Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Primary Lead

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Laugh all you want. But at the end of the day it is you who are killing each other. Killing little infants and toddlers with irresponsible adults. Endlessly. Year after year. Decade after decade. You are funny....but expensive. And the costs paid out to support it are slowly drying up as the morons who vote for your ways affording it leave to better environs and repeat the same insanity. Yeah...the toddlers thrown out of high rises or beat the living hell out of. We laugh to. Not. It is just numbing. for it exists everywhere. Just not to the degree you have perfected it. Imagine that infant sexually violated or thrown against a wall by the pseudo dad or the stupid way of living called baby daddy that we just laugh about who has an argument with the sperm recipient mother. Look inward. But you do not. The Village rules!
That's amusing, when people like you would gladly put the unvaxxed on cattlecars headed to camps.
No. Not cattle cars. Where are you getting that shit from?. But confinment to their homes and depriving them from entering public places would be appropriate. You conservatives like to blather about personal responsability, patriotism and freedom, right? Well getting vaxxed is patriotic because a sick nation is a compromised nation. You have a personal responsability to protect yourself and your conmunity, and the rest of us have the righjt to be free from those who spread disease.
Taxes were not high and making it easier to pollute is good for this country. We came through a major recession caused by lax lending and bank regulation. Trump was a crook just like you. Biden was right to undo it. Big government doesa work when it protects ordinary people from crooks like you.
Trump was a crook? you can't answer that....
Greene is very popular. Marxist democrats have convinced themselves that she is very unpopular. They now struggle with their own lies.
See, I THOUGHT so, but these leftists carry on like she's --- hated Hillary or someone. Thanx, I like this woman. She's very Trumpy, and in case no one has noticed, a lot of us like that a lot!
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Nah, she is just too bold for you. Loving your country does not make you a screwball.
That's it! Too bold, too ----------------- colorful, my all-purpose descriptor of Trump and co. But I love it, and I have learned so much for it: not to be nice back to people who are trying to stomp me, for instance.
Sure they did. The have borrowed over $20 trillion between them. We have 7% inflation now as a result.

As usual you have no clue what you are talking about. There is no evidencxe that deficits cause inflation. Obama had to deal with a recession caused by the banking crisis he had to deal with. Under Obama the defict peaked and started going down. Under Trump the deficit started growing and even if it were not for the coronavirus spending in 2020, it still would have been over $20 billion. The figure is nowhere near $20 billion under Obama and Biden.
Yeah! Good folks, Georgians. I am glad the horrible Dems are failing at canceling MTG. I think she has a lot of prez or VP potential, once she gets a little older.
Sure you do. She is your idol. She is so good for this country. What a bunch of smelly spew.
Sure you do. She is your idol. She is so good for this country.
Yep. I'm glad you have it figured out! So many leftists prefer the head-scarfed black Muslim Somali terrorist types.

WE, being actual Americans, prefer a handsome blonde woman Southerner with excellent morals and political ideas.
Stand by. The New Yor Attorny General and the Manhatten DA will be getting back to you shortly. Oh and wait until Maxwell flips on him for a lighter sentence, the the prosecutors in Georgia have a shot at him. The Teflon Don is going down. Bigly.
He hasn't yet, note ----- hold your breath till it happens.
Yep. I'm glad you have it figured out! So many leftists prefer the head-scarfed black Muslim Somali terrorist types.

WE, being actual Americans, prefer a handsome blonde woman Southerner with excellent morals and political ideas.
Handsome... Like a man?
No. Not cattle cars. Where are you getting that shit from?. But confinment to their homes and depriving them from entering public places would be appropriate. You conservatives like to blather about personal responsability, patriotism and freedom, right? Well getting vaxxed is patriotic because a sick nation is a compromised nation. You have a personal responsability to protect yourself and your conmunity, and the rest of us have the righjt to be free from those who spread disease.
Yes, you'd for sure be putting people in cattle cars...."for the good of society", of course.

I have the responsibility to take care of my family. I have no responsibility to take care of yours. That's your job. Man up and do it.

Meanwhile, you can pretend I made up the idea, but reality is exactly as I said.

In the next legislative session beginning January 5th, 2022, the New York Senate and Assembly could vote on a bill that would grant permissions to remove and detain cases, contacts, carriers, or anyone suspected of presenting a “significant threat to public health” and remove them from public life on an indefinite basis.

Bill A416 presents a serious risk to the basic liberties of all Americans in the state of New York, including their right to choose whether or not to receive medical treatment and vaccinations related to thus far undetermined contagious diseases.

The bill gives the Governor of New York, his or her delegates – including but not limited to the commissioner and heads of local health departments – the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people through issuing a single order. The orders only have to include the individual’s name(s) or “reasonably specific descriptions of the individuals or groups.”

The department can decide to hold a person or group of people in a medical facility or any other they deem appropriate. The language is purposefully vague.

Though the bill attempts to state that no one shall be held for more than 60 days, the language allows for court orders to waive this maximum detention time. After 60 days, the court is allowed an additional 90 days to consider the detention of an individual, a cycle that can last indefinitely per the opinion of the department.

It goes on to state that the Bill will “require an individual who has been exposed to or infected by a contagious disease to complete an appropriate, prescribed course of treatment, preventive medication or vaccination,” essentially giving the government the right to detain anyone they want and forcibly vaccinate them.
As the language of the bill refers to individuals or groups who “potentially” pose a threat, the bill is a preemptive strike against anyone the the department believes has the capacity to “pose a threat in the future, such as those refusing to receive the COVID-19 vaccination.

There is no explicit reference to what types of contagious diseases qualify a person to be removed from public life, detained in a facility, and forced into medical treatment and vaccination. Anyone can technically be held in isolation until they are deemed non-contagious, which would also raise questions over whether those carrying HIV/AIDS could be released back into society.
Before going any further, it’s important to point out that A416 is one of those “pet bills” from a particular assembly member that’s regularly introduced but doesn’t make any progress. Assemblyman Nick Perry of Flatbush has introduced this bill at the beginning of every legislative session since 2015. Each time, the bill is read into committee, after which it is tabled with no further action taken. The bill doesn’t attract any other sponsors and it’s never come up for a vote on the floor. (You can read the 2015 version here.)

But, as I alluded to above, the mere fact that this bill exists as potential legislation is alarming and should serve as an indicator of the insanely extreme measures some Democrats may be willing to support in the name of controlling the public during a declared state of emergency. That makes it worth taking a moment to review some of the details.

This bill would empower the Governor or any of a number of other public health officials, via the issuance of a single order, to exercise “the right to remove and detain any individuals or groups of people” for an initial period of up to sixty days. That period could be extended upon review by a judge. Such detainees could be held at “any medical facility” or any other facility they deem appropriate.
A CNN talking head "thinks" like you do.

CNN's Leana Wen: The Unvaccinated Should Not Be Allowed To Leave Their Homes

"I think we really need to make it clear that there are privileges associated with being an American," said Wen. "If you wish to have these privileges, you need to get vaccinated. Travel, and having the right to travel interstate—it's not a constitutional right as far as I know, to board a plane….If you want to stay unvaccinated, that's your choice, but if you want to travel, you better go get vaccinated."

To be clear, the range of activities that Wen believes the government should deny to the unvaccinated is incredibly broad. And while it's true that there's no right to use a specific means of travel, the U.S. Constitution absolutely enshrines the right to engage in interstate travel more generally. If the unvaccinated were not allowed to take public transportation, travel to other states, or go outdoors, then the government would not be giving them the "choice" to stay unvaccinated in any meaningful sense.
As far as camps are concerned, Australia's got people in them.
When it comes to the Australian COVID detention centers, mainstream media is working hard to discredit comparisons to Nazi Germany. A quick Google search of the Australian COVID camps will return results ranging from “fact-checks” to pictures of bikini-clad women basking in the sun.

But the truth of these camps is far more sinister, as many of its visitors (read: prisoners) will tell you. There has been harsh criticism of those comparing these detention centers to the Jewish ghettos established under the Nazi regime.

But these comparisons are not unwarranted.

“Imagine that phrase: a woman in a camp in Australia is being detained. That, in itself, tells you where you are,” says investigative journalist Lee Smith, commenting on the alleged detention of a woman in Darwin, Australia in a so-called quarantine facility, without a positive COVID-19 result.

Hayley Hodgson, 26, moved to Darwin from Melbourne to escape the never-ending lockdowns — only to find herself locked up in a Covid Internment Camp without even having the virus.

“You feel like you’re in prison. You feel like you’ve done something wrong, it’s inhumane what they’re doing. You are so small, they just overpower you. And you’re literally nothing. It’s like ‘you do what we say, or you’re in trouble, we’ll lock you up for longer’. Yeah, they were even threatening me that if I was to do this again, ‘we will extend your time in here,’” she said.

“You literally get put on the back of a golf buggy with your bags. And these people are in hazmat suits and everything. They don’t want to come near you because they think you’re infectious. And they literally drop you to your room. And they leave you. They don’t come and say anything, they don’t check up, they don’t do anything. You get delivered your meals once a day. And you are just left.”

Hodgson goes on to describe her experience, including videos of Darwin police officers threatening her with a $5,000 fine if she steps off her 6’X3’ patio without a mask. Claims that the camps are only for residents returning from abroad are a lie; Hodgson was simply identified as a “close contact” of someone who tested positive. Within hours, she was put on a bus and taken to the camp.
If all you've got is NUH UH, save it. I don't want to hear it.

The fact remains that people like you will and have put people in camps.
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