Rep. Gowdy: Holder To Resign 'The Easy Way', Or Be Impeached 'The Hard Way'...

Holder has plenty to be held responsible for. I wonder how much his boss knows about it all........

South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy reaffirmed his call for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation “the easy way,” or impeachment “the hard way,” during an interview with The Daily Caller after Thursday’s House oversight committee hearing during which Holder testified about Operation Fast and Furious.

While he was questioning Holder at the hearing, Gowdy explained that officials at the Department of Justice’s headquarters were aware of Fast and Furious and gun-walking tactics long before a “demonstrably false” letter was sent to Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley claiming otherwise. Since the DOJ sent that letter, which stated it never let guns walk, it has withdrawn the letter because it of its inaccuracies.

“I think he wound up admitting at the end [of the hearing] that Main Justice knew of gun-walking, so this notion that we’re going to blame it all on the United States Attorney’s office in Arizona or ATF – I went through a litany of people, all of them were Main Justice employees who knew about gunwalking both in Fast and Furious and before which means the letter that was sent to Senator Grassley was demonstrably false,” Gowdy told TheDC.

“We still haven’t gotten any of his emails,” noted Gowdy, “we don’t have any documents after February 4, so it’s clear to me that people at Main Justice knew that gun-walking was going on in Fast and Furious. It’s also clear to me that absolutely nothing has happened to a single solitary person as a result of this other than one dead Border Patrol agent and lots of Mexican citizens. Beyond that, I can’t find a single consequence that has befallen anybody who knew about this.”

Regardless of the mounting evidence that high-ranking officials were aware of and approved gun-walking — which includes what Gowdy laid out and newly public emails between former acting ATF director Ken Melson and Assistant Attorney General Lanny Breuer, the head of the DOJ’s Criminal Division, in which Breuer describes what appears to be Fast and Furious gun-walking tactics as a “terrific idea” in 2009 — House oversight committee Democrats claim that high-ranking DOJ officials never knew about or approved gun-walking.

Read more: Trey Gowdy | Operation Fast and Furious | Eric Holder | The Daily Caller

If ANY other Preisdent had an AG as corrupt as Eric Holder he would had of resigned already or he'd be facing criminal charges. But, because Holder and the Hussein are black democrats, they get a free pass.
Didn't gun walking start under the Bush administration?

Apparently the conservative solution to the horse being out of the barn is to beat up the guy who closed the barn door after the horse had gone instead of the guy who left it open.

Gosh, I thought "gun walking" started under the Roosevelt administration during the "lend-lease" program with Great Britain in 1940.

But, I was apparently wrong. It's all Bush's fault.

Leftist psychopaths like Decepticon always have that last desperate "fall-back" position: "It's Bush's fault".
If the double standard didn't exist in the liberal media, Holder would have been indicted a long time ago.
Holder could of accidently shot and killed 2 innocent people in a hunting accident, and Obama would of not fired him, instead he would of blamed Sarah Palin.
Didn't gun walking start under the Bush administration?

Apparently the conservative solution to the horse being out of the barn is to beat up the guy who closed the barn door after the horse had gone instead of the guy who left it open.

nope it didnt, quit tyring to change history. That along with changing the definition of ideas like judicial activism are liberal hallmarks.
Holder should be in jail. This guy is a total tool. At best he admits he knows nothing of what goes on in the justice department, maybe if the black panthers ran it, he would have more info, but of course he would clear them.
699. B.A.T.F. is a scapegoat (12/26/2011)

B.A.T.F. was originally part of Treasure Department. For more than a decade FBI tried to take it over. B.A.T.F. resisted such effort. However, FBI has more influence over the law makers. B.A.T.F. finally is taken over by the D.O.J..

Merger fails to curb FBI, ATF antagonism
Sunday, May 11, 2008

WASHINGTON — In the five years since the FBI and ATF were merged under the Justice Department to coordinate the fight against terrorism, the rival law enforcement agencies have fought each other for control, wasting time and money and causing duplication of effort, according to law enforcement sources and internal documents.

Their new boss, the attorney general, ordered them to merge their national bomb databases, but the FBI has refused. The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives has long trained bomb-sniffing dogs; the FBI started a competing program.

At crime scenes, FBI and ATF agents have threatened to arrest one another and battled over jurisdiction and key evidence. The ATF inadvertently bought counterfeit cigarettes from the FBI — the government selling to the government — because the agencies are running parallel investigations of tobacco smuggling between Virginia and other states.
Merger fails to curb FBI, ATF antagonism - Tampa Bay Times

In Oct 7, 2009, Kat Sung – a target of the FBI and DEA because he witnesses their crime – tried to leave US via Canada but was rejected. It rattled the Feds. To prevent Sung to leave via Mexico, they decided to turn Mexico into a killing field in the name of drug gang war. (because they control the Mexico drug gangs.) Killing needs weapon. Then we saw “Operation Fast and Furious”. B.A.T.F. is under control of the Department of Justice. It was ordered to play the role to supply the weapons to the drug gangs.

Here's how "Fast and Furious" worked: Under orders from Washington, ATF agents were specifically told to acquire these weapons using "straw" buyers in the USA, find new buyers in Mexican drug gangs, then sell the weapons and "lose track" of them. Although some agents raised concerns about the insanity, they were overruled by the higher-ups in Washington who wanted to pursue this policy for their own reasons. "It made no sense to us either, it was just what we were ordered to do, and every time we questioned that order there was punitive action," said Phoenix Special Agent John Dodson.

Though the B.A.T.F. agents question the operation, they were overruled by the higher-ups in Washington. As a result, since the fall of 2009, Mexico becomes a slaughtering field. More than 2,000 guns in operation were lost and many turned up in at least 170 violent crime scenes in Mexico. The Feds got what they wanted.

The “Operation of Fast and Furious” was revealed early this year. B.A.T.F. was questioned and some heads stepped down. The real masterminds remain untouched. B.A.T.F. becomes a scapegoat.
South Carolina Republican Rep. Trey Gowdy reaffirmed his call for Attorney General Eric Holder’s resignation “the easy way,” or impeachment “the hard way,” during an interview with The Daily Caller after Thursday’s House oversight committee hearing during which Holder testified about Operation Fast and Furious.

Another conservative helping Obama energize his base, making republicans look partisan and extreme, turning away more independents, moderates, and weak democrats from Romney – the very voters he needs to win.
I would like to say 2 things:

  • Fuck a bunch of Trey Gowdy. He's just a Republican cocksucker.
  • I am hoping that Obama removes Holder before starting his 2nd term. The man has been a disaster, as I knew he would be, and as most of Washington prolly knew he would be. He is guilty of gross incompetence by not filing any charges against anyone on Wall Street. Despite ample evidence of illegal actions, and trading on inside knowledge pertaining to the Bush Economic Meltdown.
I would like to say 2 things:

  • Fuck a bunch of Trey Gowdy. He's just a Republican cocksucker.
  • I am hoping that Obama removes Holder before starting his 2nd term. The man has been a disaster, as I knew he would be, and as most of Washington prolly knew he would be. He is guilty of gross incompetence by not filing any charges against anyone on Wall Street. Despite ample evidence of illegal actions, and trading on inside knowledge pertaining to the Bush Economic Meltdown.

Yeah, that would be all you see........... :cuckoo:
Holder could of accidently shot and killed 2 innocent people in a hunting accident, and Obama would of not fired him, instead he would of blamed Sarah Palin.

No...he'd blame all the "Bitter clingers" which is about 80 % of the Republic.
I would like to say 2 things:

  • Fuck a bunch of Trey Gowdy. He's just a Republican cocksucker.
  • I am hoping that Obama removes Holder before starting his 2nd term. The man has been a disaster, as I knew he would be, and as most of Washington prolly knew he would be. He is guilty of gross incompetence by not filing any charges against anyone on Wall Street. Despite ample evidence of illegal actions, and trading on inside knowledge pertaining to the Bush Economic Meltdown.

Yeah, that would be all you see........... :cuckoo:
Once more, please, in English.

Holder sucks. he is still going after marijuana dispensaries in the west which is an infringement on states rights. Same with assisted suicide. No grand juries for Wall Streeters. No investigation of Christopher Cox and the Bush SEC. No investigation of the vampire who ran Lehman Brothers. No investigation of the guy who sold a shitload of his own stake, on advance knowledge of the impending crisis.

He was awful in the Clinton administration, and he's worse in Obama's.
700. National Defense Authorization Act (1/2/2012)

The Gift of New Year 2012 President Obama gives Americans is a new law that ripped their civil right – NDAA.
1. It is a stealth raid on people.

The Act was proposed in later November, quickly passed by the Senate and the House during the Thanksgiving holiday and Christmas season. It was signed by President on New Year’s Day Eve. It was a typical military style - a stealth attack on civil rights taking the advantage when people were relaxing their vigilance in holiday season.

2. So said mainstream media kept a tight mouth on this important issue. Blind the eyes of a lot of people.

3. Majority of law makers and the President passed the Act. It proves the “politicians” don't represent the voice of the people. It also proves the election system has been hijacked by the intelligence already. The so said representatives are not elected by the voters but selected by the rulers of this country.

4. Beware the Feds to turn the US into a “battle field” so they could eliminate the dissenters. It’s easy for them to do so – just plant a few provocateurs in Occupy Wall Street Movement.

5. War on Iran is their major goal. With great possibility, there will be false flag nuclear attacks on US cities to justify the Iran war. Most people realize the truth of the 911 attack. This law is created to deal with the people who won’t believe this government anymore when such “terror attack” happens again.
When Romney is POTUS he needs to send the DoJ after Obamination and Holder for crimes.

Arming gangs and terrorists, illegal gun running and aiding in the death of Federal agents and others.
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When Romney is POTUS he needs to send the DoJ after Obamination and Holder for crimes.

Arming gangs and terrorists, illegal gun running and aiding in the death of Federal agents and others.

And there are a few in Congress that he should go after on BOTH sides.

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