reparations for slavery


Diamond Member
Jul 14, 2013

I'm so against this as a family genealogist. Because I know for a fact not all whites were slave owners in the past , and not all blacks were slaves in the past. you ever read about the black slave owners? Did you ever read that african tribles men kidnapped their own people sold them to whites off shore. Many blacks now came from other countires were there relatives were never slaves in america or had anythiing to do with American slavery. Maybe blacks should be paying us whites. From 1530 to 1780 black africans their for bearers inslaved over 1 billion europeans ,white for over 250 years. THats 50 years longer then blacks were in slaved in america. How many of us are related to them? We can not do that because so everyone in slaved everyone in the past. It was an excepted practice in anciet times you know in many countires. Should we all go broke to make others happy? Should we go against at lae of the land that say no can be hold repsponsable for one a relative did in the past, and non one can get awarded for what happend doe something done to a relative in the past. I have done my research eight branches, both sides of my family . Not one slave holder in the bunch,. Hard working middle class religious folks, many who have been in this country sence the colones and the civil war. I know who I am and I owe no one nothing. I would love too see everyone in american sit down do your family reaserch learn who you are and were you come from/. Discover something about yourself . Instead of demanding reparations for what you think you know.!
Why don't they go back to Africa and demand reperations from the blacks in Africa that sold them into slavery to whites in America? Why don't american blacks pay reperations to their descendants back in Africa because someone in their family might have sold someone in the other person's family?

No one alive today owned slaves, no one's parents or grandparents owned slaves in this country. We don't owe anyone shit because no one alive today did a thing to them.

Jews, Italians, Greeks, Irish, we've all been slaves at some point. But fuck you don't see any of them always saying they need to get for something that happened a 100 or even a 1000 years ago.

My sister in law is Chinese and her descendants were killed by working on the railroad in America and held in camps until they died from exhaustion but they don't demand reperations.

They want money they can earn it like the majority of people do in this country.
You don't like FACTS do you Marc...
What facts?

Facts like the reality that my grandparents weren't even in America until after the War of Northern Aggression was over and slavery was abolished in America.

And, as you should know, we in Poland freed you slaves back in 1347 under orders of the tremendous Casimir the Great.

So, why should I pay you any reparations at all.
Japanese internees get reparations. Light bulb goes on in the black criminals school of skudugery/ Elmer Gantry school "how can we leverage that' into the big bucks but look legit? BLM!

I'm so against this as a family genealogist. Because I know for a fact not all whites were slave owners in the past , and not all blacks were slaves in the past. you ever read about the black slave owners? Did you ever read that african tribles men kidnapped their own people sold them to whites off shore. Many blacks now came from other countires were there relatives were never slaves in america or had anythiing to do with American slavery. Maybe blacks should be paying us whites. From 1530 to 1780 black africans their for bearers inslaved over 1 billion europeans ,white for over 250 years. THats 50 years longer then blacks were in slaved in america. How many of us are related to them? We can not do that because so everyone in slaved everyone in the past. It was an excepted practice in anciet times you know in many countires. Should we all go broke to make others happy? Should we go against at lae of the land that say no can be hold repsponsable for one a relative did in the past, and non one can get awarded for what happend doe something done to a relative in the past. I have done my research eight branches, both sides of my family . Not one slave holder in the bunch,. Hard working middle class religious folks, many who have been in this country sence the colones and the civil war. I know who I am and I owe no one nothing. I would love too see everyone in american sit down do your family reaserch learn who you are and were you come from/. Discover something about yourself . Instead of demanding reparations for what you think you know.!
Well, they just want some money for nothing that involved them.
1. Lazy.
2. They won't really get that much, if they do get reparations (they are probably crazy to think that they'll get millions each), it would just be a one time stipend.
3. Lousy money management. Once they got their one time stipend, they'd just quickly burn through it and start whining again, holding out empty pockets.
The whole thing is a waste of time that could be better spent actually sitting down, studying hard and once in the real world, gradually working their way up the workforce ladder.

I'm so against this as a family genealogist. Because I know for a fact not all whites were slave owners in the past , and not all blacks were slaves in the past. you ever read about the black slave owners? Did you ever read that african tribles men kidnapped their own people sold them to whites off shore. Many blacks now came from other countires were there relatives were never slaves in america or had anythiing to do with American slavery. Maybe blacks should be paying us whites. From 1530 to 1780 black africans their for bearers inslaved over 1 billion europeans ,white for over 250 years. THats 50 years longer then blacks were in slaved in america. How many of us are related to them? We can not do that because so everyone in slaved everyone in the past. It was an excepted practice in anciet times you know in many countires. Should we all go broke to make others happy? Should we go against at lae of the land that say no can be hold repsponsable for one a relative did in the past, and non one can get awarded for what happend doe something done to a relative in the past. I have done my research eight branches, both sides of my family . Not one slave holder in the bunch,. Hard working middle class religious folks, many who have been in this country sence the colones and the civil war. I know who I am and I owe no one nothing. I would love too see everyone in american sit down do your family reaserch learn who you are and were you come from/. Discover something about yourself . Instead of demanding reparations for what you think you know.!
Well, they just want some money for nothing that involved them.
1. Lazy.
2. They won't really get that much, if they do get reparations (they are probably crazy to think that they'll get millions each), it would just be a one time stipend.
3. Lousy money management. Once they got their one time stipend, they'd just quickly burn through it and start whining again, holding out empty pockets.
The whole thing is a waste of time that could be better spent actually sitting down, studying hard and once in the real world, gradually working their way up the workforce ladder.
They will be broke within a year and most will commit suicide...Hmmmm.

I'm so against this as a family genealogist. Because I know for a fact not all whites were slave owners in the past , and not all blacks were slaves in the past. you ever read about the black slave owners? Did you ever read that african tribles men kidnapped their own people sold them to whites off shore. Many blacks now came from other countires were there relatives were never slaves in america or had anythiing to do with American slavery. Maybe blacks should be paying us whites. From 1530 to 1780 black africans their for bearers inslaved over 1 billion europeans ,white for over 250 years. THats 50 years longer then blacks were in slaved in america. How many of us are related to them? We can not do that because so everyone in slaved everyone in the past. It was an excepted practice in anciet times you know in many countires. Should we all go broke to make others happy? Should we go against at lae of the land that say no can be hold repsponsable for one a relative did in the past, and non one can get awarded for what happend doe something done to a relative in the past. I have done my research eight branches, both sides of my family . Not one slave holder in the bunch,. Hard working middle class religious folks, many who have been in this country sence the colones and the civil war. I know who I am and I owe no one nothing. I would love too see everyone in american sit down do your family reaserch learn who you are and were you come from/. Discover something about yourself . Instead of demanding reparations for what you think you know.!
Reparations for slavery is something you accrue through early investment in 401Ks and retirement plans and then it there for you at retirement.
Directly from that article from the OP's NBC piece. .

". . . Proposals for reparations programs have also been raised by reparations advocacy groups in recent decades. The National African American Reparations Commission, for example, has a 10-point reparations plan that includes calls for a national apology for slavery and subsequent discrimination; a repatriation program that would allow interested people to receive assistance when exercising their “right to return” to an African nation of their choice; affordable housing and education programs; and the preservation of Black monuments and sacred sites, with the proposals benefiting any person of African descent living in the US. . . ."

So let's say this guy is the son of some African immigrant that came here in the 1950's, just after the war. . . and this guy would be eligible, even though his family never had anyone who was enslaved? Sort of like Obama. . .

NBC and The National African American Reparations Commission are telling us, "with the proposals benefiting any person of African descent living in the US. . "

that in essence, yes, Obama would be eligible for reparations.



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