Rep Marjorie Taylor Greene Has Huge Primary Lead

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democrats: people who live in rural red states are beer-belching pot-bellied gullible red-hatted trailer trash
democrats: i just dont understand why people who live in rural red states dont support democrats
Democrats elect liberals like Barack Obama and they don't understand why they've completely lost rural voters.
If you folks survived staying in the closet for the first 250 years of America, surely you can survive staying in the closet for another 250 years.
Thank you for admitting that you are a bunch of shameless hypocrits and not very bright either. Making an assuntion about someones sexuality based on their politics is as stupid as stupid gets
You mean like telling consenting adults who they can marry?
Your lame little gotcha doesn't work on me. I think the government shouldn't have anything to do with marriage.

Meanwhile, leftists want to tell me what kind of lightbulbs to use, how much water my toilet uses per flush, what kind of mileage my vehicle must get (until it's outlawed and I'm forced to buy a useless electric POS), what kinds of things I can say on social media.

Don't pretend the left supports freedom.
Your lame little gotcha doesn't work on me. I think the government shouldn't have anything to do with marriage.

Meanwhile, leftists want to tell me what kind of lightbulbs to use, how much water my toilet uses per flush, what kind of mileage my vehicle must get (until it's outlawed and I'm forced to buy a useless electric POS), what kinds of things I can say on social media.

Don't pretend the left supports freedom.
Your lame red herring bullshit about government and marriage doesn't work with me. That is not the issue. My point was that you people on the right do not generally support any reccogition, legal or otherwise for same sex couples. So, yes, I gitcha

As far as all of that other shit goes, along with rights and freedoms goes responsibility. Responsibilty to the environment and to preseve the earth as a habitable planet for future generations. You people cry freedom for youselves but do not give a shit about anyone else. Gatcha again
Your lame red herring bullshit about government and marriage doesn't work with me. That is not the issue. My point was that you people on the right do not generally support any reccogition, legal or otherwise for same sex couples. So, yes, I gitcha

As far as all of that other shit goes, along with rights and freedoms goes responsibility. Responsibilty to the environment and to preseve the earth as a habitable planet for future generations. You people cry freedom for youselves but do not give a shit about anyone else. Gatcha again
Leftists are petulant children.

I support same-sex marriage.

And you call freedom "that other shit".

That says a great deal about you, and none of it complimentary.

Your "gotcha" is so lame, we need to call a veterinarian and have it put down.
Quantify it. Give me a number. And back it up. NOTE: Your wishful thinking is not evidence.

Poll: 55% of Republicans Support Same-Sex Marriage ...

Jun 08, 2021 · Wendell Husebø. 8 Jun 2021 0. 1:26. A poll Tuesday indicates 55 percent of Republicans support same-sex marriage, shifting from 16 percent in 1996 to a more libertarian perspective. The Gallup poll concluded that “Republicans, who have consistently been the party

So 45 % are opposed to:

Record-High 70% in U.S. Support Same-Sex Marriage

Jun 08, 2021 · Democrats have consistently been among the biggest supporters of legal same-sex marriage. The current 83% among Democrats is on par with the level of support Gallup has
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