Rep Paul Gosar R-AZ Suggests General Milley Should Be Hung In Recent Newsletter to Constituents

The one president in my lifetime who kept us out of foreign conflicts and tried make peace with long term enemies of our nation would have started WWIII?

Based on what, exactly?
Well, if he wasn’t going to start WW3, then why are you complaining about Milley?
He had no call to use his TDS to appease China. All bs
He reassured his counterpart that there was no plans to attack them regardless of 'how erratic the poor old bastard acts, he can't just press a button!'. Unless of course you think there were plans by that sneaky bastard to attack China and Milley thwarted them! Is that what you mean?
No he didn't, that's foolish to think. Milley wasn't at all worried that dumbfuck Trumpybear was going to order an invasion of China. He was worried what the Chinese were thinking Trumpy the Madman might launch nuclear missile strike on them.
He said he would warn China and pedo joe kept him on after that.
Trump was and is unpredictable.

In a recorded address to the U.N. General Assembly in September from the White House’s Diplomatic Reception Room, Trump declared that, 75 years after World War II, fellow nations were again waging a “great global struggle,” this time against “the invisible enemy — the China virus.”
“We must hold accountable the nation which unleashed this plague onto the world: China,” he said.

Comments like those may have been interpreted by China as meaning an attack was possible.
Hardly and even if they did interpret it that way, who gives a fuck? They are not our friends. They are not anybody's friends. Frankly, we should have ceased all relations with them years ago. They are a brutal regime who have been building up their military with OUR money and threatening their neighbors and believe me it's going to come our way someday. It's not an if.

And as far as COVID, they ARE responsible. I don't believe in the conspiracies that they created the virus to purposely infect the world, but we know they knew what they had once it was unleashed in their own country and they tried to keep it on the downlow. They gave no warning to the rest of the world so we could prepare. They allowed it to leave their borders to wreak havoc on this entire planet. A handful of Chinese doctors who managed to get a message out through the Great Firewall of China and warn everyone conveniently disappeared after doing so and the Chinese government still hasn't come clean about its origins and you know damn well they know.

Why are you defending them?

Tried to make peace? You mean tried to get trademarks for Queen Ivanka?

Nice Straw Man. Got any more where that came from?
In an interview Wednesday, Miller told POLITICO that Milley almost certainly told him he was going to call his Chinese counterpart, but he didn’t recall getting a detailed readout of the call after.

“Looking back, I imagine there was a perfunctory exchange between us and our staffs about coordinating phone calls and messages for the day,” he said. “I don’t recall the specifics and it certainly wasn’t in a detailed or more formal way. It was more perfunctory/routine.”

A Joint Staff spokesperson said all of Milley’s calls with his counterparts, including those with Chinese leaders, “are staffed, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense and the interagency.”

While I am the thread creator, I am by no means a fan of General Milley. I personally think the man should have been removed from his position a while ago, but I also don't think it's appropriate for a former president and current candidate as well as a sitting member of Congress to be flinging these kinds of childish playground like insults at the man. It's embarrassing to our country and unbecoming of the institution.
He reassured his counterpart that there was no plans to attack them regardless of 'how erratic the poor old bastard acts, he can't just press a button!'. Unless of course you think there were plans by that sneaky bastard to attack China and Milley thwarted them! Is that what you mean?
Drama Queen
He said he would warn China and pedo joe kept him on after that.
Milley said he would address the intelligence that prompted the phone calls in a classified setting with senators later Tuesday. He also offered to share with the committee “all emails, phone logs, memoranda, witnesses or anything else you need to better understand these events.”

Your tds dont mean hes gonna do it. You and Miley seek help
Trump was becoming increasingly unhinged and disconnected from reality towards the end of his presidency.

I’m glad people like Milley were in the government to protect us from any possible insanity.
Milley said he would address the intelligence that prompted the phone calls in a classified setting with senators later Tuesday. He also offered to share with the committee “all emails, phone logs, memoranda, witnesses or anything else you need to better understand these events.”

He stated he would warn our enemy if we would attack. That's treason.
Trump was becoming increasingly unhinged and disconnected from reality towards the end of his presidency.

I’m glad people like Milley were in the government to protect us from any possible insanity.
Oh bullshit, you people just hated Trump, we never got close to war while he was in office. In fact, Trump hates war. But seems like Biden loves it, he is trying to start ww3. Where is Milley trying to stop that?

To ALL the demonrats here (because you all think and act in lockstep with one another):

You have no credibility because you NEVER criticize the Dim-demonrats

It's not like there is nothing to criticize!

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