Rep Paul Gosar R-AZ Suggests General Milley Should Be Hung In Recent Newsletter to Constituents

There are millions of democrook traitors that ought to dangle, but because no one was killing commies here in the 1900's like they should have been, the result is that we have too many now to properly dispatch.

Now we have to wait till they collapse the country and start killing each other for positions in the power vacuum, but no matter who "wins" the people will lose unless the bed wetters really go moonbatshit on each other.
And what was Milley's "crime"?

He assured the Chinese government that, despite Trump's threatening rhetoric, Trump was not planning to nuke China.

That's it. For doing what a sane and decent human being would do -- calm things down and prevent WW3 -- Trump and his followers want Milley dead.

And yes, I am pointing out that Trump and his hardcore followers are violent psychopaths.
Milley said he would warn China if we were going to invade. That is treason and cost thousands of soldiers lives.
No but you do believe that Michelle Obama is a man, so you can't tell a man from a woman.

You also think Biden isn't demented. Lol
And invading China would cost thousands of soldier’s lives?
Yes it would but the guy that is in charge of our soldiers safety would've costed many more if he let our enemy know when, where and when we are going to attack. He should be in jail.
Yes it would but the guy that is in charge of our soldiers safety would've costed many more if he let our enemy know when, where and when we are going to attack. He should be in jail.
Hard to see how he could cost more lives when the reason their lives are in danger is because Trump decided unilaterally to start world war 3.
Gosar has been known for years for making shocking statements, but this guy has become totally unhinged. This man's conduct is unbecoming of a member of Congress. We need to purge the extremists on both sides of the aisle and send adults to D.C.

Does MAGA find this behavior acceptable?

After the riot was in full swing, the Chief’s request for National Guard was finally approved. But even after approval was given, General Milley, the homosexual-promoting-BLM-activist Chairman of the military joint chiefs, delayed. Of course, we now know that the deviant Milley was coordinating with Nancy Pelosi to hurt President Trump, and treasonously working behind Trump’s back. In a better society, quislings like the strange sodomy-promoting General Milley would be hung. He had one boss: President Trump, and instead he was secretly meeting with Pelosi and coordinating with her to hurt Trump.

We have no reason to suspect that Gosar is wrong or dishonest. So there's that.

Where's the proof?

Also: the proper word here is HANGED, not hung. Clothes are hung on hangers. Criminals are hanged.

Hard to see how he could cost more lives when the reason their lives are in danger is because Trump decided unilaterally to start world war 3.
Where did he do that? Miley broke the chain of command and talked to China without permission or orders to do so.

He should have been Court Martialled and throw out.
IOW, Paul is pandering to knuckle dragging simps. Here is Milley's explanation for what he did. It makes Gosar look like the malevolent opportunist he is.


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