Rep. L. Gohmert (R-Texas) VP Pence has ***Exclusive Authority*** to refuse EC Electors from Battleground States

GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Prez Trump has had "Operation Humiliation Booth" planned for Biden for quite a while like prez Trump was onto the rigged ballot gimmick well over a year ago hence the watermarked ballots. If prez Trump gets the nod(he may not) prepare for the statist left part of the DNC controlled Dem party to once again threaten to move to Rwanda, Philippines, Cuba or where ever that last place(Venezuela?) is that they threatened(?) to relocate to. The problem with the statist left is that they are big on threats but small on action. The best that they got are the BLM/antifa bimbos & if prez Trump is in office serving a lame duck tour that would constitute an "open season" on BLM/antifa. I mean seriously who would even care if BLM/antifa was taken out in it's entirety??? Like there is absolutely no intrinsic value to the BLM/antifa mannequins by anyone's standards save for the statist left elites who use them as illiterate pawns.
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You should have gone to the link of your cut n paste, and continued to read the next few pages on it....

Rep. Louie Gohmert has filed a new document in the lawsuit brought on by him and other Republicans to stop the Democrats from stealing the 2020 election.

The new filing argues that Vice President Mike Pence has the authority to count Republican electors in contested states, or ignore the electors from those states all together.

One of your biggest problems is that you aren't dealing with reality. I don't know where you get your very strange views but whoever is feeding it to you, is wrong.

You can post lies all you want but those of us who are intelligent and can think for ourselves look for the truth. You don't.

In this case, everything you've posted isn't true.

How do I know this?

The court just threw that lawsuit out of court.

You people just keep getting more pathetic by the minute.

No, he doesn’t. Let’s be generously delusional and say he does: What would stop Vice-President Pence from just declaring himself president? Nothing.

Several Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


Then they're wrong.

The case was thrown out of court due to lack of standing. Which means you and your "constitutional law professors" are full of garbage and WRONG.
GOP Lawmaker Sues Pence to Give Him ‘Exclusive Authority’ to Stop the Steal

The VP does NOT need Judicial Review becausen the 12A is clearSeveral Constitutional Law Professors concur:

Preparing for a dispute election, 51 Loyola University Chicago Law Journal 309, 325 (2019 )

"the “President of the Senate” has the exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view, have an observational role only.


The treasonous/seditious Demo Rats must be taught a lesson they will never - ever - forget !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This thread had an embarrassing ending:

"Just wait until the Kraken lawsuit"

"Just wait until the electors vote"

"Just wait until Gohmert's lawsuit hits"

"Just wait until January 6th"

And on January 7th, the goalposts will be moved once again so rubes can keep scrawling donation checks.

The VP does NOT need judicial review because the 12A is clear

Page 325

the “President of the Senate” has the
exclusive constitutional authority to determine which “certificates” to
“open” and thus which electoral votes “to be counted.” This interpretation
can derive support from the observation that the President of the Senate
is the only officer, or instrumentality, of government given an active role
in the process of opening the certificates and counting the electoral votes
from the states. The Senate and House of Representatives, on this view,
have an observational role only.

And the Court doesn't agree with you "counselor"


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