump was a debasement of our system, because a lot of people voted for him never expecting him to win, or voted for third party turds because the media told them Hillary was 'just as bad, but she has it in the bag"

We didn't take the process seriously, we treated it like a reality TV show, and now we have the clownishness that you see on Reality TV.
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Deflecting again I see. Its 2017 and you republicans want to bring up crap that happened over 50 years ago.

Ted Kennedy did wrong. But his wrong doesn't erase Moore's wrong. Y'all seem yo think that a democrats wrong cancel outs a republicans wrong.
Democrats rape and kill women, but you have no problem with that because you're all complete sociopaths.

Start calling for the molestor-in-chief to resign, and the board will stop thinking of you as the ultimate corrupt party hack hypocrite.

And by the way, you haven't shown examples of any Democrats raping anyone. You lie about Bill Clinton a lot, but you squeal and run when called on it. You lying doesn't make us sociopaths. It just makes you a liar.
Bill Clinton raped Juanita Broderrick. Do you deny it?

When did he rape her?
You got "raped" because you ran an AWFUL candidate, Joey...not because you wore a short dress! What part of Hillary Clinton being corrupt and dishonest don't you grasp?

The fact that you guys have been making that claim for 25 years, spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to prove it and have come up with nothing. She's not just corrupt, she's a criminal mastermind!! She's Professor Moriarty and Keyser Soze wrapped up in one!!!!

Or you guys are just trying to rationalize your rampant misogyny. How DARE this woman do what all the men in politics do! Get in the kitchen and make some cookies!!!!

None of those companies had real problems? Are you out to prove how clueless you are when it comes to business, Joey? They ALL had problems! Some of them had problems that made them unrecoverable.

Okay, you keep telling yourself that companies that had been around for decades had "problems' until Mitt the Mormon came along and saved them by looting all their assets. The only mistake they made was trusting Mormons. Never fucking trust Mormons.

Trump and Romney didn't build anything? Here's a clue for ya, Joey! When you've built a "brand" to the point where you can simply sell your NAME...THEN YOU'VE REALLY BUILT SOMETHING!!!

Um, no, guy, self aggrandizement after you've inherited a bunch of someone else's money isn't building something. It's being born on third and thinking you invented baseball.

Spare me the misogyny rant, Joey! Clinton got millions of votes simply because she WAS a woman...not despite the fact that she was! She basically ran a campaign of "Yeah, I'm corrupt and dishonest as the day is long...but I'D BE THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT SO YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR ME OR YOU DON'T SUPPORT EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN!!!"

As for Trump being "born on third"? His father wasn't selling the Trump name around the globe! Whether you like or dislike Donald Trump...there is no denying that he took a rather small, local real estate empire and turned it into a global behemoth.

Trust? I'd trust a Mormon (and Mitt Romney!) a hell of a lot further than I'd trust either Clinton!
Spare me the misogyny rant, Joey! Clinton got millions of votes simply because she WAS a woman...not despite the fact that she was! She basically ran a campaign of "Yeah, I'm corrupt and dishonest as the day is long...but I'D BE THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT SO YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR ME OR YOU DON'T SUPPORT EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN!!!"

I don't know of anyone woh voted for Hillary "because she was a woman". they maybe thought it was cool that after 44 guys, a woman finally got the job, but that was expecting too much.

Most people who had the good sense to vote for Hillary realized that a Nazi Game Show Host was a bad choice.

And a lot of people who voted for Trump were just misogynistic, referring to her as a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB. No, the other one, not the one you all referred to Obama as.

As for Trump being "born on third"? His father wasn't selling the Trump name around the globe! Whether you like or dislike Donald Trump...there is no denying that he took a rather small, local real estate empire and turned it into a global behemoth.

You mean by building tacky casinos and then declaring bankruptcy.

Yes, the Trump name means quality.
Trump University- FAILED
Trump Steaks - FAILED
Trump Vodka - FAILED
Trump Airlines - FAILED
Trump Administration- FAILED.

Trust? I'd trust a Mormon (and Mitt Romney!) a hell of a lot further than I'd trust either Clinton!

I think when someone goes through life thinking a child-molesting con man was God's profit and their underwear is magic, we really can't trust them.
Um, yeah, last time i checked, making a gesture in a photo wasn't a crime, buddy.
Last time you posted, like this time, to you groping a woman while she slept was not a crime for Democrats, 'buddy'.

Give up your 'frat boy' mentality, and come join us in the adult world of 2017.

you're aware, hack, that the woman doesn't want Franken to resign and doesn't want any hearings.

but thanks for your concern for all women.

now go back to supporting the sexual predator in the white house and the child molester.
I haven't heard any of the women against Moore ask him to step down.
Spare me the misogyny rant, Joey! Clinton got millions of votes simply because she WAS a woman...not despite the fact that she was! She basically ran a campaign of "Yeah, I'm corrupt and dishonest as the day is long...but I'D BE THE FIRST WOMAN PRESIDENT SO YOU HAVE TO VOTE FOR ME OR YOU DON'T SUPPORT EQUAL RIGHTS FOR WOMEN!!!"

I don't know of anyone woh voted for Hillary "because she was a woman". they maybe thought it was cool that after 44 guys, a woman finally got the job, but that was expecting too much.

Most people who had the good sense to vote for Hillary realized that a Nazi Game Show Host was a bad choice.

And a lot of people who voted for Trump were just misogynistic, referring to her as a "bitch" and that word we can't use on USMB. No, the other one, not the one you all referred to Obama as.

As for Trump being "born on third"? His father wasn't selling the Trump name around the globe! Whether you like or dislike Donald Trump...there is no denying that he took a rather small, local real estate empire and turned it into a global behemoth.

You mean by building tacky casinos and then declaring bankruptcy.

Yes, the Trump name means quality.
Trump University- FAILED
Trump Steaks - FAILED
Trump Vodka - FAILED
Trump Airlines - FAILED
Trump Administration- FAILED.

Trust? I'd trust a Mormon (and Mitt Romney!) a hell of a lot further than I'd trust either Clinton!

I think when someone goes through life thinking a child-molesting con man was God's profit and their underwear is magic, we really can't trust them.

and Hillary is a 2-time criminal loser.....

Trump's win over Hillary is causing fresh new triggered meltdowns each and every day. Gotta love it.

Bwuhahaha...... :p
I think when someone goes through life thinking a child-molesting con man was God's profit and their underwear is magic, we really can't trust them.
I think snowflakes who go through life 'worshipping' at the 'alter' of career sexual harassers, sexual assaulters, adulterers, rapists, pedophiles, terrorist-supporters, Influence Peddlers, Russian Collaborators who were bought and paid for by the KGB, who broke numerous laws and was caught dead-to-right, and who put self/party-serving traitors above the welfare of the country, who refuse to accept the outcome of the election...

They are who Hillary said they are:


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