Reparations bill tests Biden and Harris on racial justice

Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.
That is exactly the whining that I have heard from many POC during the past several years. "I feel uncomfortable because there are no heroes, characters in books and movies etc. that look like me." That is the nature of the world. It is also diversity. The left is pushing the narrative that they want a diverse nation as long as there are no white people. Racism is Racism--If you don't like it--don't practice it.
The world saw America's racism on full display. Trying to overturn a fair election because black and brown people help win it. So don't try to lecture me about Racism.
Please come back from your fantasy world and stay on topic. The topic is reparations--the election is another topic. Hijacking threads is frowned on here.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.
That is exactly the whining that I have heard from many POC during the past several years. "I feel uncomfortable because there are no heroes, characters in books and movies etc. that look like me." That is the nature of the world. It is also diversity. The left is pushing the narrative that they want a diverse nation as long as there are no white people. Racism is Racism--If you don't like it--don't practice it.
The world saw America's racism on full display. Trying to overturn a fair election because black and brown people help win it. So don't try to lecture me about Racism.
You are a racist bigot who lives to play the victim card. You want something for nothing and your posts illustrate that point very clearly. If you don't like racism, don't practice it bigot.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
The horse has left the barn. Tough to catch it and put it back in. Problem also is that China is spreading out as is Russia so we are forced to counter that.

China and Russia has gone nowhere.
Well the countries in the South China Sea would disagree. As would Crimea.

This is why we have to waste trillions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.......etc?
Because Dubya got took us over there and we are stuck.

We have chosen to stay there.
Trump wanted to leave if you recall and the Military Command threw a hissy fit. Its a moneymaker for corporate America so we stay and young kids die. Shameful. Tulsi Gabbard agreed and she was thrown aside.

Trump was the CiC.
"I can’t imagine a more divisive, polarizing or unjust measure than one that would by government force require people who never owned slaves to pay reparations by those who never were slaves," McClintok said.

I have to pay for wars against people who never did anything to me.
two wrongs don't make a right.

Sorry, why don't we right that wrong? You ignore your wrongs and I'll ignore mine.
You would only create more wrongs. How does stealing from a totally innocent person right a wrong?

It's the socialist way, comrade. Everyone must share the pain.


That's right. I would hope that reperations might bankrupt the war machine.

The war machine was voted out of office and replaced with Trump. Trump hurt you're feelings so you put the war machine back in.

Nothing changed under Trump. He talked a good talk but he was too cowardly to follow up.

Our military is every bit as much spread around the world.
The horse has left the barn. Tough to catch it and put it back in. Problem also is that China is spreading out as is Russia so we are forced to counter that.

China and Russia has gone nowhere.
Well the countries in the South China Sea would disagree. As would Crimea.

This is why we have to waste trillions in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan.......etc?
Because Dubya got took us over there and we are stuck.

We have chosen to stay there.
Trump wanted to leave if you recall and the Military Command threw a hissy fit. Its a moneymaker for corporate America so we stay and young kids die. Shameful. Tulsi Gabbard agreed and she was thrown aside.

Trump was the CiC.
Damned if he did and damned if he didn't. Even the CiC should listen to his military commanders. Therein lies the problem. They don't want to leave.
Grammar. A scoundrels refuge.
Grammar...A means of clear communication.
Notice how I don't attack the contents of the message or the messenger.
I want people to think and post clearly, not out of anger.
The standard should be to refute the content. This is why in the US adversarial court system, we do not leave it up to the individual to defend, when the decision effects more than a single defendant. Because of this, a defendants poor presentation, or poor grammar doesn't prejudice his case. If we played by the rules of federal decorum, there would be no such sniping about grammar here.
Grammar. A scoundrels refuge.
Grammar...A means of clear communication.
Notice how I don't attack the contents of the message or the messenger.
I want people to think and post clearly, not out of anger.
The standard should be to refute the content. This is why in the US adversarial court system, we do not leave it up to the individual to defend, when the decision effects more than a single defendant. Because of this, a defendants poor presentation, or poor grammar doesn't prejudice his case. If we played by the rules of federal decorum, there would be no such sniping about grammar here.
"I Hate Honky" is not content.
It made sense after the Civil War to help former slaves establish themselves.

But after 150 years, why should this generation deserve reparations and not the next generation and the next and the next?
And that's the weakness of this plan. Once you open the spigot it never closes, only opens further. Within a very short period of time, every grievance group in the country would be demanding a piece of the taxpayer pie.
It made sense after the Civil War to help former slaves establish themselves.

But after 150 years, why should this generation deserve reparations and not the next generation and the next and the next?
And that's the weakness of this plan. Once you open the spigot it never closes, only opens further. Within a very short period of time, every grievance group in the country would be demanding a piece of the taxpayer pie.

No no, repatriations is owned by blacks and white guiltasts, it's RACIST for anyone else

God help us
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery

Yup. I agree. I don't know anyone who was a slave and I sure as shit don't know anyone who owned a slave. That happened 150 years ago. Hell I'm English, Irish and French. I'm sure some of my English and Irish ancestors were slaves to someone. I doubt anyone will be paying be one red cent.

More bullshit brought to you by Democratic imbeciles.
Did your ancestors come here willingly? Were they or their offspring slaves 9n "Americans " soil? That answer is no.
Your ancestors weren't denied jobs, housing, loans etc. So that analogy doesn't have anything to do with this.

Do some research there dummy. Loads of Africans that ended up as slaves when there own people sold them to slavers and loads were warrior captured in battle.

Of course there were Arabs who captured Africans and sold them but as I said many were sold by their own people.

And what does that have to do with slavery that ended over 150 years ago. I don't know anyone who was a slave and I sure as shit don't know anyone who owned a slave. Those folks have been dead for over 100 years.

Reparations is a load of horse shit.
You do research. You gave a dumb analogy about your ancestors to compare to another group of people. Your talking points were stupid, and you went to a old washed up line. Well my ancestors might have been slaves, but I can't get anything.. shut it
Fuck off. Get a job and quit begging for money.

the FACT is that no living person owned slaves. Very few may have benefited from it, but you can't prove shit.

There is NO SUCH THING as collective culpability.

So fuck off.
You fuck off! I have 2 jobs! Pay more taxes than Trump and probably live better than you. I'm not begging you or anyone that looks like you for shit!
Pimps pay taxes?
Why, yes we do! Go tell your Mom she shorted me twenty...
she shorted me twenty

We don't care about your IQ.
It was his momma who shorted him, but still, he shouldn't have made her work the streets. <he started this mods>
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery

Yup. I agree. I don't know anyone who was a slave and I sure as shit don't know anyone who owned a slave. That happened 150 years ago. Hell I'm English, Irish and French. I'm sure some of my English and Irish ancestors were slaves to someone. I doubt anyone will be paying be one red cent.

More bullshit brought to you by Democratic imbeciles.
Did your ancestors come here willingly? Were they or their offspring slaves 9n "Americans " soil? That answer is no.
Your ancestors weren't denied jobs, housing, loans etc. So that analogy doesn't have anything to do with this.

Do some research there dummy. Loads of Africans that ended up as slaves when there own people sold them to slavers and loads were warrior captured in battle.

Of course there were Arabs who captured Africans and sold them but as I said many were sold by their own people.

And what does that have to do with slavery that ended over 150 years ago. I don't know anyone who was a slave and I sure as shit don't know anyone who owned a slave. Those folks have been dead for over 100 years.

Reparations is a load of horse shit.
You do research. You gave a dumb analogy about your ancestors to compare to another group of people. Your talking points were stupid, and you went to a old washed up line. Well my ancestors might have been slaves, but I can't get anything.. shut it
Fuck off. Get a job and quit begging for money.

the FACT is that no living person owned slaves. Very few may have benefited from it, but you can't prove shit.

There is NO SUCH THING as collective culpability.

So fuck off.
You fuck off! I have 2 jobs! Pay more taxes than Trump and probably live better than you. I'm not begging you or anyone that looks like you for shit!
Pimps pay taxes?
Why, yes we do! Go tell your Mom she shorted me twenty...
she shorted me twenty

We don't care about your IQ.
It was his momma who shorted him, but still he shouldn't have made her work the streets. <he started this mods>
All I want from his is context.
Some people have a reason to be angry; I want to know the reason and whether or not it is justified.
The federal governments power to tax, is limited only by where such laws originate. Neither the scope or size or reason faces constitutional limits.
The limits are within the Constitution itself. They can't just tax because they want to.
Article I, Section 8, Clause 1: The Congress shall have Power To lay and collect Taxes, Duties, Imposts and Excises, to pay the Debts and provide for the common Defence and general Welfare of the United States;

General Welfare is a very large catch-all.
Yet they needed an amendment for individual income taxes. You are wrong about this.
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery
Deadbeats often contrive to profit off the labor of others.

Is a debt owed to the uncompensated who were forced to build the wealth of the nation? Of course.

"Reparations" (as in "repair") is an acknowledgement of reality, and a commendable attempt to redress it.

Direct payments to the original victims of slavery are impossible, and determination of the appropriate amount to compensate descendants practicably unfeasible, imho.

The incurred debt can only be assuaged by redressing the history of inequality that has perpetuated the impact of the noxious institution by measures that are directed at the victimized class, not at specific individuals - e.g, remedial programs such as scholarship availability.
Everyone who was ever enslaved has been dead for 100 years. Only idiots and douchebags support the "reparations" insanity.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.
That is exactly the whining that I have heard from many POC during the past several years. "I feel uncomfortable because there are no heroes, characters in books and movies etc. that look like me." That is the nature of the world. It is also diversity. The left is pushing the narrative that they want a diverse nation as long as there are no white people. Racism is Racism--If you don't like it--don't practice it.
The world saw America's racism on full display. Trying to overturn a fair election because black and brown people help win it. So don't try to lecture me about Racism.
Everything is racism with you. Amazing. Is the NBA racist in your opinion? Honest question.
No. I bet it is to you though, huh? Shut up and dribble, right.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.
My educated son-in-law is Brown and says you're an uneducated asshole.
Well if he's your son-in-law, I'm pretty sure you accept his Brown skin, because he thinks and feels like you..Dipshit

Or maybe he treats his daughter well and loves her?....Dipshit.

Independent has more class in his thumbnail than you do in your entirety
The Mean One is very angry that he spent his youth in a gang and not studying.
No. Im educated. Not in a gang. Hard working guy, that despise hypocrites.

I'm from Irish descent, lily white, my ancestors were forced into servitude and basically spent their lives trying to gain their freedom. (Confirmed)

Do I deserve reparations?

Oh snap, tables turned. I don't want reparations. It's bad history and I understand demoquacks should
Did they have to build the railroads?

A lot of them were powder monkeys, they worked with dynamite and eventually....

The point is it wasn't just blacks who were discriminated against, Irish, Italians, Chinese, even other whites, many British, Wales, Scots were too.
Were they slaves??

Look up Indentured Servitude you annoying dumbfck
So were they hung from trees? Were they raped against their will? Were they beat across the back for being brown? We're they free to move around freely?

Indentured servitude is not what African slaves were!!

Stop trying to compare it..Dimwit
Cheez. Here we go. What a load of complete nonsense. Estimated as $300-$350k per person and maybe higher. An eligible black family of 4 would receive 1.2 million paid for by tax payers. Complete lunacy.

'Righting wrongs': Congress is taking another look at reparations for slavery

Yup. I agree. I don't know anyone who was a slave and I sure as shit don't know anyone who owned a slave. That happened 150 years ago. Hell I'm English, Irish and French. I'm sure some of my English and Irish ancestors were slaves to someone. I doubt anyone will be paying be one red cent.

More bullshit brought to you by Democratic imbeciles.
Did your ancestors come here willingly? Were they or their offspring slaves 9n "Americans " soil? That answer is no.
Your ancestors weren't denied jobs, housing, loans etc. So that analogy doesn't have anything to do with this.

Do some research there dummy. Loads of Africans that ended up as slaves when there own people sold them to slavers and loads were warrior captured in battle.

Of course there were Arabs who captured Africans and sold them but as I said many were sold by their own people.

And what does that have to do with slavery that ended over 150 years ago. I don't know anyone who was a slave and I sure as shit don't know anyone who owned a slave. Those folks have been dead for over 100 years.

Reparations is a load of horse shit.
You do research. You gave a dumb analogy about your ancestors to compare to another group of people. Your talking points were stupid, and you went to a old washed up line. Well my ancestors might have been slaves, but I can't get anything.. shut it
Fuck off. Get a job and quit begging for money.

the FACT is that no living person owned slaves. Very few may have benefited from it, but you can't prove shit.

There is NO SUCH THING as collective culpability.

So fuck off.
You fuck off! I have 2 jobs! Pay more taxes than Trump and probably live better than you. I'm not begging you or anyone that looks like you for shit!
Pimps pay taxes?
Why, yes we do! Go tell your Mom she shorted me twenty...
she shorted me twenty

We don't care about your IQ.
It was his momma who shorted him, but still, he shouldn't have made her work the streets. <he started this mods>
Lame ass..."Meathead" fits you.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.
That is exactly the whining that I have heard from many POC during the past several years. "I feel uncomfortable because there are no heroes, characters in books and movies etc. that look like me." That is the nature of the world. It is also diversity. The left is pushing the narrative that they want a diverse nation as long as there are no white people. Racism is Racism--If you don't like it--don't practice it.
The world saw America's racism on full display. Trying to overturn a fair election because black and brown people help win it. So don't try to lecture me about Racism.
Everything is racism with you. Amazing. Is the NBA racist in your opinion? Honest question.
No. I bet it is to you though, huh? Shut up and dribble, right.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.
My educated son-in-law is Brown and says you're an uneducated asshole.
Well if he's your son-in-law, I'm pretty sure you accept his Brown skin, because he thinks and feels like you..Dipshit

Or maybe he treats his daughter well and loves her?....Dipshit.

Independent has more class in his thumbnail than you do in your entirety
The Mean One is very angry that he spent his youth in a gang and not studying.
No. Im educated. Not in a gang. Hard working guy, that despise hypocrites.

I'm from Irish descent, lily white, my ancestors were forced into servitude and basically spent their lives trying to gain their freedom. (Confirmed)

Do I deserve reparations?

Oh snap, tables turned. I don't want reparations. It's bad history and I understand demoquacks should
Did they have to build the railroads?

A lot of them were powder monkeys, they worked with dynamite and eventually....

The point is it wasn't just blacks who were discriminated against, Irish, Italians, Chinese, even other whites, many British, Wales, Scots were too.
Were they slaves??

Look up Indentured Servitude you annoying dumbfck
So were they hung from trees? Were they raped against their will? Were they beat across the back for being brown? We're they free to move around freely?

Indentured servitude is not what African slaves were!!

Stop trying to compare it..Dimwit
I already posted that many Europeans were maimed and murdered by state and federal troops.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.
That is exactly the whining that I have heard from many POC during the past several years. "I feel uncomfortable because there are no heroes, characters in books and movies etc. that look like me." That is the nature of the world. It is also diversity. The left is pushing the narrative that they want a diverse nation as long as there are no white people. Racism is Racism--If you don't like it--don't practice it.
The world saw America's racism on full display. Trying to overturn a fair election because black and brown people help win it. So don't try to lecture me about Racism.
Everything is racism with you. Amazing. Is the NBA racist in your opinion? Honest question.
No. I bet it is to you though, huh? Shut up and dribble, right.
Reparation? Sorry, I thought you said "Repatriation."

The ship leaves in ten minutes. Don't miss it.
You go back to Europe peasant.

I'm not the one claiming that I don't like it here, and I want nothing that I didn't get by way of my own two hands and a little work. Nobody owes me anything.
If you don't get to have laws set up to keep you or people who look or think like you, than you hate it. If you don't like things changing for the betterment of all Americans, you bitches should leave.

How is giving money to one race of people for the betterment of "all" Americans?

You're full of shit. Personally, I have nothing against anyone of any race. It's leftist scum I hate, no matter what color they are. And this country was not built on leftist, socialism, communism, liberalism, or progressivism.
Stop lying! You're a racist prick who tries to hide behind being either a "PATRIOT" against abortion, or pro-guns. When its obvious you don't like any brown people, especially living in America.
My educated son-in-law is Brown and says you're an uneducated asshole.
Well if he's your son-in-law, I'm pretty sure you accept his Brown skin, because he thinks and feels like you..Dipshit

Or maybe he treats his daughter well and loves her?....Dipshit.

Independent has more class in his thumbnail than you do in your entirety
The Mean One is very angry that he spent his youth in a gang and not studying.
No. Im educated. Not in a gang. Hard working guy, that despise hypocrites.

I'm from Irish descent, lily white, my ancestors were forced into servitude and basically spent their lives trying to gain their freedom. (Confirmed)

Do I deserve reparations?

Oh snap, tables turned. I don't want reparations. It's bad history and I understand demoquacks should
Did they have to build the railroads?

A lot of them were powder monkeys, they worked with dynamite and eventually....

The point is it wasn't just blacks who were discriminated against, Irish, Italians, Chinese, even other whites, many British, Wales, Scots were too.
Were they slaves??

Look up Indentured Servitude you annoying dumbfck
So were they hung from trees? Were they raped against their will? Were they beat across the back for being brown? We're they free to move around freely?

Indentured servitude is not what African slaves were!!

Stop trying to compare it..Dimwit
The slaves were freed and came to NYS to collect welfare.
NYS was Republican until the Democrats promised them freebies.
It made sense after the Civil War to help former slaves establish themselves.

But after 150 years, why should this generation deserve reparations and not the next generation and the next and the next?
The irony is that the reparations argument sort of makes it relevant as to whether the colonization of former slaves on foreign soil would have been the better choice to granting them citizenship via the 13th and 14th amendments. One might say "crazy idea" but it may not be crazier than reparations.

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