Rep James Comer Says Some biden Whistleblowers Are Missing, ‘They Fear For Their Lives

Joe, Biden didn’t become wealthy until after he left office. And has been previously pointed out, his tax returns have been public for decades.

Politicians and public servants are very constrained about how much money they can make while in office, and what gifts they can accept. Their families, not to much.

I haven’t ignored any evidence at all. But I can tell the difference between manufactured bullshit and real evidence.

I know Ashley Biden’s diary was stolen. So I know there was a real diary. What I don’t have any evidence to support is that the “diary pages” distributed by the right wing media are genuine or whether the thieves forged them.

I’m leaning on forgeries for two reasons: (a) Project Veritas refused to publish them; and
(b) They’ve never been submitted to any type of forensic analysis.

It takes one to know one. When a forgery is so bad that even Progect Veritas won’t publish it, that’s a huge red flag.

I know there’s a laptop with some genuine Hunter Biden files on it, but even Hunter, Biden doesn’t know for sure, whether or not to choose, since he has very little memory of the time when it was dropped off.

The computer shop owner said there were no pictures or videos on the hard drives that was dropped off at his shop and yet there are dozens of videos and pictures from the laptop in circulation.

Right wing media has falsely claimed that the laptop has been verified. It’s genuine, but both New York Times and the Washington post said they’re only 25% of the files on the laptop were verified as genuine.

Open till the day that Joe Biden declared that he was a candidate for the office of the presidency, his reputation was that of a very honest man. Lindsey Graham called him, the most honest man in Washington.

Suddenly, about 10 years ago at the age of 70, the Joe Biden, the most honest man in Washington, decided to “break bad” and oversee a massive scheme of bribery and corruption, and involve his entire family in his schemes.

Since then Joe Biden and his family have taken in $10 million in bribery schemes and corruption.

That works out to about $1 mill per year, amongst the 8 of them. They sold out really fucking cheap. Jared got $2 billion just for himself, and from just one country.
sorry he’s never released his corp tax returns unlike trump

his family got massively wealthy from his time in office

try again
You bet you are Skippy. Statements of profit and loss on all investments, and equity valuations, on all of the investments.

If you were working and had a job and were filing tax returns, you’d know that.
haha your net worth is not on tax returns dumbass

tax returns show one year income not net worth

That's why Hunter is no longer in the military. Apparently he is high functioning most of the time.

Did you just throw suicide in there? Wow, Electra.. you have no boundaries.
boundaries? with you? how hypocritical of you

yes, the suicide rate in the USA is highest among democrats, and what bullshit boundary are you speaking of
Gee, I wonder why they would be afraid for their lives...

Just because they are exposing the biggest scandal and federal agency cover-up of corruption, crime, and compromise in US history, threatening to bring down the DOJ, Garland, the FBI, Wray, the CIA, NSA, DHS, the US President, and his family...

Democrats are well known for their disappearances and staged suicides.
Democrats are well known for their disappearances and staged suicides.
A whistleblower has mysteriously disappeared without a trace after coming forward with information about Democrat President Joe Biden and his family’s business dealings.

Israeli Professor Gal Luft has not been heard from since April 19.

In 2019, Luft independently approached the FBI as a whistleblower.

He reported to the federal agency that he had information regarding nefarious dealings by the Biden family.

However, the FBI reportedly never followed up with Luft on his claims.

Well, naturally the fbi who's only job as an institution is to protect the globalist kabal or the democrat Muppets wouldn't follow up and now the whistleblowers are missing.

What 'Whistleblower'?

better damn well be in hiding so he doesn't turn up a victim of the CIA/FBI wet team.

Professor Gal Luft is an Israeli-American arms dealer hiding in Cyprus.
What happened to him?

WSJ Editorial Page - John Fund, WSJ Editorial Page Editor, the man who introduced Rush Limbaugh to many East Coast movers and shakers, kept feeding the Vince Foster Fantasy to a gullible right wing public - was involved in a scandal that ended up being a set up, or something that he was cleared of after being castigated in the news.

What happened to him?

Executive summary: The Wall Street Journal

In 1982, worked for Rowland Evans and Robert Novak as a reporter.

Fund, a conservative journalist, reported on a lot of dirt, including the Monica Lewinsky affair. But he became involved in his own dirt when his girlfriend/fiancee Morgan Francis Pillsbury accused him in 2001-2 with spousal abuse, resulting in his arrest.

According to columnist Cynthia Cotts, Fund's apartment is replete with "dirty dishes, unopened mail, and bottles of alcohol from hotel minibars... [the floor] covered with piles of black socks and dirty underwear."

Girlfriend: Morgan Francis Pillsbury (1999, later accused him of battery)

LOL :auiqs.jpg:

drove Fund absolutely nuts!

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