Rep Crenshaw on far right repubs:"They want Russia to win."

Finally, repubs are growing a pair and speaking the truth. Margie Greene and her clan want Russia to win. Now, Mike Johnson finally sees the influence of Russian propaganda.


Finally, repubs are growing a pair and speaking the truth. Margie Greene and her clan want Russia to win. Now, Mike Johnson finally sees the influence of Russian propaganda.
In 2016, the Trump campaign modified the GOP platform to remove stuff about providing weapons to Ukraine, replacing it with 'providing assistance as appropriate' or something similar.

Two years later, there were folks wearing this -


It's good that more Congressional Republicans are beginning to call this out, as well as talking about Russian propaganda being pushed by their base and on the House floor.
In 2016, the Trump campaign modified the GOP platform to remove stuff about providing weapons to Ukraine, replacing it with 'providing assistance as appropriate' or something similar.

Two years later, there were folks wearing this -

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It's good that more Congressional Republicans are beginning to call this out, as well as talking about Russian propaganda being pushed by their base and on the House floor.
Aint too many that have balls like Crenshaw, though. Most are like the Trump supporters on this forum, they do and think like Dear Leader tells them.
When former FBI informant Alexander Smirnov was locked up for lying about the Bidens and Burisma, that sealed the deal. A direct line now undeniably connects Smirnov, Putin and Trump.
Aint too many that have balls like Crenshaw, though. Most are like the Trump supporters on this forum, they do and think like Dear Leader tells them.
House Republicans Are Amplifying Russian Propaganda
Rep. Mike Turner (R-OH) said that Russian propaganda has taken hold among some of his House Republican colleagues and is even “being uttered on the House floor,” NBC News reports.
Said Turner: “We see directly coming from Russia… communications that are anti-Ukraine and pro-Russia messages, some of which we even hear being uttered on the House floor.”
“His comments come on the heels of remarks House Foreign Affairs Committee Chair Michael McCaul made this week about how Russian propaganda has taken root among the GOP.”

Quote of the Day
“I think Russian propaganda has made its way into the United States, unfortunately, and it’s infected a good chunk of my party’s base.” - House Foreign Relations Committee Chairman Michael McCaul (R-TX), in an interview with Puck.

Finally, repubs are growing a pair and speaking the truth. Margie Greene and her clan want Russia to win. Now, Mike Johnson finally sees the influence of Russian propaganda.
Sadly, I think there is no unity inside the republican party

Its natural for different ideas to compete with each other

But the level of vitriol repubs are directing at each other is very damaging

Crenshaw is engaging in crazy talk
Sadly, I think there is no unity inside the republican party

Its natural for different ideas to compete with each other

But the level of vitriol repubs are directing at each other is very damaging
I`m a Democrat that has voted for Republicans Tom Ridge, Arlen Specter and a former Repub Senator from Pa. named John Heinz who was killed in a helicopter crash. People like them wouldn`t stand a chance in today`s GOP.
They hate Russians and Ukranians ALMOST as much as they hate Jews.
I really don't think it's that...They loved the totalitarian Russians until they didn't.....They say zero about the murderous CCP.

They're just bloodthirsty ghouls....The nationalities are incidental.
I`m a Democrat that has voted for Republicans Tom Ridge, Arlen Specter and a former Repub Senator from Pa. named John Heinz who was killed in a helicopter crash. People like them wouldn`t stand a chance in today`s GOP.
Warmonger douchebags like them made Trump look like a better deal.
I really don't think it's that...They loved the totalitarian Russians until they didn't.....
Please stop projecting. We get it. You love Mother Russia. No need to hammer on that point.

They say zero about the murderous CCP.
You mean the CCP that finances the GOP?

You side hoovers up the commiebucks. Our doesn't. That's why all Republicans have been commanded to suck commie ass now.

And since they've been commanded, they obey. Authoritarian followers are like that.
Warmonger douchebags like them made Trump look like a better deal.
Trump and his goons make war on the police and our Constitution. When Trump`s riot ended he should have been given a blindfold and his last piece of KFC.
I`m a Democrat that has voted for Republicans Tom Ridge, Arlen Specter and a former Repub Senator from Pa. named John Heinz who was killed in a helicopter crash. People like them wouldn`t stand a chance in today`s GOP.
This has been building for several decades

When Bush wanted to give amnesty and citizenship to millions of illegal aliens the stumbling block was conservative republicans

Rather than accept defeat graciously Bush and john mccain angrily lashed out at their own supporters accusing them of racism

And its only gotten worse since then
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Trump and his goons make war on the police and our Constitution. When Trump`s riot ended he should have been given a blindfold and his last piece of KFC.
Yet you insist on supporting the very schmucks that made him possible.

This has been building gor several decades

When Bush wanted to give amnesty and citizenship to millions of illegal aliens the stumbling block was conservative republicans

Rather than accept defeat graciously Bush and john mccain angrily lashed out at their own supporters accusing them of racism

And its only gotten worse since then
Perot, Buchanan, Ron Paul....All had very significant support that the Uniparty™ "republicans" had to expend great efforts to squelch, to maintain their power.

For all his voluminous faults, Trump smoked out the poseurs and collaborators for who they really are.

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