Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Primary Lead

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Because most Americans pay zero income tax...I fit in the group that pays....I'm sure a troll like you doesn't pay a dime of income tax since you need a job to do so....
Trump pays zero income tax

Yet you vote for him while you condemn low wage earners struggling to survive
So what? Progressive income tax is the way to tax income, if you are going to tax income. Better get in your time machine and go back 150 years and lose this debate again, I guess.
Let's say your income is $75K.

What are you going to say when the Democrats inevitably claim "the rich" starts at $70K and raise your taxes?

Don't tell me, I can guess.

"Thank you sir, may I have another?"
I knew it was too much asking you to man up and take care of your own.
What horseshit ! I do take care of my own, But I am also part of the community and recognize my responsability to oithers. YOU need to man up and do the same.
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What horseshit ! I do takecare of my own, But I am also part of the community and reccognise my responsability to oithers. YOU need to man up and do the same.
I can't take care of my family hiding in the basement like you do. I don't want to be dependent on the government.

So, I will go do the shit I have to do, and I will not live by the fear that rules you.
You already want people locked up in their houses. You said so yourself.

It's not a big reach from there to camps, is it?

I notice you have nothing to say about the other things I posted. If you acknowledged them, though, it'd be hard to pretend you're the victim here, wouldn't it?
More horseshit !B What did you post that I had nothing to say about. ? Everything that you post is easily shot down
I can't take care of my family hiding in the basement like you do. I don't want to be dependent on the government.

So, I will go do the shit I have to do, and I will not live by the fear that rules you.
How fucking stupid! You are grasping at straws. I am not hiding in the basment . You on the other hand are hiding from facts and reality; Fear does not rule me, but a healthy awarnes of danger is a survival mechanism . I suspect that you will not be around much longer
I'm a crook?...why because I'm tired of getting ripped off by lazy liberal scum???...earn your own way through life or do us all a favor and go jump off a bridge you lazy piece of one owes your smelly ass anything...
As a liberal/ progressive, I have something to tell your ignorant ass. I have worked hard all of my life and have earned every fucking thing that I have. Where do you get that lazy liberakl shit from? You have been fed a whole bunch of lies and are to stupid to know that you have swallowed it whole without a thought
More horseshit !B What did you post that I had nothing to say about. ? Everything that you post is easily shot down
Then go ahead. I've shown that leftists have put people in camps. I've shown that leftists agree with your idea of forced isolation at home with threat of government violence.

If you're feeling your toes stepped on, ask yourself why.
How fucking stupid! You are grasping at straws. I am not hiding in the basment . You on the other hand are hiding from facts and reality; Fear does not rule me, but a healthy awarnes of danger is a survival mechanism . I suspect that you will not be around much longer
I'll be around for years, much to your disappointment, Fear Boi.
As a liberal/ progressive, I have something to tell your ignorant ass. I have worked hard all of my life and have earned every fucking thing that I have. Where do you get that lazy liberakl shit from? You have been fed a whole bunch of lies and are to stupid to know that you have swallowed it whole without a thought
Public School Teacher?
I hear it's the Hardest Job On Earth!
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