Rep. Gowdy: Holder To Resign 'The Easy Way', Or Be Impeached 'The Hard Way'...

I'd bet Holder and his goon circle at the DoJ shredded the evidence that they ran illegal guns to promote a gun ban in the USA.

If they are dumb enough to keep it in a safe then someone in the DoJ needs to steal it and bring it to the appropriate people in Congress with the right clearances.

You cannot classify something to cover up a crime and it is not a crime to take that type of classified information to the right people if it is criminal material. Whatever Holder has stamped on that paperwork, people like me can take it from him.
I'd bet Holder and his goon circle at the DoJ shredded the evidence that they ran illegal guns to promote a gun ban in the USA.

If they are dumb enough to keep it in a safe then someone in the DoJ needs to steal it and bring it to the appropriate people in Congress with the right clearances.

You cannot classify something to cover up a crime and it is not a crime to take that type of classified information to the right people if it is criminal material. Whatever Holder has stamped on that paperwork, people like me can take it from him.
I hope Holder gets first frogmarched out of the House Chamber...then (to borrow a phrase from an EPA Drone...) Crucified...metaphorically speaking, of course.:eusa_whistle:
707. Operation Wide Receiver and Operation Fast and Furious (2/16/2012)

Before "Operation Fast and Furious", BATF had another similar operation. That was "Operation Wide Receiver" (also know as "Operation Gunrunner). Here are the two cases:

Operation Wide Receiver. Time: 2006 to 2007.
Result: 462 guns lost track. nine people being arrested and charged with making false statements in acquisition of firearms and illicit transfer, shipment or delivery of firearms of which two have pled guilty.

Operation Fast and Furious: Nov. 2009 to the end of 2010.
Result: More than 2,000 guns were lost and many turned up in at least 170 violent crime scenes in Mexico.

Operation Wide Receiver was proved a failed case. Why did the D.O.J. allow the B.A.T.F. to continue with another similar operation in even larger scale? Most important after all was that they deliberately let the B.A.T.F. to lose the track of the guns. In Operation Wide Receiver, Mexico government was informed and took over the surveillance on gun buyers once they crossed the border into Mexico while in Operation Fast and Furious, Mexico authority was left alone.

Fast & Furious, From A Law Enforcement Perspective
By Barbee Kinnison– January 15, 2012

The main difference between Fast and Furious and Operation Wide Receiver is that under Fast & Furious the Mexican authorities were not informed nor asked to participate in interdicting of the 2,000 guns into Mexico (gun walking) where as in Operation Wide Receiver the Mexican authorities were briefed and participated (controlled delivery) of the 462 guns into Mexico.

According to ATF and DOJ, the stated purpose of the operation was to permit suspected straw purchasers to complete the gun purchase and allow the guns to transit into Mexico, in order to build a criminal case against the highest level of Mexican Criminal organizations, if so, then how does DOJ and ATF explain how they are going to accomplish this when they had no plans on working with Mexican authorities to conduct surveillance of the guns once they crossed the border into Mexico or the means to track the guns (no tracking devices install)?
Lastly, why would the former U.S. Attorney and former ATF SAC approve a gun walking operation when they both knew that the previous two ATF operations resulted in the loss of 462 guns into the hands of Mexican criminal groups?

"Operation Fast and Furious" became "Operation supply weapons to Mexico drug gangs" and "Operation turn Mexico into a battlefield". Law enforcement agents themselves were puzzled by this insanity case. They don’t know it was created to deal with Kat Sung, a target of the two powerful elements of D.O.J. – FBI and DEA. The purpose is to prevent him from leaving US.

In later September 2009, Sung ordered a flight ticket to Hong Kong. The Feds had a news in tv to warn that agent would plant fake money in passenger’s pocket to arrest in airport security search. Sung had to cancel the flight. He then tried to leave via Canada but was denied entry by the Canada authority on Oct. 7. Fast and Furious was initiated in November 2009, a further step to prevent him from leaving vie Mexico. (see #697, 698 and 699) This explains why the D.O.J. ordered the BATF to “lose track” on guns. They want to turn Mexico into a killing field.
I'd bet Holder and his goon circle at the DoJ shredded the evidence that they ran illegal guns to promote a gun ban in the USA.

If they are dumb enough to keep it in a safe then someone in the DoJ needs to steal it and bring it to the appropriate people in Congress with the right clearances.

You cannot classify something to cover up a crime and it is not a crime to take that type of classified information to the right people if it is criminal material. Whatever Holder has stamped on that paperwork, people like me can take it from him.
I hope Holder gets first frogmarched out of the House Chamber...then (to borrow a phrase from an EPA Drone...) Crucified...metaphorically speaking, of course.:eusa_whistle:

Rove first!
708. Travel warning issued on Mexico (2/23/2012)

The weapons spread by “Operation Fast and Furious” caused a lot of violence in Mexico. Many of them were mass killings. Feds reached their goal- to turn Mexico into a killing field. But Mexico government protested when they found those weapons were from US. The operation went to its end when a US board agent was killed by those weapons.

The House investigates the case. BATF high ranking officers were reassigned. They became scapegoat. The real mastermind – the high ranking officials of D.O.J. , refuse to take responsibility. The Obama Administration has sealed court records. Mainstream media is silent on this case. They put it into a black box. This country is controlled by the D.O.J..

The goal is still there. Though “Fast and Furious” was exposed and failed, the operation continues. Follow the drum beating of Iran war, there is a warning issued this month. From it you may find the real purpose of the “Operation Fast and Furious”.

US increases travel warning to 14 Mexican states
Associated Press – 2/10/2012

MEXICO CITY (AP) — The U.S. State Department is recommending that Americans avoid travel to all or parts of 14 of 31 Mexican states in the widest travel advisory issued since Mexico stepped up its drug war in 2006.

It is the first time the State Department listed advisories for each of Mexico's 31 states, including the federal district of Mexico City, where there is no warning.

US increases travel warning to 14 Mexican states - Yahoo! News

Mexican official: US travel warning 'ridiculous'
Associated Press – 2/15/2012
MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico's top domestic security official says a U.S. State Department travel warning on almost half of Mexico's states is "ridiculous" and "out of proportion."

Mexican official: US travel warning 'ridiculous' - Yahoo! News

Mexico government doesn’t know it’s an intimidation from the Feds and a plan to justify a possible murder in massive killings and that the “Fast and Furious” targeted only at an individual.
Holder: House committee’s contempt vote ‘divisive’ and ‘entirely unnecessary’
By Olivier Knox

June 21, 2012

Attorney General Eric Holder showed no sign of backing down Wednesday in his escalating battle with House Republicans over his handling of the fallout from the Fast and Furious gun-smuggling investigation. He denounced a House committee's party-line vote to hold him in contempt of Congress as "divisive," "political theater," and "entirely unnecessary."

Holder: House committee's contempt vote

Holder is arrogant to the House. He think he is the God rules the US because he controls FBI and DEA. That’s the true face of covert totalitarian.
I see this heading to the supreme court. But not until way after the election........

South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy reaffirmed his call for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation “the easy way,” or impeachment “the hard way,” during an interview with The Daily Caller after Thursday’s House oversight committee hearing during which Holder testified about Operation Fast and Furious.

While he was questioning Holder at the hearing, Gowdy explained that officials at the Department of Justice’s headquarters were aware of Fast and Furious and gun-walking tactics long before a “demonstrably false” letter was sent to Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley claiming otherwise. Since the DOJ sent that letter, which stated it never let guns walk, it has withdrawn the letter because it of its inaccuracies.

“I think he wound up admitting at the end [of the hearing] that Main Justice knew of gun-walking, so this notion that we’re going to blame it all on the United States Attorney’s office in Arizona or ATF – I went through a litany of people, all of them were Main Justice employees who knew about gunwalking both in Fast and Furious and before which means the letter that was sent to Senator Grassley was demonstrably false,” Gowdy told TheDC.

“We still haven’t gotten any of his emails,” noted Gowdy, “we don’t have any documents after February 4, so it’s clear to me that people at Main Justice knew that gun-walking was going on in Fast and Furious. It’s also clear to me that absolutely nothing has happened to a single solitary person as a result of this other than one dead Border Patrol agent and lots of Mexican citizens. Beyond that, I can’t find a single consequence that has befallen anybody who knew about this.”

Regardless of the mounting evidence that high-ranking officials were aware of and approved gun-walking — which includes what Gowdy laid out and newly public emails between former acting ATF director Ken Melson and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, the head of the DOJ’s Criminal Division, in which Breuer describes what appears to be Fast and Furious gun-walking tactics as a “terrific idea” in 2009 — House oversight committee Democrats claim that high-ranking DOJ officials never knew about or approved gun-walking.

Read more: Trey Gowdy | Operation Fast and Furious | Eric Holder | The Daily Caller

729. A.G.'s contempt of Congress (7/23/2012)

Now more information revealed that "Operation Fast and Furious" was a senseless mission. It didn't use tracking device on weapons. Local agents were ordered not to tracking straw purchasers. Mexico government was not notified the grogram. Until the operation ended none were arrested. So what the result of the whole operation was? Nothing except the mass killing that caused two hundred deaths in Mexico and death of US agent.

This was an intentional weapon proliferation in Mexico. The purpose was to turn Mexico into a killing field to prevent Kat Sung to enter Mexico. Kat Sung was denied to enter Canada in October 2009, (see detail at "611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)". "Fast and Furious" was initiated in November 2009. The two events were tightly connected.

Nobody was accountable for that big scandal so far. The BATF officer only changed his post to the head quarter because the real mastermind were high ranking D.O.J. from the FBI and DEA., I allege. That's why A.G. Eric Holder has been stonewalling congressional attempts to get to the bottom of Fast and Furious. Obama also asserted executive privilege over the documents in question. The House, has to hold A.G. Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

Border Patrol group calls for Holder’s resignation

By Jerry Seper

The Washington Times Monday, June 18, 2012

Border Patrol group calls for Holder's resignation - Washington Times

“Jun 2, 2012 – 129 House members now demanding Eric Holder's resignation “

Why does Eric Holder clings to his post and refuse to resign when it's a common practice in a big scandal?

He is waiting for a big case. When the FBI, DEA in Department of Justice commit a crime – killing people in a framed case, he’ll step down to take the responsibility. For the Feds, that framed drug case is much important than anything else. Remember, "Operation Fast and Furious" was also a sub project created to serve that main one.
The real challenge for America is how to fill the Senate and the House with no nonsense, stop the fucking around and let's get down to business for the people who hired us, voices like Trey Gowdy and Jason Chaffetz.

Watching all six hours of contempt proceedings with only a handful of reps capable of focusing on the issue at hand was stunningly painful.
729. A.G.'s contempt of Congress (7/23/2012)

Now more information revealed that "Operation Fast and Furious" was a senseless mission. It didn't use tracking device on weapons. Local agents were ordered not to tracking straw purchasers. Mexico government was not notified the grogram. Until the operation ended none were arrested. So what the result of the whole operation was? Nothing except the mass killing that caused two hundred deaths in Mexico and death of US agent.

This was an intentional weapon proliferation in Mexico. The purpose was to turn Mexico into a killing field to prevent Kat Sung to enter Mexico. Kat Sung was denied to enter Canada in October 2009, (see detail at "611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)". "Fast and Furious" was initiated in November 2009. The two events were tightly connected.

Nobody was accountable for that big scandal so far. The BATF officer only changed his post to the head quarter because the real mastermind were high ranking D.O.J. from the FBI and DEA., I allege. That's why A.G. Eric Holder has been stonewalling congressional attempts to get to the bottom of Fast and Furious. Obama also asserted executive privilege over the documents in question. The House, has to hold A.G. Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

Border Patrol group calls for Holder’s resignation

By Jerry Seper

The Washington Times Monday, June 18, 2012

Border Patrol group calls for Holder's resignation - Washington Times

“Jun 2, 2012 – 129 House members now demanding Eric Holder's resignation “

Why does Eric Holder clings to his post and refuse to resign when it's a common practice in a big scandal?

He is waiting for a big case. When the FBI, DEA in Department of Justice commit a crime – killing people in a framed case, he’ll step down to take the responsibility. For the Feds, that framed drug case is much important than anything else. Remember, "Operation Fast and Furious" was also a sub project created to serve that main one.

This is basically because, unlike previous programs, they didn't introduce any new guns to the mix. They were simply observing these transactions and reporting them to District Attorneys.

Who in turn..did nothing.
Idol threats. We don't do impeachment in the US.

What are you talking about..

These are Republicans. They impeach over nonsense.

Dead US agents, 18 months of obstruction leading up to a limp dicked attempt by none other than our president to offer cover to his incompetent old friend, arming cartels against an allied government?

Yeah, shit tons of "nonsense" there.
I'd bet Holder and his goon circle at the DoJ shredded the evidence that they ran illegal guns to promote a gun ban in the USA.

If they are dumb enough to keep it in a safe then someone in the DoJ needs to steal it and bring it to the appropriate people in Congress with the right clearances.

You cannot classify something to cover up a crime and it is not a crime to take that type of classified information to the right people if it is criminal material. Whatever Holder has stamped on that paperwork, people like me can take it from him.
I hope Holder gets first frogmarched out of the House Chamber...then (to borrow a phrase from an EPA Drone...) Crucified...metaphorically speaking, of course.:eusa_whistle:

Rove first!
Certainly not. He is not employed by the federal government right now, and he left that in 2007 as I recollect.
Holder: House committee’s contempt vote ‘divisive’ and ‘entirely unnecessary’
By Olivier Knox

June 21, 2012

Attorney General Eric Holder showed no sign of backing down Wednesday in his escalating battle with House Republicans over his handling of the fallout from the Fast and Furious gun-smuggling investigation. He denounced a House committee's party-line vote to hold him in contempt of Congress as "divisive," "political theater," and "entirely unnecessary."

Holder: House committee's contempt vote

Holder is arrogant to the House. He think he is the God rules the US because he controls FBI and DEA. That’s the true face of covert totalitarian.
Let him justify his wrongs to Justice Roberts. We're tired of him taking up all Congressional time dockets with lies, obfuscations, and can't remembers. We think he did know, he did know early on, and he was derelict in his duties. Why put ourselves through more annoying hubris?
729. A.G.'s contempt of Congress (7/23/2012)

Now more information revealed that "Operation Fast and Furious" was a senseless mission. It didn't use tracking device on weapons. Local agents were ordered not to tracking straw purchasers. Mexico government was not notified the grogram. Until the operation ended none were arrested. So what the result of the whole operation was? Nothing except the mass killing that caused two hundred deaths in Mexico and death of US agent.

This was an intentional weapon proliferation in Mexico. The purpose was to turn Mexico into a killing field to prevent Kat Sung to enter Mexico. Kat Sung was denied to enter Canada in October 2009, (see detail at "611. Restricted in US (10/17/09)". "Fast and Furious" was initiated in November 2009. The two events were tightly connected.

Nobody was accountable for that big scandal so far. The BATF officer only changed his post to the head quarter because the real mastermind were high ranking D.O.J. from the FBI and DEA., I allege. That's why A.G. Eric Holder has been stonewalling congressional attempts to get to the bottom of Fast and Furious. Obama also asserted executive privilege over the documents in question. The House, has to hold A.G. Eric Holder in contempt of Congress.

Border Patrol group calls for Holder’s resignation

By Jerry Seper

The Washington Times Monday, June 18, 2012

Border Patrol group calls for Holder's resignation - Washington Times

“Jun 2, 2012 – 129 House members now demanding Eric Holder's resignation “

Why does Eric Holder clings to his post and refuse to resign when it's a common practice in a big scandal?

He is waiting for a big case. When the FBI, DEA in Department of Justice commit a crime – killing people in a framed case, he’ll step down to take the responsibility. For the Feds, that framed drug case is much important than anything else. Remember, "Operation Fast and Furious" was also a sub project created to serve that main one.

This is basically because, unlike previous programs, they didn't introduce any new guns to the mix. They were simply observing these transactions and reporting them to District Attorneys.

Who in turn..did nothing.

Sallow, the gun shop owners reported these straw purchasers to ATF PRIOR to the completion of the sales. They KNEW these were illegitimate sales and didn't want any part of them. ATF told the gun shop owners to let the sales go through. Almost 3,000 NEW guns entered the mix because of this ridiculous 'program'.

You're carrying water for CRIMINALS, dude...

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