Rents in the fabric of man's awareness are


Platinum Member
Oct 10, 2021
tailored on or at Josef Biden's feral pig farm.
Where data processing is skewed and altered no less than
what George Orwell predicted and implied in - Animal Farm - {1945 }
This accomompolished c/o a definable Deep State and weekends
back in Maryland,instead the Peoples House { White House ].
Where a priggish yet feral { Piggy } mindset is set into motion twisting
whatever keys are necessary to overturn Americana in whatever
Where no such Norman Rockwell landscapes are realized.
Just twisted Dada-like images as if personally autographed by
Salvadore Dali ... himself.
" Political language -- and with variations this is true
of all political parties,from Conservatives to Anarchists -- is
designed to make lies sound truthful and murder respectable,
and to give the appearance of solidity to pure wind. "
George Orwell { ne Eric Blair }
" In the long,fierce struggle for freedom of opinion,
the Press,like the church,counted its martyrs by the
thousands. " -- James Garfield { 20th President of the United States }
Not no mores.The Press is out to Do Marty's in at any and all
costs.Why do you think Wokeism was created.
To make it acceptable to Pile-on anyone complicating the
New World Order heirarchy and subsequent unravelling of
Freedom,Liberty and pride in America.A once cherished tradition.
The Janusry 6th Insurrection narrative will go down in History
as one of The Saddest chapters of our Republic,.
It pretty much sums everything up about how Corrupt
our Government had become.

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