Rep Josh Brecheer proposes ban on tax payer celebrations of pride month

Sad how many hateful people there are in this world.

It's a waste of taxpayer dollars. Everyone knows gay people exist. I have them in my family. I have them at my office. I also happen to believe the theory that they are born that way. They've fought for years to be treated the same as everyone else, so let's finally do it and stop making a big thing about it. I agree with the inquiry as to why a whole month needs to be dedicated to people who do nothing more than intimately love another member of the same sex. There is no achievement here, no worldly accomplishment worth recognition. Why do we need to have government sponsored parades and bombarded with commercials on tv and decoration everywhere we go? If private organizations want to do that, have at it, but the government should not be wasting their money on this, especially when we've seen just how degenerative some of these parades have become.
Pride shit shouldn't be paid for by a county, a city, a state, a district, a school, or anyone anywhere that uses tax payer dollars. That includes the police and fire department.

Ideally we wouldn't let fags celebrate anything at all, but not using tax dollars is acceptable.

Good! Tax dollars shouldn't be spent celebrating who anyone has sex with
I smell a nothing burger, only a cynical attempt to get media attention. How many Federal dollars are being spent on Pride Month? I suspect the vast majority is spent at the local level where this piece of hate will have no effect.
piece of hate
Pride shit shouldn't be paid for by a county, a city, a state, a district, a school, or anyone anywhere that uses tax payer dollars. That includes the police and fire department.

Ideally we wouldn't let fags celebrate anything at all, but not using tax dollars is acceptable.
Yes...we know you hate us. Big whoop.

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