Rep. Clay Higgins Introduces Bill to Protect Presidential Ballot Integrity, Proposes Disqualifying State Electors if Major Party Nominee is Removed

MAGA Macho Man

Diamond Member
Apr 19, 2022
Louisiana's Rep. Clay Higgins is taking action again, this time for a good cause. Clay Higgins means business. Clay Higgins is an awesome American Patriot. This bill is needed to protect election integrity, something that we didn't have in 2020.

Louisiana's Rep. Clay Higgins is taking action again, this time for a good cause. Clay Higgins means business. Clay Higgins is an awesome American Patriot. This bill is needed to protect election integrity, something that we didn't have in 2020.

That would never pass constitutional muster, any more than what CO did will.

Louisiana's Rep. Clay Higgins is taking action again, this time for a good cause. Clay Higgins means business. Clay Higgins is an awesome American Patriot. This bill is needed to protect election integrity, something that we didn't have in 2020.

States rights--fed doesn't control them.
Louisiana's Rep. Clay Higgins is taking action again, this time for a good cause. Clay Higgins means business. Clay Higgins is an awesome American Patriot. This bill is needed to protect election integrity, something that we didn't have in 2020.

Struggling hard to keep insurectionist on the ballot for president, I thought the GOP wanted to win.
Article 1 Section 4:

The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations, except as to the Places of chusing Senators.

Established interpretation:
Although the Elections Clause makes states primarily responsible for regulating congressional elections, it vests ultimate power in Congress. Congress may pass federal laws regulating congressional elections that automatically displace (“preempt”) any contrary state statutes, or enact its own regulations concerning those aspects of elections that states may not have addressed. The Framers of the Constitution were concerned that states might establish unfair election procedures or attempt to undermine the national government by refusing to hold elections for Congress. They empowered Congress to step in and regulate such elections as a self-defense mechanism.

Higgins is the man.

(Yes, I know this applies to Congressional elections)
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The feds have no control over the electors in any state. That is states rights and is evidenced in the differing penalties that states levy on faithless electors.
The US Constitution authorizes state legislatures to select Presidential electors. If a state legislature gives this authority to voters, it must abide by the outcomes of the resulting election. As such, it may not prevent voting for duly qualified candidates by removing their names from ballots. Due process requires adjudication before assessing a penalty against any individual.

Therefore, a state can not prevent a candidate from running for office for a crime of which he has not been convicted.
The US Constitution authorizes state legislatures to select Presidential electors. If a state legislature gives this authority to voters, it must abide by the outcomes of the resulting election. As such, it may not prevent voting for duly qualified candidates by removing their names from ballots. Due process requires adjudication before assessing a penalty against any individual.

Therefore, a state can not prevent a candidate from running for office for a crime of which he has not been convicted.
Not quite. There are certain prerequisits for being president. If you don't meet all of them you can't be president. There is no adjudication required to determine if a candidate is qualified. Nobody has to go to court to adjudicate if they are 35 years,or if they are a natural born citizen. They either are, or they are not. Likewise, a person who participated in sedition doesn't require adjudication. If you want to get pickey, the courts have already determined that sedition did happen. People went to prison for it. It's also been shown in court that trump participated in that sedition. The 14th amendment adds another requirement to become president. He is required to have not participated in sedition. Trump did. He can't be president.
Louisiana's Rep. Clay Higgins is taking action again, this time for a good cause. Clay Higgins means business. Clay Higgins is an awesome American Patriot. This bill is needed to protect election integrity, something that we didn't have in 2020.

I love me some Clay Higgins!

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