Rep. Justin Amash Leaves Republican Party

He will not be reelected anyway, most certainly not in conservative West Michigan.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Thursday announced he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent, months after igniting a political firestorm after becoming the first sitting GOP congressman to call for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

"Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party," Amash wrote in a Fourth of July op-ed for the Washington Post. "No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."

Amash quits Republican Party

There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party. And in this case the Rep Amash simply does not represent your district. Therefore you have no basis for "back stabber".
Good for Rep Amash. The GOP should not just be the party of President Trump. Conservativism should not be defined by marching in lockstep.

Anything that lets a personality cult take it over, political or not, is by definition in deep doodoo.
The chameleon finally shows his true colors!

Justin Amash pictured below
Nope. He said the truth.
He will not be reelected anyway, most certainly not in conservative West Michigan.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Thursday announced he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent, months after igniting a political firestorm after becoming the first sitting GOP congressman to call for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

"Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party," Amash wrote in a Fourth of July op-ed for the Washington Post. "No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."

Amash quits Republican Party

There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party.

Yep, not too sure if Pelosi, AOC and Omar (just to name a few) got that email....dumbass.
He will not be reelected anyway, most certainly not in conservative West Michigan.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Thursday announced he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent, months after igniting a political firestorm after becoming the first sitting GOP congressman to call for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

"Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party," Amash wrote in a Fourth of July op-ed for the Washington Post. "No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."

Amash quits Republican Party

There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party. And in this case the Rep Amash simply does not represent your district. Therefore you have no basis for "back stabber".

Oh yes, if you are a member of a party, it's expected you support their views and policies. If you don't, you have no business being a part of that party.

And apparently Amash didn't support the views of his constituents either. He's leaving because he knows he'll be thrown out if he doesn't.
He will not be reelected anyway, most certainly not in conservative West Michigan.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Thursday announced he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent, months after igniting a political firestorm after becoming the first sitting GOP congressman to call for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

"Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party," Amash wrote in a Fourth of July op-ed for the Washington Post. "No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."

Amash quits Republican Party

There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party. And in this case the Rep Amash simply does not represent your district. Therefore you have no basis for "back stabber".

Oh yes, if you are a member of a party, it's expected you support their views and policies. If you don't, you have no business being a part of that party.

And apparently Amash didn't support the views of his constituents either. He's leaving because he knows he'll be thrown out if he doesn't.

Once AGAIN ---- I guess I'll just post this over and over until it finally sinks the fuck in ---- the function of a Congressional Representative is to represent the interests of the people in his district. It is IN NO WAY to represent the interests of some political party. PERIOD.

Go ahead, show me in the Constitution where I'm wrong.

Political parties don't have "views and policies" anyway. The purpose of a political party is to consolidate power collectively, that's IT. To that end it will adopt, or reject, any "view or interest" convenient to the moment. Its sole "interest" is power.
He will not be reelected anyway, most certainly not in conservative West Michigan.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Thursday announced he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent, months after igniting a political firestorm after becoming the first sitting GOP congressman to call for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

"Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party," Amash wrote in a Fourth of July op-ed for the Washington Post. "No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."

Amash quits Republican Party

There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party. And in this case the Rep Amash simply does not represent your district. Therefore you have no basis for "back stabber".

Oh yes, if you are a member of a party, it's expected you support their views and policies. If you don't, you have no business being a part of that party.

And apparently Amash didn't support the views of his constituents either. He's leaving because he knows he'll be thrown out if he doesn't.

Once AGAIN ---- I guess I'll just post this over and over until it finally sinks the fuck in ---- the function of a Congressional Representative is to represent the interests of the people in his district. It is IN NO WAY to represent the interests of some political party. PERIOD.

Go ahead, show me in the Constitution where I'm wrong.

Tip ONeill said it best: “All Politics is local”

He will not be reelected anyway, most certainly not in conservative West Michigan.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Thursday announced he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent, months after igniting a political firestorm after becoming the first sitting GOP congressman to call for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

"Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party," Amash wrote in a Fourth of July op-ed for the Washington Post. "No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."

Amash quits Republican Party

There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party.

Yep, not too sure if Pelosi, AOC and Omar (just to name a few) got that email....dumbass.

Perhaps this post comes in English?

Perhaps not.
Red state districts that elect democrats are more than likely electing blue dogs. Why? Because these conservative constituents do not see eye to eye with progressives.
There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party. And in this case the Rep Amash simply does not represent your district. Therefore you have no basis for "back stabber".

Oh yes, if you are a member of a party, it's expected you support their views and policies. If you don't, you have no business being a part of that party.

And apparently Amash didn't support the views of his constituents either. He's leaving because he knows he'll be thrown out if he doesn't.

Once AGAIN ---- I guess I'll just post this over and over until it finally sinks the fuck in ---- the function of a Congressional Representative is to represent the interests of the people in his district. It is IN NO WAY to represent the interests of some political party. PERIOD.

Go ahead, show me in the Constitution where I'm wrong.

Tip ONeill said it best: “All Politics is local”


I've lived in this little town long enough to see the local Sheriff run some years as a "Democrat" and other years as a "Republican" depending on which way he thinks the general winds are blowing and which local party will give him more money. He gets re-elected each time, same guy doing the same job in the same way. People get attached to this what I call Dichotomy Disease where they actually start believing those are two different types of people. I look at them as a vast puppet show with the puppets variously dressed in red or blue and we're not supposed to figure out that they're all puppets.
He gets my vote.

You're in west MI then? In the Grand Rapids area? Because that's where you can vote for him.
Yes. I have voted for him all along and assisted his campaigns. We need more politicians who put country above party.

No doubt the Rs will do all they can to beat him and install another elitist yes man.

Agree with you there...

I am not a Conservative but I respect Integrity. Amash is a real Conservative.

My advice to him is to take the article below and pin it to your wall. Then
He will not be reelected anyway, most certainly not in conservative West Michigan.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Thursday announced he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent, months after igniting a political firestorm after becoming the first sitting GOP congressman to call for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

"Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party," Amash wrote in a Fourth of July op-ed for the Washington Post. "No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."

Amash quits Republican Party

There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

When was it Conservative values to:
  • Insult the Military
  • Have affairs on all three of your wives
  • Explode the deficit
  • Have Military parades
  • Keep kids in cages
  • Obstruct Justice
  • Joke with Russian about meddling in the election
  • ......
He will not be reelected anyway, most certainly not in conservative West Michigan.


Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.) on Thursday announced he's leaving the Republican Party and becoming an independent, months after igniting a political firestorm after becoming the first sitting GOP congressman to call for an impeachment inquiry against President Trump.

"Today, I am declaring my independence and leaving the Republican Party," Amash wrote in a Fourth of July op-ed for the Washington Post. "No matter your circumstance, I’m asking you to join me in rejecting the partisan loyalties and rhetoric that divide and dehumanize us. I’m asking you to believe that we can do better than this two-party system — and to work toward it. If we continue to take America for granted, we will lose it."

Amash quits Republican Party

There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party.

Yep, not too sure if Pelosi, AOC and Omar (just to name a few) got that email....dumbass.

Perhaps this post comes in English?

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're too stupid to understand English...maybe some of the words were too complicated for you.
He’s just dem in disguise, He knew he would lose the primary coming up... sore loser
There is no place in the GOP party for a person with real conservative values...

All hail Trump...

We welcome conservative values. What we don't welcome are back-stabbers. It boils down to Reagan's eleventh commandment.

No idea what that means, but the first two sentences are not even related to each other.

Once AGAIN for the dullwitted ---- the function of a Congresscritter is to represent their district. It is ***NOT*** to represent some political party.

Yep, not too sure if Pelosi, AOC and Omar (just to name a few) got that email....dumbass.

Perhaps this post comes in English?

Perhaps not.

Perhaps you're too stupid to understand English...maybe some of the words were too complicated for you.

Perhaps you're just incapable of rendering a coherent thought.

Absent evidence to the contrary, we'll just go with that.
Why is it necessary to "join" ANY party?

It's not, but it does make stuff easier to get done in Congress. That's why they end up caucusing with one of the two parties

It shouldn't. Basically you vote for what your constituents want you to vote for and against what they want you to vote against. You don't need a party to figure that out. All this duopoly sheep mentality does is create opposing teams in a massive game of Gridlock. Because way too many end up voting for what their party wants instead of what their constituents want.

And that's bullshit. It perpetuates itself. That's why I say the more independents, the better. Because the more there are outside those lockstep factories, the more power transfers from big political parties back to We the People. And when we do that we get back to the consent of the governed that we're supposedly based on.
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