Rep. Gabrielle Giffords & The Hypocrisy of Haters in Politics

Procrustes Stretched

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Dec 1, 2008
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords & The Hypocrisy of Haters in Politics

Some of the nicest, sweetest and some of the most hateful people in politics and here @ USMB have expressed sorrow and horror over what happened in Tuscon.

What is striking is how many of these people condemn most all politics and politicians as thieves, enemies, traitors, etc...


The politics of hate has always had two faces...always.


Paul Krugman Calls Out Right Wing Violent Rhetoric Re Arizona Shooting
I was thinking the same thing..........thank God the most imflamatory hater of all, Keith Olbermann has been banished from the airwaves!!!!

Good point Dante.....:clap2::clap2:

I was thinking the same thing..........thank God the most imflamatory hater of all, Keith Olbermann has been banished from the airwaves!!!!

Good point Dante.....:clap2::clap2:


Too bad FOX News will NOT follow suit and get rid of all their haters, eh?




Fox has no one that comes close to the stupidity and acrimony of Olberman. The man is diseased.
Heres the way it works s0n..........people get fired from shows like "Countdown" because the ratings suck dog balls. When the sponsors flee, the host gets the boot.

Over at FOX, ratings continue to be in the stratosphere. Accordingly and suffice to say........only a fringe # consider FOX to be haters, and that would be the 10% or less on the far left = politically irrelevant.
Heres the way it works s0n..........people get fired from shows like "Countdown" because the ratings suck dog balls. When the sponsors flee, the host gets the boot.

Over at FOX, ratings continue to be in the stratosphere. Accordingly and suffice to say........only a fringe # consider FOX to be haters, and that would be the 10% or less on the far left = politically irrelevant.

Fox garners more viewers than CNN and MSNBC, combined. Olberman probably had what, a .0000006 share?
By the way Dante........just in case you missed the memo this past Novemeber............

Groan, Dante finds a left wing op-ed he likes and ties it to a tragedy. What else is new on the left side of the world?
I was thinking the same thing..........thank God the most imflamatory hater of all, Keith Olbermann has been banished from the airwaves!!!!

Good point Dante.....:clap2::clap2:

Too bad, all broadcaster don't clean up their act and start hiring real political commentators instead of the hacks that haunt the airways. Actually, it's not the commentators that disturb me so. It's the audience that wants to be constantly reassured that their beliefs are correct. It's pretty sad that there are so many people in this country that need someone to tell them what to think and who to hate.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords & The Hypocrisy of Haters in Politics

Some of the nicest, sweetest and some of the most hateful people in politics and here @ USMB have expressed sorrow and horror over what happened in Tuscon.

What is striking is how many of these people condemn most all politics and politicians as thieves, enemies, traitors, etc...


The politics of hate has always had two faces...always.


Paul Krugman Calls Out Right Wing Violent Rhetoric Re Arizona Shooting

Violent Rhetoric had absolutely nothing to do with Tucson.
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Rep. Gabrielle Giffords & The Hypocrisy of Haters in Politics

Some of the nicest, sweetest and some of the most hateful people in politics and here @ USMB have expressed sorrow and horror over what happened in Tuscon.

What is striking is how many of these people condemn most all politics and politicians as thieves, enemies, traitors, etc...


The politics of hate has always had two faces...always.


Paul Krugman Calls Out Right Wing Violent Rhetoric Re Arizona Shooting

Violent Rhetoric had absolutely nothing to do with Tuscon.

Absolutely nothing? That comment begs credibility and reason. :eusa_shhh:
one cannot exist with mental illness or not, in a culture of violent rhetoric and claim to NOT be influenced by the rhetoric surrounding ones own interests.

The Tuscon Arizona Shooter was following a Democrat and the shooter was exposed during this time to the vile and disgusting rhetoric from people like Avatar and Sarah Palin.
Rep. Gabrielle Giffords & The Hypocrisy of Haters in Politics

Some of the nicest, sweetest and some of the most hateful people in politics and here @ USMB have expressed sorrow and horror over what happened in Tuscon.

What is striking is how many of these people condemn most all politics and politicians as thieves, enemies, traitors, etc...


The politics of hate has always had two faces...always.


Paul Krugman Calls Out Right Wing Violent Rhetoric Re Arizona Shooting

Violent Rhetoric had absolutely nothing to do with Tuscon.

You cannot say that with any certainty just like those who claim it had something to do with it can't. It is yet to be proven either way. We don't know enough.
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First of all Krugman is biased. He refers to himself as a liberal in the sense of Euriopean social democracy so....duh... he blames the right wing. Look at the hate-speech directed at Palin in the last two years and Michelle Bachman. Look at the heated rhetoric on this panel even after the democrat party declared a truce in so-called violent rhetoric. Nobody even heard of Giffords before she sided with republicans and faced the wrath of the democrat party by reading a passage from the Constitution on the House floor. It's possible that the schitzo nut case hated her because she was a moderate democrat. Political rhetoric has always been heated. The dirty little secret is that democrats use the tragedy as a political tool. What could be better for the democrat party if conservative speech was shut down and liberals were free to enjoy the 1st Amendment as they do now?
In other words, you have no evidence that the shooter ever listened to any of this "violent" rhetoric.

Personally, I dont think non-violence is violent rhetoric. But apparently listening to Gandhi and MLK is extremely violent.

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