Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Primary Lead

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Mo Brooks spoke at the J6 trump rally. That's pretty MAGA.

That's why I need to know who you consider a MAGA Trump republican?

Which of the 50 (R) senators you you consider a MAGA Trump republican?
It must be a small list if Brooks isn't one of them.
So tell me who they are?
Pardon me, but your political naivete is showing!

Mo Brooks is NOT a Senator.

Have a nice day!

I like her attitude. She tells it like it is, the female version of Ted Cruz.

Greene is not the disease. She is a symptom of that disease. Her constituents are right wing fascist bigots who have more in common with the Nazis in Nazi Germany than in George Washington's America. It is Republicans who are using the same logic the Nazis used when they burned books in the 1930s. She is a bigot and supports limitring the right to vote. Of course a fascist like you likes her.
I hope she wins

Trump Republicans are great for Democrats

It is a shame that Democrats don't take this advice. I would make Greene the face of congressional Republicans and make it clear what happens if right wing fascists like her gain power.
It is a shame that Democrats don't take this advice. I would make Greene the face of congressional Republicans and make it clear what happens if right wing fascists like her gain power.
Seriously. Fund raise on her cult, remind everyone how important it is to get out and vote.
It is a shame that Democrats don't take this advice. I would make Greene the face of congressional Republicans and make it clear what happens if right wing fascists like her gain power.

Greene, Gossar and Boebert are perfect poster children for Todays Republicans
The left wing media is calling her an antisemite. I read all her stuff and she is not one. That's what they did to Trump, too and it was pure lies.

You are the liar. She claimed Jews used a laser beam to start the California wildfires. Also the Republican Jewish Coalition has aldo called her anti-semitic.
Don't give me that crap...I was alive back then and paying attention...I had a business that was failing until Trump put his economic plan into effect....Obama and Joe Biden were horrible for America and now Joe is back at it....ruining the lives of hard working Americans....

You are the one giving us crap. Trump put no economic plan in place. Obama and Biden did nothing to ruin the lives of hard working Americans.
High taxes and ridiculous regulation harmed everyone in my line of work....Trump streamlined everything so mid to small businesses could compete....he lifted banking and lending regulation so people would invest in products and services I provided....Joe has undone all of that and it is hurting the very firm I sold my business to....big government doesn't work.....never has and never will....

Taxes were not high and making it easier to pollute is good for this country. We came through a major recession caused by lax lending and bank regulation. Trump was a crook just like you. Biden was right to undo it. Big government doesa work when it protects ordinary people from crooks like you.
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