Rep Jasmine Crockett (D) Thinks She's Smarter Than Any Trump Supporter

Of course you want a one-sided settlement.

They edited that vid to give you the impression that MTG started that shit.

But it doesn't matter who started it.

The fact remains is if you cannot trust the people in the other party, because they have proven over and over to be untrustworthy, there's no point in being sociable to them. It's best to ignore them and let them rant all they want.

I could never be in politics because I would probably end up whacking some stuck up asshole on the other side of the isle into next week.
If I had the power, I’d reinstate dueling. Making someone like IM2 back up his insults with a sword or pistol would only be Justice.
Getting control means you nip it in the bud as soon as it occurs.
If you are allowing it to go unchallenged, you are encouraging others to retaliate in kind.
AOC and Crockett were also out of line, but Comer showed himself to be a weak, partisan chair
And if Pelosi was in charge, you would naturally exempt her from criticism should something like this erupt. Face it, democrats are uncivilized.

NEW YORK – New York Attorney General Letitia James today released the following statement after Donald J. Trump was forced to pay more than $2 million in court-ordered damages to eight different charities for illegally misusing charitable funds at the Trump Foundation for political purposes:

“Not only has the Trump Foundation shut down for its misconduct, but the president has been forced to pay $2 million for misusing charitable funds for his own political gain. Charities are not a means to an end, which is why these damages speak to the president’s abuse of power and represent a victory for not-for-profits that follow the law. Funds have finally gone where they deserve — to eight credible charities. My office will continue to fight for accountability because no one is above the law — not a businessman, not a candidate for office, and not even the president of the United States.”

As part of a resolution of the lawsuit announced on November 7th, Trump was ordered to pay $2 million, or $250,000, a piece to eight different charities. Those charities are Army Emergency Relief, the Children’s Aid Society, Citymeals-on-Wheels, Give an Hour, Martha’s Table, the United Negro College Fund, the United Way of National Capital Area, and the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum. Additionally, Trump was forced to reimburse his namesake foundation $11,525 for sports paraphernalia and champagne purchased at a charity gala, which was added to $1,797,598.30 already in the foundation’s bank account. The combined $1,809,123.30 was split evenly and recently transferred to the eight agreed upon charities. Each charity ended up receiving a total of $476,140.41.
Republican Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar (
) says, "Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, regardless of what you think of him, regardless of what you feel about him, regardless whether you're going to vote for him or not in November, Donald Trump is not the only one going through trial. We all are." WATCH "The reason why I'm here is because thousands of my constituents back in Miami are terrified, terrified when the courts in this country are used as weapons to crush our political enemies. "Regardless of what you think of Donald Trump, regardless of what you think of him, regardless of what you feel about him, regardless whether you're going to vote for him or not in November, Donald Trump is not the only one going through trial. We all are. And I'm not sure if you know that, but that's the truth.Trump may be the one on the stand today, but the same forces that are manipulating the court system against him today will be after you tomorrow if we do not stop this political cycle circus that we are facing right now." - Florida Congresswoman María Elvira Salazar

I like dogs, but I don't have time to be fair to one. Cats are nice because they are largely self-reliant.

Also, my wife was mauled by a feral dog as a child in China, and she is deathly afraid of them.
I like both, but cats don’t have owners, they have staff. Your only value to them is your opposing thumbs to open food cans and stroking them when THEY want affection. Dogs are part of your pack and will sacrifice their lives to protect you.
I don't think so.

Tea Party | Join the Movement. Support Tea Party.

View attachment 949892
( Exclusive) – Every single Republican in Congress should be ready to fight for President Trump in response to partisan Special Counsel Jack Smith's ..

No, that's when the Right Wing Nut Jobs came out of the woodwork.

View attachment 949895

View attachment 949896

Are you interested?
Them damn people wanting the Government to live within it's means.
Most Trump supporters are smarter than you

Naw, anyone who looks at Trump's disastrous presidency and says, "Let's do that again" doesn't have the sense God gave dogs.

Only a complete fucking idiot would say, "I'm okay with fascism because I don't like $4.00 gasoline". I mean, the Germans were STARVING before they picked Fascism, and it wasn't proven to be a horrible idea at that point.
Them damn people wanting the Government to live within it's means.
Only when a democrat is in office.

Trump’s legacy: $8 trillion-plus in added debt in one term

Washington Examiner



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Naw, anyone who looks at Trump's disastrous presidency and says, "Let's do that again" doesn't have the sense God gave dogs.

Only a complete fucking idiot would say, "I'm okay with fascism because I don't like $4.00 gasoline". I mean, the Germans were STARVING before they picked Fascism, and it wasn't proven to be a horrible idea at that point.
No, anyone who prefers having the pedophile vegetable Biden in charge is a blithering idiot. A complete fucking imbecile. Trump's economy was lots better and his idea of living in a great country was better. We are much smarter than you are.
No, anyone who prefers having the pedophile vegetable Biden in charge is a blithering idiot. A complete fucking imbecile. Trump's economy was lots better and his idea of living in a great country was better. We are much smarter than you are.
Uh, 25 million unemployed, riots in the streets, and half a million dead from Covid was more like a dystopian nightmare, guy.

Not sure why you want to go back to that.
Uh, 25 million unemployed, riots in the streets, and half a million dead from Covid was more like a dystopian nightmare, guy.

Not sure why you want to go back to that.
Hate to burst your bubble but China sent covid to our streets not Trump. It was you Democrats out tearing shit up, what a bunch of unintelligent morons you are.
Uh, 25 million unemployed, riots in the streets, and half a million dead from Covid was more like a dystopian nightmare, guy.

Not sure why you want to go back to that.
Unleashed by the left to help rig an election it turns out.

Best way to win an election these days is Mail-in ballots.
The lockdowns were timed to keep people from having to produce proper I.D. when they illegally voted,
No, anyone who prefers having the pedophile vegetable Biden in charge is a blithering idiot. A complete fucking imbecile. Trump's economy was lots better and his idea of living in a great country was better. We are much smarter than you are.
Sure you are, just like your dear leader.............Because YOU say so?

Trump says he's 'like, really smart,' 'a very stable genius'


AP News › article
Jan 6, 2018 — WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump felt compelled Saturday to let the world know he's playing with all his marbles and is among the ...

Trump floated nuking hurricanes to stop them from hitting US

The Hill › homenews › administration › 4587...
Aug 25, 2019 — President Trump has floated dropping nuclear bombs into hurricanes to stop them from hitting the United States in meetings with Homeland ...

AND if that fails...................break out the sharpie.

Sure you are just like your dear leader.............Because YOU say so?

Trump says he's 'like, really smart,' 'a very stable genius'

View attachment 950357
AP News › article
Jan 6, 2018 — WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump felt compelled Saturday to let the world know he's playing with all his marbles and is among the ...


Trump floated nuking hurricanes to stop them from hitting US

View attachment 950359
The Hill › homenews › administration › 4587...
Aug 25, 2019 — President Trump has floated dropping nuclear bombs into hurricanes to stop them from hitting the United States in meetings with Homeland ...

AND if that fails...................break out the sharpie.

View attachment 950360

Anyone who would elect a pedophile to the highest office of the land is an imbecile. Congratulations
Anyone who would elect a pedophile to the highest office of the land is an imbecile. Congratulations

You should be congratulating yourself.

All the times Donald Trump was inappropriate with his ...​

Indy100 › Celebrities › ivanka trump

Nov 8, 2023 — 'Don't you think my daughter's hot? She's hot, right?' When Ivanka was just 16 years old, she hosted the Miss Teen USA pageant and Donald Trump ...

Timeline of Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss ...​

Rolling Stone › politics › politics-features

Oct 12, 2016 — From walking into a teen dressing room to joking about his obligation to sleep with contestants, Donald Trump is a storied pageant creep.
You should be congratulating yourself.

All the times Donald Trump was inappropriate with his ...

View attachment 950368
Indy100 › Celebrities › ivanka trump
Nov 8, 2023 — 'Don't you think my daughter's hot? She's hot, right?' When Ivanka was just 16 years old, she hosted the Miss Teen USA pageant and Donald Trump ...

Timeline of Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss ...

View attachment 950370
Rolling Stone › politics › politics-features
Oct 12, 2016 — From walking into a teen dressing room to joking about his obligation to sleep with contestants, Donald Trump is a storied pageant creep.
You really have to be stupid to be a Democrat
You should be congratulating yourself.

All the times Donald Trump was inappropriate with his ...

View attachment 950368
Indy100 › Celebrities › ivanka trump
Nov 8, 2023 — 'Don't you think my daughter's hot? She's hot, right?' When Ivanka was just 16 years old, she hosted the Miss Teen USA pageant and Donald Trump ...

Timeline of Trump's Creepiness While He Owned Miss ...

View attachment 950370
Rolling Stone › politics › politics-features
Oct 12, 2016 — From walking into a teen dressing room to joking about his obligation to sleep with contestants, Donald Trump is a storied pageant creep.
You voted for the moron biden, I didn't. It was rigged anyway. Stop lying
Hate to burst your bubble but China sent covid to our streets not Trump. It was you Democrats out tearing shit up, what a bunch of unintelligent morons you are.
China gave us plenty of warning about Covid.

Trump dropped the ball.

Unleashed by the left to help rig an election it turns out.

Best way to win an election these days is Mail-in ballots.
The lockdowns were timed to keep people from having to produce proper I.D. when they illegally voted,
Trump could have come out of Covid looking like a hero, if he wasn't such a malignant narcicisst.
China gave us plenty of warning about Covid.

Trump dropped the ball.

Trump could have come out of Covid looking like a hero, if he wasn't such a malignant narcicisst.
They gave us no warning . They hid it . You are so gullible !
It was biden that dropped the ball. He canceled all of the Trump investigations into covid how it came from China. You do that? I think I know . Now it turns out that the Democrats just lied. You have to be really stupid to be a Democrat

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