Rep. Peter King Calls For Arrest Of Glenn Greenwald - Do you agree?

Should Glenn Greenwald be arrested?

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Defend Liberty
Aug 27, 2008
Appearing on Fox News’ America Live this afternoon, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) called for the prosecution of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald for his reporting on the classified National Security Agency information given to him by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Republican congressman also likened Greenwald’s reporting to a hypothetical situation wherein World War II-era reporters had revealed the time and date of the so-called “D-Day” invasion, suggesting he believes the Guardian reporting is tantamount to treason.

“Not only did [Greenwald] disclose this information, he said he has names of CIA agents and assets around the world and threatening to disclose that,” King said when asked by host Megyn Kelly why he wants to prosecute the reporter. “I think [prosecuting reporters] should be very targeted and very selective and a rare exception. In this case, when you have someone who discloses secrets like this and threatens to release more, yes, there has to be legal action taken against him.”

Rep. Peter King Calls For Arrest Of Glenn Greenwald: Freedom Of Press ?Cherished,? But ?No Right Is Absolute? | Mediaite

I personally think Peter King has lost his mind on this one, but do you think Glenn Greenwald should be targeted for his reporting?
King lost his mind a long time ago.
Appearing on Fox News’ America Live this afternoon, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) called for the prosecution of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald for his reporting on the classified National Security Agency information given to him by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Republican congressman also likened Greenwald’s reporting to a hypothetical situation wherein World War II-era reporters had revealed the time and date of the so-called “D-Day” invasion, suggesting he believes the Guardian reporting is tantamount to treason.

“Not only did [Greenwald] disclose this information, he said he has names of CIA agents and assets around the world and threatening to disclose that,” King said when asked by host Megyn Kelly why he wants to prosecute the reporter. “I think [prosecuting reporters] should be very targeted and very selective and a rare exception. In this case, when you have someone who discloses secrets like this and threatens to release more, yes, there has to be legal action taken against him.”

Rep. Peter King Calls For Arrest Of Glenn Greenwald: Freedom Of Press ?Cherished,? But ?No Right Is Absolute? | Mediaite

I personally think Peter King has lost his mind on this one, but do you think Glenn Greenwald should be targeted for his reporting?

I voted yes just because it would be a big boon to the freedom movement. Greenwald is a smart cookie and will make them look like complete stooges if they do.
Appearing on Fox News’ America Live this afternoon, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) called for the prosecution of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald for his reporting on the classified National Security Agency information given to him by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Republican congressman also likened Greenwald’s reporting to a hypothetical situation wherein World War II-era reporters had revealed the time and date of the so-called “D-Day” invasion, suggesting he believes the Guardian reporting is tantamount to treason.

“Not only did [Greenwald] disclose this information, he said he has names of CIA agents and assets around the world and threatening to disclose that,” King said when asked by host Megyn Kelly why he wants to prosecute the reporter. “I think [prosecuting reporters] should be very targeted and very selective and a rare exception. In this case, when you have someone who discloses secrets like this and threatens to release more, yes, there has to be legal action taken against him.”

Rep. Peter King Calls For Arrest Of Glenn Greenwald: Freedom Of Press ?Cherished,? But ?No Right Is Absolute? | Mediaite

I personally think Peter King has lost his mind on this one, but do you think Glenn Greenwald should be targeted for his reporting?

I voted yes just because it would be a big boon to the freedom movement. Greenwald is a smart cookie and will make them look like complete stooges if they do.

Well, you're not wrong.
If this country starts prosecuting journalists and fabricating cases against them it's time to change the nation's name.
Appearing on Fox News’ America Live this afternoon, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) ... likened Greenwald’s reporting to a hypothetical situation ... World War II ... suggesting ... treason.

[similar content snipped]”
Rep. Peter King Calls For Arrest Of Glenn Greenwald: Freedom Of Press ?Cherished,? But ?No Right Is Absolute? | Mediaite

I personally think Peter King has lost his mind on this one, but do you think Glenn Greenwald should be targeted for his reporting?


The more outrageous the government becomes the more likely people are to challenge it. Even nutballs might rebel against corporate rule if freedom of speech is put at risk. In short not much stirs people who believe in freedom like a full-on dog-and-pony show trial.

There is no question in my mind that both reporter and source would be convicted.

Then America would have its fourth gut check in a generation. The nation flunked gut checks in 2001, 2002, and 2004. At some point flunking gut checks has see me, feel me, consequences. It'd be interesting to see what happened after the show trials and convictions.
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Appearing on Fox News’ America Live this afternoon, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) called for the prosecution of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald for his reporting on the classified National Security Agency information given to him by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Republican congressman also likened Greenwald’s reporting to a hypothetical situation wherein World War II-era reporters had revealed the time and date of the so-called “D-Day” invasion, suggesting he believes the Guardian reporting is tantamount to treason.

“Not only did [Greenwald] disclose this information, he said he has names of CIA agents and assets around the world and threatening to disclose that,” King said when asked by host Megyn Kelly why he wants to prosecute the reporter. “I think [prosecuting reporters] should be very targeted and very selective and a rare exception. In this case, when you have someone who discloses secrets like this and threatens to release more, yes, there has to be legal action taken against him.”
Rep. Peter King Calls For Arrest Of Glenn Greenwald: Freedom Of Press ?Cherished,? But ?No Right Is Absolute? | Mediaite

I personally think Peter King has lost his mind on this one, but do you think Glenn Greenwald should be targeted for his reporting?

Depends if we would apply this administration's now-famous double standard.

If we charge Rosen as a co-conspirator......

True, no right is absolute, but this has nothing to do with the First Amendment, as Greenwald hasn’t broken any laws, and the government isn’t seeking prior restraint.
Appearing on Fox News’ America Live this afternoon, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) called for the prosecution of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald for his reporting on the classified National Security Agency information given to him by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Republican congressman also likened Greenwald’s reporting to a hypothetical situation wherein World War II-era reporters had revealed the time and date of the so-called “D-Day” invasion, suggesting he believes the Guardian reporting is tantamount to treason.

“Not only did [Greenwald] disclose this information, he said he has names of CIA agents and assets around the world and threatening to disclose that,” King said when asked by host Megyn Kelly why he wants to prosecute the reporter. “I think [prosecuting reporters] should be very targeted and very selective and a rare exception. In this case, when you have someone who discloses secrets like this and threatens to release more, yes, there has to be legal action taken against him.”

Rep. Peter King Calls For Arrest Of Glenn Greenwald: Freedom Of Press ?Cherished,? But ?No Right Is Absolute? | Mediaite

I personally think Peter King has lost his mind on this one, but do you think Glenn Greenwald should be targeted for his reporting?

hes nuts on this.....didn't he just take after the doj for going after James Rosen?
Appearing on Fox News’ America Live this afternoon, Rep. Peter King (R-NY) called for the prosecution of Guardian journalist Glenn Greenwald for his reporting on the classified National Security Agency information given to him by whistleblower Edward Snowden. The Republican congressman also likened Greenwald’s reporting to a hypothetical situation wherein World War II-era reporters had revealed the time and date of the so-called “D-Day” invasion, suggesting he believes the Guardian reporting is tantamount to treason.

“Not only did [Greenwald] disclose this information, he said he has names of CIA agents and assets around the world and threatening to disclose that,” King said when asked by host Megyn Kelly why he wants to prosecute the reporter. “I think [prosecuting reporters] should be very targeted and very selective and a rare exception. In this case, when you have someone who discloses secrets like this and threatens to release more, yes, there has to be legal action taken against him.”

Rep. Peter King Calls For Arrest Of Glenn Greenwald: Freedom Of Press ?Cherished,? But ?No Right Is Absolute? | Mediaite

I personally think Peter King has lost his mind on this one, but do you think Glenn Greenwald should be targeted for his reporting?

hes nuts on this.....didn't he just take after the doj for going after James Rosen?

That was brought up in the interview. He says it's different because Rosen never threatened to out CIA agents working undercover, but of course Greenwald never threatened to do so either. I also found it strange that he didn't want to go after the reporter from the Washington Post in the same way.
True, no right is absolute, but this has nothing to do with the First Amendment, as Greenwald hasn’t broken any laws, and the government isn’t seeking prior restraint.

What is the government seeking - if anything - in re Greenwald?

To your 1A point, seems to me perception is the thing today. Facts haven't been an issue in a public debate for over thirty years. IMO it'd be easy to sell a Greenwald trial as an attack on a free press and free speech.
If an investigation warrants, Snowden should indeed be arrested.
If he really is for transparency he should come back and be transparent.

Except that citizens have the right to privacy, whereas governments do not.
Not when they commit a crime, they don't. But that really doesn't matter, if he is for transparency he should come back and be transparent. He wants the American people to decide....well, we can't if he doesn't come clean.

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