Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Primary Lead

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She's a moron which is how GOP leadership likes 'em. No brains, no policy initiatives, just as long as you're a Trump asseater you're in.

She'll have the job as long as she wants it is right. She doesn't have enough brains to do anything else.
Fair enough but she votes "right" and gives you people the heartburn no end and that's really all I expect from her.
Sorta what you expect from your "squad" members and there is certainly no brain trust going on there. ;)
What were you doing wrong making your business fail?

or, what specifically to Obama do that you want to blame your failed business for?

Be specific. What did Obama do to fail your business?
High taxes and ridiculous regulation harmed everyone in my line of work....Trump streamlined everything so mid to small businesses could compete....he lifted banking and lending regulation so people would invest in products and services I provided....Joe has undone all of that and it is hurting the very firm I sold my business to....big government doesn't work.....never has and never will....
Nope, and I can't show you a (R) either.
They are ALL corrupt and do what is BEST for themselves, NOT the people.
On that we agree. There are just differing amounts of corruption.

I've always said whoever wants the job can't be trusted with it.
High taxes and ridiculous regulation harmed everyone in my line of work....Trump streamlined everything so mid to small businesses could compete....he lifted banking and lending regulation so people would invest in products and services I provided....Joe has undone all of that and it is hurting the very firm I sold my business to....big government doesn't work.....never has and never will....
Why can't you give specifics?
I did...taxes and regulation...banking regulations nearly killed my industry...and they are doing it again by executive order....
No you didn't.
You just gave a vague weak ass answer.

Tell how 'banking regulations' nearly killed your specific job/business.
I did...taxes and regulation...banking regulations nearly killed my industry...and they are doing it again by executive order....

But he wants to know specifically which bubblegum wrapper fell and broke your toe.
Was it a bazooka Joe bubble gum wrapper? Was it a dentyne foil wrapper? What was the velocity of the Fall? Was it affected at all by any magnetic fields? Did the flapping of a nearby Sparrow's wings perhaps contribute to the change in final velocity? To answer all of these questions immediately and accurately or you're just wrong as far as Lefty is concerned.

so, no answer.
got it, you are just here to bitch about ONE party and praise the other party.

Understood, you can't define these banking regulations that almost destroyed your business.
Potential for what? Psychiatric commitment?? She is a loon. She has no understanding of, or respect for the Constitution and the fundamental rights of Americans

She is a disgrace to congress.

Says a prog moron who wipes his ass on the Constitution.
Fair enough but she votes "right" and gives you people the heartburn no end and that's really all I expect from her.
Sorta what you expect from your "squad" members and there is certainly no brain trust going on there.
Listen to the pigs squeal when the right gets an AOC clone.
Their hypocrisy is endless.
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