Rep James Comer Says Some biden Whistleblowers Are Missing, ‘They Fear For Their Lives


Do you think the Bidens were dealing with clean-cut, honest, moral, up-standing citizens while working with the Russians on human trafficking and prostitutuion, setting up 20 shell companies, and laundering millions from the CCP, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, and others?

You must also think Obama was dealing with church choirs while he and the CIA were running weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi.


Right. And Hillary murdered Seth Rich.

You got that wrong too, twerp. The Annex was a communications outpost. They weren't running guns out of Benghazi, but professor Luft was.

You're so full.of shit. The fact that the CIA was there to oversee the running of weapons for Obama to terrorists was already proven.

Stick your revisioist history attempts.

Next you'll be trying to tell me Barry never ran grenades and automatic weapons to tbe Cartels.

He's an arms dealer and he's hiding from the law.

I thought the “informant” was somebody in the FBI, who had seen this mythical FBI document that proved Biden was corrupt and the FBI was refusing to provide the Committee with the document.

What does a missing Israeli arm’s dealer have to do with any of this? There is a whole “LOOK a squirrel!” quality to this non sequitur.

Why would an Israeli arms dealer know about bribes paid by Romanians oligarchs, Ukrainian energy companies and Chinese energy companies to members of the Biden family?
Right. And Hillary murdered Seth Rich.

Hillary never got her own hands dirty, like when she hired those thugs to beat and bloody Trump supporters at Trump rallies.


Thanks for reminding everyone.

I thought the “informant” was somebody in the FBI, who had seen this mythical FBI document that proved Biden was corrupt and the FBI was refusing to provide the Committee with the document.

What does a missing Israeli arm’s dealer have to do with any of this? There is a whole “LOOK a squirrel!” quality to this non sequitur.

Why would an Israeli arms dealer know about bribes paid by Romanians oligarchs, Ukrainian energy companies and Chinese energy companies to members of the Biden family?
You're so full.of shit. The fact that the CIA was there to oversee the running of weapons for Obama to terrorists was already proven.

Stick your revisioist history attempts.

Next you'll be trying to tell me Barry never ran grenades and automatic weapons to tbe Cartels.


Evidence?? Charges? Anything at all to back this up Sleazy???

We’ll wait.

So again, you’re just throwing shit out there to deflect against your complete dearth of any evidence whatsoever in anything that you have claimed about the Clintons, the Bidens, the Obamas, or any other Democrat you care to smear.

I hear Jenna Ellis is missing two. Those two poll workers in Philadelphia are trying to depose her in their slander suit against Donald Trump, and they’ve been unable to locate her to serve a subpoena. They even hired a private detective agency to find her and no trace.

I wonder if the Clintons had her killed too or whether she’s just run away and hid after being censored by the Colorado bar for lying.
Anything to prove it incorrect?

We’re not the ones making the claims that all these things actually happened. Sleazy says it’s all true but . . . evidence.

You cannot prove something didn’t happen, you can only prove it did.

Do you think the Bidens were dealing with clean-cut, honest, moral, up-standing citizens while working with the Russians on human trafficking and prostitutuion, setting up 20 shell companies, and laundering millions from the CCP, Russia, Romania, Ukraine, and others?

You must also think Obama was dealing with church choirs while he and the CIA were running weapons to terrorists out of Benghazi.


Right. And Hillary murdered Seth Rich.
I thought the “informant” was somebody in the FBI, who had seen this mythical FBI document that proved Biden was corrupt and the FBI was refusing to provide the Committee with the document.

What does a missing Israeli arm’s dealer have to do with any of this? There is a whole “LOOK a squirrel!” quality to this non sequitur.

Why would an Israeli arms dealer know about bribes paid by Romanians oligarchs, Ukrainian energy companies and Chinese energy companies to members of the Biden family?

Separate issues. See Budapest Memorandum.
Then disprove it as opposed to asking “questions” that are nothing more than typical liberal name calling and insults when they have no ammo

We have plenty of ammo. Two impeachments, the Trump University, fraud trial, a finding of sexual abuse and defamation, Multiple ongoing criminal investigations for tax evasion, election interference, obstruction of Justice, wire fraud, and insurrection. Multiple DAs in multiple jurisdictions have worn. The charges will be forthcoming.

And over and over again, we have Trump’s own words, admitting to election interference, sexual assault, bribery, corruption, dangling, pardons, threatening witnesses.

Election workers, sexual assault victims, and former government employees who Donald Trump has accused, judicially harassed, or attempted to prosecute with false allegations, are suing Donald Trump and/or the federal government for slander and violation of their rights. None of those who have sued have lost their cases.

The DominionnVoting Machine slander suit against Fox News is just the beginning.
You're so full.of shit. The fact that the CIA was there to oversee the running of weapons for Obama to terrorists was already proven.

Stick your revisioist history attempts.

Next you'll be trying to tell me Barry never ran grenades and automatic weapons to tbe Cartels.


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