Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Primary Lead

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Stand by. The New Yor Attorny General and the Manhatten DA will be getting back to you shortly. Oh and wait until Maxwell flips on him for a lighter sentence, the the prosecutors in Georgia have a shot at him. The Teflon Don is going down. Bigly.
Trump spent two nights with Epstein dummy...once Trump hitched a ride back to NY with Epstein and the second time they were together Trump booted Epstein from Mara Lago...get your facts straight was Bill Clinton that holds the record for time spent on the Lolita Express....and it was friends of Clinton in the Deep state that murdered Epstein....



  1. Pleasing in form or appearance, especially having strong or distinguished features.
  2. Having stately or attractive proportions or appearance; impressive: synonym: beautiful.
Like the whiskers on her upper lip and chin?
I have the responsibility to take care of my family. I have no responsibility to take care of yours. That's your job. Man up and do it.
And there in lies the problem with you people. You have no sence of community. No concept of shared responsablity. Your attitude is ever fucker for himself. You are a selfish ass like most consevatives who don't give a shit about any one else.

Well let me tell you something. But no protecting those around you- by not being cocerned about your community- you are in fact FAILING to protect YOUR family. You would have to be exceedingly stupid to not understand that . So, do you understand that or not?
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Trump spent two nights with Epstein dummy...once Trump hitched a ride back to NY with Epstein and the second time they were together Trump booted Epstein from Mara Lago...get your facts straight was Bill Clinton that holds the record for time spent on the Lolita Express....and it was friends of Clinton in the Deep state that murdered Epstein....
Nothing to say about New York and Georgia? They are comming for him
Taxes were not high and making it easier to pollute is good for this country. We came through a major recession caused by lax lending and bank regulation. Trump was a crook just like you. Biden was right to undo it. Big government doesa work when it protects ordinary people from crooks like you.
I'm a crook?...why because I'm tired of getting ripped off by lazy liberal scum???...earn your own way through life or do us all a favor and go jump off a bridge you lazy piece of one owes your smelly ass anything...
You are either making that shit up or you are suffering from paranoid schizophrenia
You already want people locked up in their houses. You said so yourself.

It's not a big reach from there to camps, is it?

I notice you have nothing to say about the other things I posted. If you acknowledged them, though, it'd be hard to pretend you're the victim here, wouldn't it?
Like the whiskers on her upper lip and chin?
There are none. Don't judge everyone by what you find attractive in a woman.

And there in lies the problem with you people. You have no sence of community. No concept of shared responsablity. Your attitude is ever fucker for himself. You are a selfish ass like most consevatives who don't give a shit about any one else.

Well let me tell you something. But no protecting those around you- by not being cocerned about your community- you are in fact FAILING to protect YOUR family. You would have to be exceedingly stupid to not understand that . So, do you understand that or not?
I knew it was too much asking you to man up and take care of your own.
I'm a crook?...why because I'm tired of getting ripped off by lazy liberal scum???...earn your own way through life or do us all a favor and go jump off a bridge you lazy piece of one owes your smelly ass anything...
Nobody likes paying taxes. What makes you so special, crybaby?
Nobody likes paying taxes. What makes you so special, crybaby?
Because most Americans pay zero income tax...I fit in the group that pays....I'm sure a troll like you doesn't pay a dime of income tax since you need a job to do so....
Yep. I'm glad you have it figured out! So many leftists prefer the head-scarfed black Muslim Somali terrorist types.

WE, being actual Americans, prefer a handsome blonde woman Southerner with excellent morals and political ideas.
Ideas like Jewish Space Lasers...
And there in lies the problem with you people. You have no sence of community. No concept of shared responsablity. Your attitude is ever fucker for himself. You are a selfish ass like most consevatives who don't give a shit about any one else.

Well let me tell you something. But no protecting those around you- by not being cocerned about your community- you are in fact FAILING to protect YOUR family. You would have to be exceedingly stupid to not understand that . So, do you understand that or not?
Your Russian trolling would be better if you used proper grammar and spelling.
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