REMINDER -- Use "selective quoting" to bust up long nested quotes in Replies..


Diamond Member
Jun 9, 2011
Hillbilly Hollywood, Tenn
Been talking with the IT staff and monitoring the Xenforo User forum for clues about whether this is gonna get fixed any time soon.. It's annoying to all of us.,. Even the Mod staff gets these in the Report Forum with the mile long quote chains, and we can not navigate threads with the linkbacks when it all becomes a big mess of vertical lines and no text.

So BE part of the solution here.. Practice the "quote distancing" thing and help out.. If you hit reply and see more than 8 or 10 quotes showing, --- START AGAIN with the selective quoting techniques described here in the thread below...

Also delete all the youtube and photoshop crap imbedded in all those quotes. For those who still have issues with the slow loading of pages, just block all that crap in your browser settings, and you will gain some speed, especially block video and audio. Most of those sites are drag ass slow, and when you get 50 of them in a thread it becomes ridiculous. Crappy gif sites are another file type to block. People can link to the pages with that crap without having everybody who clicks on a page download the junk.
Also delete all the youtube and photoshop crap imbedded in all those quotes. For those who still have issues with the slow loading of pages, just block all that crap in your browser settings, and you will gain some speed, especially block video and audio. Most of those sites are drag ass slow, and when you get 50 of them in a thread it becomes ridiculous. Crappy gif sites are another file type to block. People can link to the pages with that crap without having everybody who clicks on a page download the junk.

Shouldn't have to worry about ANYTHING being actually downloaded to your devices.. It's all just page displays.. And the videos are just a static image link to another site like YouTube.. None of them should be set to "play" when the page loads..

The best way to speed up USMB -- is to get a Spyware pkg like SpyHunter that exiles all the hundreds of companies collecting your content on USMB and using it to serve you "custom ads"..., For instance, if you're in discussing Russia Russia Russia threads, you will be served ads for "hot russian women want to meet you"... Get those busybodies OUT of your device and you'll notice a difference in page loading...

Isn't selective quoting a form of discrimination?


Also delete all the youtube and photoshop crap imbedded in all those quotes. For those who still have issues with the slow loading of pages, just block all that crap in your browser settings, and you will gain some speed, especially block video and audio. Most of those sites are drag ass slow, and when you get 50 of them in a thread it becomes ridiculous. Crappy gif sites are another file type to block. People can link to the pages with that crap without having everybody who clicks on a page download the junk.

Shouldn't have to worry about ANYTHING being actually downloaded to your devices.. It's all just page displays.. And the videos are just a static image link to another site like YouTube.. None of them should be set to "play" when the page loads..

The best way to speed up USMB -- is to get a Spyware pkg like SpyHunter that exiles all the hundreds of companies collecting your content on USMB and using it to serve you "custom ads"..., For instance, if you're in discussing Russia Russia Russia threads, you will be served ads for "hot russian women want to meet you"... Get those busybodies OUT of your device and you'll notice a difference in page loading...

I can only report on what works for me; I don't have access to your routers and server, all I have is my processes and network monitors, and disabling audio and video pretty much triples my speeds here. I'm only interested in written content anyway, since it can be parsed, and with vids most sources no longer make printed transcripts available any more, except maybe PBS. I no longer get those interminable wait times for downloading pages or waiting for posts to take.

Another factor that many may not be aware of is software on your machines that auto update themselves, another annoying pain in the ass especially for Windows users. You have to disable that crap in your Task Manager box as a practical matter. I would say what I use, but that is just telling hackers a lot about your security and would be stupid, but I will say it's mostly stuff built into my browser and Windows itself, with a little help from a couple of add ons. I will also add that I see about triple the assorted Google snooping stuff than I used to see here less then a year ago. Today no less than 12 different ones at once; used to be just the fonts and a couple other domains.
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I can only report on what works for me; I don't have access to your routers and server, all I have is my processes and network monitors, and disabling audio and video pretty much triples my speeds here.

There are some issues in browsers that ALLOW "autoplay" of media to be set by advertisers.. These are most likely the culprits.. Not "member embedded" audio/video media.. That USMB content will NEVER link back and "auto play" itself...

It's been about 2 years since I wrestled with Chrome and got it to STOP autoplay of advertiser media.. But there is the bandwidth issue.. An adblock app would be a quicker, less painless way of dealing with that without studying the "autoplay" issues of your browser...

Another factor that many may not be aware of is software on your machines that auto update themselves, another annoying pain in the ass especially for Windows users. You have to disable that crap in your Task Manager box as a practical matter. I would say what I use, but that is just telling hackers a lot about your security and would be stupid, but I will say it's mostly stuff built into my browser and Windows itself, with a little help from a couple of add ons. I will also add that I see about triple the assorted Google snooping stuff than I used to see here less then a year ago. Today no less than 12 different ones at once; used to be just the fonts and a couple other domains.

Yep... The snooping on you is endless from these ad services and 3rd party data miners.. That's why I recommended SpyHunter. If you read the very BOTTOM bar of your browser, when you change a USMB page, the ad-snoopers are STILL LOADING even a couple minutes later sometimes.. Does NOT actually TAKE a lot of bandwidth to load a USMB page WITHOUT the ad content -- even IF you're in the Music Forum with a page full of Video links... So the delay is ALL ad content or "snooping" overhead..,.

Problem is, the "security packages" or spyware or "optimizing apps" are pretty bad themselves with loading new updates.. Boot times sometimes go out into the 4 or 6 minute area because spyware/virus/security/optimization programs are loading new "definitions and matches" almost daily 1st thing when the machine comes up...
I have been infracted before for "selective quoting" when I simply trimmed down a response to that portion towards which I wished to respond.
I have been infracted before for "selective quoting" when I simply trimmed down a response to that portion towards which I wished to respond.

You MUST post the entire quote, that is a standard rule in all forums I have been on.
I have been infracted before for "selective quoting" when I simply trimmed down a response to that portion towards which I wished to respond.

You MUST post the entire quote, that is a standard rule in all forums I have been on.
Is that really a rule here? Or just common courtesy? I ask because sometimes I also quote only a particular portion of a long comment. Of course I wouldn’t want to edit something to intentionally misrepresent somebody’s meaning.

P.S. Sometimes I edit out the nested series of comments from a full quote and then copy again the part I’m responding to.
I have been infracted before for "selective quoting" when I simply trimmed down a response to that portion towards which I wished to respond.

You MUST post the entire quote, that is a standard rule in all forums I have been on.
Is that really a rule here? Or just common courtesy? I ask because sometimes I also quote only a particular portion of a long comment. Of course I wouldn’t want to edit something to intentionally misrepresent somebody’s meaning.

P.S. Sometimes I edit out the nested series of comments from a full quote and then copy again the part I’m responding to.

Here is the forum rule:

Editing quotes. You may selectively quote, provided that it does not change the context or meaning of the quote. When you comment on the quote, do it outside of the quote box. Do not post inside of the quote box or alter the member names in "link-back" text.



Problem is that taking a partial quote from elsewhere WILL very likely change the context or meaning the person was making. Better to just get the full quote, then bold the part you want to make emphasis on.
If you're only responding to one statement in a long post, it makes no sense to post the other 20 lines from 10 other posts just to do that. Editing other's posts is of course not a good practice and not directly quoting them. I don't always delete the irrelevant content, though, but I'm working at it.
Problem is that taking a partial quote from elsewhere WILL very likely change the context or meaning the person was making. Better to just get the full quote, then bold the part you want to make emphasis on.
I've had posts deleted for that. The reason given was "I changed the quote." It should be obvious even to overzealous mods that you bolded a portion of a quote because that portion is what you took issue with and was responding to.
Been talking with the IT staff and monitoring the Xenforo User forum for clues about whether this is gonna get fixed any time soon.. It's annoying to all of us.,. Even the Mod staff gets these in the Report Forum with the mile long quote chains, and we can not navigate threads with the linkbacks when it all becomes a big mess of vertical lines and no text.

So BE part of the solution here.. Practice the "quote distancing" thing and help out.. If you hit reply and see more than 8 or 10 quotes showing, --- START AGAIN with the selective quoting techniques described here in the thread below...

The '"selective quoting" that you've explained works really well. The problem is that nobody's doing it.

I assume this is xenForo. Everyone on vBulletin has switched by now. None of the other sites that I frequent have this nested tree quote problem. Much less have they been working on a solution since June 1st.

The nested quotes seem like a good idea, but if you've read through the thread, you know that already, and the nest hides the relative quote. I'm pretty sure that it's irritating to everyone.
Been talking with the IT staff and monitoring the Xenforo User forum for clues about whether this is gonna get fixed any time soon.. It's annoying to all of us.,. Even the Mod staff gets these in the Report Forum with the mile long quote chains, and we can not navigate threads with the linkbacks when it all becomes a big mess of vertical lines and no text.

So BE part of the solution here.. Practice the "quote distancing" thing and help out.. If you hit reply and see more than 8 or 10 quotes showing, --- START AGAIN with the selective quoting techniques described here in the thread below...

Thanks for posting this reminder, even if I am reading it 6 months too late. :) It's a GREAT feature!
Been talking with the IT staff and monitoring the Xenforo User forum for clues about whether this is gonna get fixed any time soon.. It's annoying to all of us.,. Even the Mod staff gets these in the Report Forum with the mile long quote chains, and we can not navigate threads with the linkbacks when it all becomes a big mess of vertical lines and no text.

So BE part of the solution here.. Practice the "quote distancing" thing and help out.. If you hit reply and see more than 8 or 10 quotes showing, --- START AGAIN with the selective quoting techniques described here in the thread below...

The '"selective quoting" that you've explained works really well. The problem is that nobody's doing it.

I assume this is xenForo. Everyone on vBulletin has switched by now. None of the other sites that I frequent have this nested tree quote problem. Much less have they been working on a solution since June 1st.

The nested quotes seem like a good idea, but if you've read through the thread, you know that already, and the nest hides the relative quote. I'm pretty sure that it's irritating to everyone.

Thanks for the bump!
Been talking with the IT staff and monitoring the Xenforo User forum for clues about whether this is gonna get fixed any time soon.. It's annoying to all of us.,. Even the Mod staff gets these in the Report Forum with the mile long quote chains, and we can not navigate threads with the linkbacks when it all becomes a big mess of vertical lines and no text.

So BE part of the solution here.. Practice the "quote distancing" thing and help out.. If you hit reply and see more than 8 or 10 quotes showing, --- START AGAIN with the selective quoting techniques described here in the thread below...

The '"selective quoting" that you've explained works really well. The problem is that nobody's doing it.

I assume this is xenForo. Everyone on vBulletin has switched by now. None of the other sites that I frequent have this nested tree quote problem. Much less have they been working on a solution since June 1st.

The nested quotes seem like a good idea, but if you've read through the thread, you know that already, and the nest hides the relative quote. I'm pretty sure that it's irritating to everyone.

Without "nested quotes" we become --- worse than Twitter.. The issue at Xenforo may be largely staff contraction due to Covid OR -- it maybe because they're too busy making THIS platform solve EVERY kind of "group/client" communication problem in the world and dont give a shit about "message boards" anymore..

It's ridiculous that "apps" are just EXPECTED to be buggy or compromised by "versatility" in the Marketing Dept...
Been talking with the IT staff and monitoring the Xenforo User forum for clues about whether this is gonna get fixed any time soon.. It's annoying to all of us.,. Even the Mod staff gets these in the Report Forum with the mile long quote chains, and we can not navigate threads with the linkbacks when it all becomes a big mess of vertical lines and no text.

So BE part of the solution here.. Practice the "quote distancing" thing and help out.. If you hit reply and see more than 8 or 10 quotes showing, --- START AGAIN with the selective quoting techniques described here in the thread below...

The '"selective quoting" that you've explained works really well. The problem is that nobody's doing it.

I assume this is xenForo. Everyone on vBulletin has switched by now. None of the other sites that I frequent have this nested tree quote problem. Much less have they been working on a solution since June 1st.

The nested quotes seem like a good idea, but if you've read through the thread, you know that already, and the nest hides the relative quote. I'm pretty sure that it's irritating to everyone.

Without "nested quotes" we become --- worse than Twitter.. The issue at Xenforo may be largely staff contraction due to Covid OR -- it maybe because they're too busy making THIS platform solve EVERY kind of "group/client" communication problem in the world and dont give a shit about "message boards" anymore..

It's ridiculous that "apps" are just EXPECTED to be buggy or compromised by "versatility" in the Marketing Dept...
That doesn't explain why two other sites that I frequent, that have recently upgraded to XenForo, don't have nested quotes. I do not know when this site upgraded because I'm a n00b. If it was earlier, maybe they did something to change that. The "worse than Twitter" comment makes no sense.
Been talking with the IT staff and monitoring the Xenforo User forum for clues about whether this is gonna get fixed any time soon.. It's annoying to all of us.,. Even the Mod staff gets these in the Report Forum with the mile long quote chains, and we can not navigate threads with the linkbacks when it all becomes a big mess of vertical lines and no text.

So BE part of the solution here.. Practice the "quote distancing" thing and help out.. If you hit reply and see more than 8 or 10 quotes showing, --- START AGAIN with the selective quoting techniques described here in the thread below...

The '"selective quoting" that you've explained works really well. The problem is that nobody's doing it.

I assume this is xenForo. Everyone on vBulletin has switched by now. None of the other sites that I frequent have this nested tree quote problem. Much less have they been working on a solution since June 1st.

The nested quotes seem like a good idea, but if you've read through the thread, you know that already, and the nest hides the relative quote. I'm pretty sure that it's irritating to everyone.

Without "nested quotes" we become --- worse than Twitter.. The issue at Xenforo may be largely staff contraction due to Covid OR -- it maybe because they're too busy making THIS platform solve EVERY kind of "group/client" communication problem in the world and dont give a shit about "message boards" anymore..

It's ridiculous that "apps" are just EXPECTED to be buggy or compromised by "versatility" in the Marketing Dept...
That doesn't explain why two other sites that I frequent, that have recently upgraded to XenForo, don't have nested quotes. I do not know when this site upgraded because I'm a n00b. If it was earlier, maybe they did something to change that. The "worse than Twitter" comment makes no sense.

There used to be an Admin level control that allowed sites to choose ANY "depth of nested quotes" that they wanted.. Actually was a 3rd party plug-in that DOESN'T work anymore in the new release. We had it set at something like 4 replies deep and life was good.

When we upgraded about 10 months ago -- there was only TWO CHOICES.. One was "one reply deep" and the other was "infinite replies deep"....

With one reply as context, nobody REMEMBERS the conversation or even WHAT THEY SAID an hour ago.. And moderation cant use the link backs in the reply history to figure out where a thread went wrong..

If you're saying that the sites you've seen DONT HAVE "nested quotes" -- that's just unacceptable for any message board that expects coherent discussion.

Twitter is post by post troll outrage.. No real emphasis on topical discussion. Partly because there are no lengthy exchanges to follow unless you peck your way thru the feed.. Impossible to carry a rational conversion..

With only the ONE post (or no posts) given as history of the TOPIC thread, people just wont remember what was asserted even 2 or 3 posts ago.. They wont even know WHAT THEY'VE SAID in exchanges that can go 20 posts long.. And they can not "link back" to read the previous context.

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